Splitting zealous and anti robot as two separate spiritualist faction, instead of the current amalgam, would a first step, but there is still a lack of religion and spreading (which is in itself a lack of soft power)
All spiritualist pop belongs to a religion, which by default would be planetary folk (non affiliated)
Spiritualist ethic would give establish religion +1, with regular having the guaranteed tech Clergy unification and fanatic having the guaranteed tech Galactic religion
- Clergy unification: Tier 1 society research, cost 2000 and requires Planetary Unification; Give a lump sum of unity and Edict Fund +10
- Galactic religion: Tier 2 society research, cost 4000 and requires Clergy unification and establish religion of at least 1; Allow for the establishment of religion
- I'm putting religion as something unlocked early, but not from the start so you have time to establish yourself on the galaxy map to better select what kind of religion and bonus you want and you usually don't have an immediate neighbor to try and influence yet
- Could alternatively be a single tech already unlocked by fanatic and guaranteed for regular spiritualist that requires 10 in game year to activate like faction
- Origin or civic could have it from the start and / or with unique effect and twist
Established religion would be a vassal enclave available in new religion UI next to policy and edicts (think of mercenary enclave with vassal terms)
- Enclave contact UX would benefit from a rework, regular enclave dialogue is annoying as click close and reopen window, but trying to find a mercenary fleet to not be in breach is terrible. Selecting effects and name for mercenary enclave would give it more personality, and if we also get pirate enclave ...
- You would select the name of the religion, spiritualist pop effect, the kind of organization and outlook (policy)
- Pop effect could be extra extra unity, amenity, output or reduced upkeep
- Kind of organization could knight order (navy to help in war), preacher (half effect on all pop and extra spiritualist attraction), faithful (extra effect on spiritual pop) and missionary (spread by itself, creating religion mission minor enclave without player intervention, with trade deal, and embassy effects)
- Outlook would include who's divine (local god (default), toxic god, psionic trait leader, luminate trait leader, the worm, shroud entity, etc.), Shroud approach (open, controlled, banned), Bio enhance, psionic and cyborg pop acceptance (divine, normal, heretic) other religion (kinship, tolerated, heretic) and other things.
- The religion UI would list all known religion on the left (with number and % of pop and leader from your empire in it) and when click on, it would show it's effect and controller on the right, with controller being able to initiate contact to change options at the cost of unity and non controller being able to adopt or reject (not limited to one).
- Spiritualist pop would select a religion affiliation amongst in empire present or adopted religion
Empire would have a new policy of religion to guide interaction
- Enforced atheist (All religion as rejected)
- Open minded (religion can spread in through treaty and embassy giving other empire the ability to build religion mission structure and all considered adopted)
- Dogmatic (only adopted religion can spread)
Now that you have a religion, you might want to spread it (or not, xenophobe empire religion for example), so there is a need for some soft power to push around your will in negotiation. The first is through diplomacy and the second through war.
- Trade deal need to be expanded to have diplomatic (unequal) treaty and serve as the basis for all negotiation and soft power. Current bilateral treaty commercial, science, migration, defensive, etc. would be moved here so you can now sweated or extort value out of the proposal, as well as new one way term like abolished slavery, religious control exemption, vassal, one way treaty, etc.
- I don't recall if trade length is already modifiable or it's always 10 years, but it should be with an option of indefinite.
- Those should bypass ethic restriction, displeasing those ethics
- Which would now join revanchist or independentism faction
- Diplomatic weight and neighbor should be considered in negotiation as it serves well enough as a soft power value number, giving some positive acceptance to trade deal at base value. Non neighbor would ignore the diplomatic weight bonus, as you're far.
- For example, if you have 10k diplo weight compared to the target 5k diplo weight, you could start with 5 acceptance with nothing proposed, letting you have for example (with random numbers) 50 mineral per month for nothing, a non aggression treaty which also pays you credit, getting a free science treaty with somebody that you would have paid for instead, enforcing religious control exemption to get your religion to flow in, etc.
- In war it would be similar, but for peace negotiation.
- Reuse the trade deal window for the peace negotiation, with occupied sector prefilled for both side and acceptance balance at 0.1. Not sure if AI offer trade deal, so they might now really used it, but they have weight in trade deal, so they would participate even if played lead.
- AI personality with desires certain treaty might simply auto add a treaty and give the other points for them to select what they want, with AI on AI, defaulting to the most populous planet, so most value, and closest to their capital with in empire sector, to not be cut off; while player choose.
As such, now you can pay, diplomatically bully or military enforce to have your religion in an other empire. Religion providing spiritualist attraction, some of their pop and leader would slow convert ethic and take your religion, and creating the zealous faction. The empire could embrace the faction, ethic and your religion, become your co religionist; let it live and suffer minor inconvenience (additional faction, thus less unity and happiness) but having enough ethic attraction to counter balance (which could require one of the policy that reduce happiness happiness, thus less output, or simply costing more edict fund / unity); or repress the religion and faction, leading to smaller faction, but with negative unity and happiness and those pop also joining the reactive faction for independence (which you could then support (operation?) to increase their strength, forcing the empire to act, giving them freedom and you a new friend, letting it build in civil war that you can help or accept demands which prop back the zealous faction, thus conversion of the empire)
With enough friend, you form a federation, probably the spiritualist one, which should now have a slot for religion to put your religion (or none if want to be open spiritualism) as a galactic church organization to help incorporate more empire into your sphere of influence (new empire in federation would convert with time, with or without bloodshed; and federation president would have more diplo weight to push for religious agreement, thus easier religious agreement).
In case of more than one religion, like trying to covert another spiritualist empire, secondary religion, like your own spreading in, it would join in an existing core spiritualist faction, but depending if you religion wants to coexist, no additional faction effect and would slowly increase appeal with the power of the religion controller empire, or dominate, in which the pop would also be in a reactive faction to push it as the main religion while creating core faction internal strife.