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Tinto Talks #20 - 10th of July 2024

Welcome to another Happy Wednesday, for the 20th Tinto Talks, where we give out a lot of secret information about our absolutely 100% super-secret game Project Caesar.

First of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your great feedback, which is helping us shape this into an even better game.

Today we talk about what will replace the Technology Levels and National Ideas of EU4. While some aspects of the Idea system are covered by the Societal Values and/or the Laws of a country, this new system will cover the rest.


Maybe these advances are good for us?

What were different effects from the Technology Levels and Ideas are now something we call “Advances”. Advances can unlock new diplomacy, new units, new abilities for units, new character actions, new subject interactions, new estate privileges, new laws, new policies in laws, new inheritance systems, new casus belli, new government reforms, new cabinet actions, new buildings, additional levels for buildings and new production methods. An Advance can also unlock mechanics like investing in stability, building roads, collecting taxes and much more. Last but not least, advances can also give you important stats like more literacy for your nobles, or better military tactics.

At the start of each age, each country will get a new Advances Tree, which will be unique to that country. A tree usually contains about 100 advances, some which are common, and some that are specific to who you are playing. Every tree, except the Age of Tradition, has 4 different starting points, a common one, and one from each institution. The ones from an institution tend to unlock relevant advances to that institution.


Eventually all advances will have fitting and often unique icons, but for now, the sickle is good!

About 70% of all advances in a tree tend to be common for every country, but the rest depends entirely on which country you are playing. Over one third of the advances in a tree in Age of Renaissance and Age of Discovery does not require any institutions to research.


This is part of the tree unlocked by the Meritocracy Institution..

We also took the national ideas and adapted to advances. Some of them made no sense and were lost, but in general the starting bonuses ended up as two Age of Traditions advances you start with already researched, and the rest is spread over the rest of the ages, with what was the finishing bonus as an advance in Age of Revolutions. In many cases they have been moved to the appropriate time as well, so currently many unique and powerful Swedish advances are in the Age of Absolutism. We have also heavily revised those whose names survived, and when we work in making unique content for a country, we aim to add more advances as well.


Poland currently has 16 unique advances...

We also have a lot of unique advances for what culture you are playing, or what religion you are playing, if you are a country that can own locations or not, and for what type of government you have.

Some of the ideas from the idea groups ended up directly as advances unique for certain types of countries, like the Horde Government ones were converted to unique advances for Steppe Hordes, and the Divine Ideas as unique advances for Theocracies.

However most of the ideas ended up being sorted into an administrative, diplomatic or military focus, with at least 10 in each category for every age, starting with the Age of Renaissance?

Why 3 categories? Well, at the start of each age, you will pick one focus, which will add those advances to your tree for that age. Now you may think, why would anyone pick something else than the military? First of all, there are different powerful benefits and tough choices you have to make. Let's take a look at the choice in the Age of Renaissance.
  • Administrative - Better Administrative Efficiency, Lower Interests, better proximity propagation, Cheaper Mercenaries and more..
  • Diplomatic - Better Merchants, More Diplomatic Reputation, March Subjects, Cheaper Warscore Costs and more.
  • Military - More Prestige from Battles, Monthly Tradition gains and more.

Hard or easy choice?

At the start of an age, the tree is populated with the advances depending on what your country is at that time as well, so you will only get relevant advances to choose from in that age. If you switch tags or change religion or government form, that will be seen in the next age.

The Advances tree for Age of Traditions is a bit unique in that it has many starting points, and there are many countries, particularly in the New World, who do not start with all of them. Metallurgy, Agriculture, Written Alphabet, Ship Building & Meritocracy are different starting points who all have trees. Feudalism, which requires to have embraced the institution to research, is in the Agriculture tree, and requires Horse Riding researched first. Legalism is part of the Written Alphabet tree and requires Codified Laws and the institution to have spread to unlock their sub-tree. Many of these are more expensive to research.

This together with lots of unique advances in the first three ages provides an interesting progress as a new world or similar type of country outside of the Eurasian Core.

Each advance has a research cost that is the same for almost all advances. There are a few keystone advances such as “Written Alphabet” that are far more costly though. Every country generates “research” each month, which is “paid” directly into the advance you are currently researching. While a bit unrealistic, but good from a quality of life perspective, you can store up to a year's research without having an advance being researched. There is also a sort of catch up mechanic where advances from an earlier age are cheaper than the current age.

The amount of research you do depends on what type of country you are, if you are a settled country, or still a nomadic group of pops, and on the power of your liturgical language. The satisfaction of the clergy estate and the average literacy of your country also impacts how quickly you research.


As you build up the literacy of your population you're research will grow .

You can also fully automate research and let the AI keep researching for you, and of course we got a proper research queue, so you can just select which techs you want to get, and it will add all prerequisites to the queue as well, and you can keep adding any valid advance to the queue.

Stay tuned, as next week we will delve into the fun and joy of exploration..


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At the start of each age, each country will get a new Advances Tree
This worries me. Imagine saving up to finish an advance you really wanted, but the new age happens a bit too soon. BAM, now it's gone forever and because a small error in timing many decades of effort were in vain. Ages are becoming too much of a hard turning point. I sincerely hope the advances tree gets added to the one you already have, this way, if you really want to, you can still grab advances from previous ages. The phrasing was confusing. Apparently, getting a new tree won't replace the old.

Another thing I find worrying, is how large the advances tree will be. Being so large, it demands a lot of dev time to make and it's a nightmare to balance out. I also fear that the nuances between individual advances will be small. I see a trade efficiency +1% there. That's super tiny. How can you make nuanced decisions if you are presented such tiny, almost negligible options?

16 Polish advances sounds like a lot and honestly worries me too: advances unique to a country are very likely to be more powerful than the generic advances. If Poland gets more advances, making them more powerful, we are again traveling on the road which made national ideas in eu4 problematic: the delta in power between various national ideas in eu4 was very large, making the weaker countries very dull and underpowered to play with. Often have I wondered to play as the Sapmi, but the awful NI discouraged me. Because when I grow as the Sapmi and have to meet the Polish on the battlefield, I'm screwed unless I already completely outgrew them in size. So please, important tags will already have so much unique flavor content that will make them more powerful, should advances really only further make those tags overpowered compared to the smaller tags?

I also understand that advancements research speed depends on how advanced your country is. I hope that there will be catchup mechanisms for successful players. It would be heartbreaking that if you decided to start as a Mongolian tribe and managed to grow large and meet the Polish, you would almost automatically lose because you behind in tech/institutions/advancements for a good portion of the game. In a way, this ties to a critique: we already have a research system, this is now a second form of research (civilization 6 had also two forms of research, cultural and scientific) but if both types of research rely on similar criteria (like literacy or institutions), why have two distinct research types? Civilization 6 at least forced you to balance out the two research values.
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You chose one per age.
What is the goal of the hard limit on picking focuses?is it to avoid modifier stacking? I don't think it would make sense for an England player who researched diplo tech for navy to be literally a century behind France in military.

Edit:i misunderstood, the focus for bonus powerful advances,you can still pick normal adm advances even if you chose mil as the focus.They should really clarify this in the post.
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Do I get anything if i integrate a vassal who has more advancements than me? simple example. if i integrate Hulk Building Utrecht, will they "forget" how to build Hulks because I own the port locations now?

makes sense from a gameplay perspective, but less from a believable world point of view. (would even be a playstyle, let your vassals do their stuff, swoop in, and take their stuff.)

yes, gameplay > all.
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This worries me. Imagine saving up to finish an advance you really wanted, but the new age happens a bit too soon. BAM, now it's gone forever and because a small error in timing many decades of effort were in vain. Ages are becoming too much of a hard turning point. I sincerely hope the advances tree gets added to the one you already have, this way, if you really want to, you can still grab advances from previous ages.

Another thing I find worrying, is how large the advances tree will be. Being so large, it demands a lot of dev time to make and it's a nightmare to balance out. I also fear that the nuances between individual advances will be small.

16 Polish advances sounds like a lot and honestly worries me too: advances unique to a country are very likely to be more powerful than the generic advances. If Poland gets more advances, making them more powerful, we are again traveling on the road which made national ideas in eu4 problematic: the delta in power between various national ideas in eu4 was very large, making the weaker countries very dull and underpowered to play with. Often have I wondered to play as the Sapmi, but the awful NI discouraged me. Because when I grow as the Sapmi and have to meet the Polish on the battlefield, I'm screwed unless I already completely outgrew them in size. So please, important tags will already have so much unique flavor content that will make them more powerful, should advances really only further make those tags overpowered compared to the smaller tags?

I also understand that advancements research speed depends on how advanced your country is. I hope that there will be catchup mechanisms for successful players. It would be heartbreaking that if you decided to start as a Mongolian tribe and managed to grow large and meet the Polish, you would almost automatically lose because you behind in tech/institutions/advancements for a good portion of the game. In a way, this ties to a critique: we already have a research system, this is now a second form of research (civilization 6 had also two forms of research, cultural and scientific) but if both types of research rely on similar criteria (like literacy or institutions), why have two distinct research types? Civilization 6 at least forced you to balance out the two research values.
is there an alternative to discrete ages?
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I really don't like how aspects of the game are still tied to the admin/dip/mil triarchy. It recreates the core problem of mana in EU4 and only resolves the 'storing up points' part of it -- namely the core problem with mana wasn't just that it was stored, but that within each 'tree' of the triarchy you had mutually-exclusive choices that seemed to have nothing to do with one another. We're seeing that again here:


Why does researching, say, Marcher Lords, mean that my Privateering will suffer? This is fundamentally the same problem as in EU4 where picking something like Influence Ideas means that I won't get better boats until later. It's the same problem rebranded.
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Like this seems to be a pretty radical departure from other games, I think this should be something shown off in practice sooner rather than later. Because right now it's still not really making sense, even after reading the dev replies.
Hey Johan, very informative Tinto Talk, although I do have a question (not related to the topic of this TT)

In previous TTs you said that the UI design is final but I was wondering if it's planned in the future or with the final release to have the UI be slightly more customizable (changing colors of the backgrounds, bigger font and style, etc) ?
they have the winners.
Well, I suppose in a civil war it's believable to kill your enemy intellectuals in rage before your realize they are better at bookkeeping then you...

But I do hope there are certain circumstances where you can "steal" Advancec from a more advanced country by military conquest. E.g. if Incas somehow take a bunch of European colonies they now rule a population who knows a lot about muskets and watermills...
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Is it necessary to select focus at the start of the age? That is, is it possible to start researching generic advances and only choose focus when there are no generic ones left.

How does AI choose focus, is it fixed to match each country's historical path or is it chosen according to circumstances?

Does the player get hints on what would be the historical focus for his country?
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Does it imply there are (Number of tags)*5 different technology trees, all of which were manually created?
Wow... That's an amount of work. And I don't know how to express my feelings about SUCH dedication, just wow

nah, we got code to generate them at load time from the data.
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So if say I don't chose the right focus to get gunpowder in the early game, I never get gunpowder? Come on, you gotta be pulling our legs with that nonsense logic.
I believe it kinda be worked around if general advances could spread through the map like techs in CK2 or Vic3, but overall yes, Tinto really hit the post instead of the goal, speaking football language
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yes, you have to make a choice between those 3 options.

you get a new set of options for the next age

I really like the idea of having to make an exclusive hard choice for a long time frame like an whole Age (100+ years... woo scary and exciting), but I can't help but feel bad about never getting the chance again later?

Perhaps a good compromise would be you can't research any of the other advances from other focuses for the whole Age, but can play 'catch-up' on those other techs in the other two focuses in the next Age in the event you really wanted one of the other advances and associated mechanics (albeit it will be outdated and less impactful in the new age).
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Silly question maybe, but when you say 70% is common and 30% is unique for "every country", we should assume that this solely pertains to "interesting nations" right? Like the 8 "Interesting Nations" for the 5 or 6 different scenarios associated with the start date, as in eu4? I guess I am asking if there is cultural specific national ideas as there was in early eu4, like "German Ideas", "Italian Ideas", "Arabian Ideas", etc, as placeholders for non-"interesting nations", like England, France, Castile, Poland, The Ottomans, etc. Thanks!
Two thing, first instead of choosing one of 3 and getting 10 ideas I'd like to choose 10 out of 30 ideas with a bonus for admin for having majority admin ideas but that's just me. There are marine and navy idea grupes but what if I'm land locked or don't care about them I just lose out on 2 idea grupes. Second non related to the first, it might be cool to have a some great person mecanich like in civ 6 or include great works of writhing and art in the game somehow.
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Welcome to another Happy Wednesday, for the 20th Tinto Talks, where we give out a lot of secret information about our absolutely 100% super-secret game Project Caesar.

First of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your great feedback, which is helping us shape this into an even better game.

Today we talk about what will replace the Technology Levels and National Ideas of EU4. While some aspects of the Idea system are covered by the Societal Values and/or the Laws of a country, this new system will cover the rest.

View attachment 1161586
Maybe these advances are good for us?

What were different effects from the Technology Levels and Ideas are now something we call “Advances”. Advances can unlock new diplomacy, new units, new abilities for units, new character actions, new subject interactions, new estate privileges, new laws, new policies in laws, new inheritance systems, new casus belli, new government reforms, new cabinet actions, new buildings, additional levels for buildings and new production methods. An Advance can also unlock mechanics like investing in stability, building roads, collecting taxes and much more. Last but not least, advances can also give you important stats like more literacy for your nobles, or better military tactics.

At the start of each age, each country will get a new Advances Tree, which will be unique to that country. A tree usually contains about 100 advances, some which are common, and some that are specific to who you are playing. Every tree, except the Age of Tradition, has 4 different starting points, a common one, and one from each institution. The ones from an institution tend to unlock relevant advances to that institution.


Eventually all advances will have fitting and often unique icons, but for now, the sickle is good!

About 70% of all advances in a tree tend to be common for every country, but the rest depends entirely on which country you are playing. Over one third of the advances in a tree in Age of Renaissance and Age of Discovery does not require any institutions to research.

View attachment 1161566
This is part of the tree unlocked by the Meritocracy Institution..

We also took the national ideas and adapted to advances. Some of them made no sense and were lost, but in general the starting bonuses ended up as two Age of Traditions advances you start with already researched, and the rest is spread over the rest of the ages, with what was the finishing bonus as an advance in Age of Revolutions. In many cases they have been moved to the appropriate time as well, so currently many unique and powerful Swedish advances are in the Age of Absolutism. We have also heavily revised those whose names survived, and when we work in making unique content for a country, we aim to add more advances as well.

View attachment 1161593
Poland currently has 16 unique advances...

We also have a lot of unique advances for what culture you are playing, or what religion you are playing, if you are a country that can own locations or not, and for what type of government you have.

Some of the ideas from the idea groups ended up directly as advances unique for certain types of countries, like the Horde Government ones were converted to unique advances for Steppe Hordes, and the Divine Ideas as unique advances for Theocracies.

However most of the ideas ended up being sorted into an administrative, diplomatic or military focus, with at least 10 in each category for every age, starting with the Age of Renaissance?

Why 3 categories? Well, at the start of each age, you will pick one focus, which will add those advances to your tree for that age. Now you may think, why would anyone pick something else than the military? First of all, there are different powerful benefits and tough choices you have to make. Let's take a look at the choice in the Age of Renaissance.
  • Administrative - Better Administrative Efficiency, Lower Interests, better proximity propagation, Cheaper Mercenaries and more..
  • Diplomatic - Better Merchants, More Diplomatic Reputation, March Subjects, Cheaper Warscore Costs and more.
  • Military - More Prestige from Battles, Monthly Tradition gains and more.
View attachment 1161590
Hard or easy choice?

At the start of an age, the tree is populated with the advances depending on what your country is at that time as well, so you will only get relevant advances to choose from in that age. If you switch tags or change religion or government form, that will be seen in the next age.

The Advances tree for Age of Traditions is a bit unique in that it has many starting points, and there are many countries, particularly in the New World, who do not start with all of them. Metallurgy, Agriculture, Written Alphabet, Ship Building & Meritocracy are different starting points who all have trees. Feudalism, which requires to have embraced the institution to research, is in the Agriculture tree, and requires Horse Riding researched first. Legalism is part of the Written Alphabet tree and requires Codified Laws and the institution to have spread to unlock their sub-tree. Many of these are more expensive to research.

This together with lots of unique advances in the first three ages provides an interesting progress as a new world or similar type of country outside of the Eurasian Core.

Each advance has a research cost that is the same for almost all advances. There are a few keystone advances such as “Written Alphabet” that are far more costly though. Every country generates “research” each month, which is “paid” directly into the advance you are currently researching. While a bit unrealistic, but good from a quality of life perspective, you can store up to a year's research without having an advance being researched. There is also a sort of catch up mechanic where advances from an earlier age are cheaper than the current age.

The amount of research you do depends on what type of country you are, if you are a settled country, or still a nomadic group of pops, and on the power of your liturgical language. The satisfaction of the clergy estate and the average literacy of your country also impacts how quickly you research.

View attachment 1161576
As you build up the literacy of your population you're research will grow .

You can also fully automate research and let the AI keep researching for you, and of course we got a proper research queue, so you can just select which techs you want to get, and it will add all prerequisites to the queue as well, and you can keep adding any valid advance to the queue.

Stay tuned, as next week we will delve into the fun and joy of exploration..
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I might have understood that the age focuses are like ideas in eu4, and choosing one locks the researches of the other focuses. Are dose just bonuses or also features? like I see in the renaissance age that the military focus has anti-piracy league, dose it means that if I don't take the military focus I can't join or make anti -piracy league ever? Or it will only give some bonuses about them?

Like in eu4 colonization was locked in the ideas, but since focuses can't be change on the contrary of ideas I fall to think that if let's say I don't take anti-piracy league in the age of renaissance I won't be able to forme anti piracy league when I end up needing it 3 ages later no matter what, while with ideas even in the age of absolutism i would have still been able to start colonization then, (maybe anti-piracy league and colonization are not the actual case, but maybe for other features are?), so there are some particular feature ( that are particularly game changing, like colonization, making tributaries or making an anti-piracy league) that are locked in the age focuses and that have no other way to be unlocked?
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Say Johan, do you have some internal "beta testers" for Tinto Talks? Because it seems your communications skills on this one shot VERY wide given how many people thing choosing a focus will lock you out of one-third of the tech tree. Should'a made it more clear that the foci only add 10 techs on top of a large number of common techs.
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