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2 Badges
Jul 25, 2010
  • East India Company
  • Warlock 2: The Exiled
I recently purchased the EIC retail DVD (NOT the collection), installed it & the Director's Cut patch, uninstalled the demo, and started playing.

For the record, about a week ago, I updated my nVidia video drivers to 257.21. :)

Problem Background:

I tend to micro-manage in an attempt to maximize profits. In my latest attempt, I loaded up an outbound fleet with a mission-based cargo (Diplomatic Papers), Silverware, and Tobacco, then took note of each port along the way where the fleet would have stopped to resupply.

I redirected my fleet to stop in these resupply ports in order to look for kilogram-based cargos like Precious Stones and Jewelry that I intended to carry back to home port before selling.

At my next to last stop (last stop being the mission port), I check prices and found that I'd stopped in the best place to sell my Tobacco. I opened up the Port -> Trading screen and scrolled down to the bottom of the list to my Tobacco.

Bug Description:

When I tried to sell the Tobacco at the bottom of my cargo list, it instead sold the cargo above it on the list -- first the Precious stones, then on the next attempt it sold the Silverware. I finally could NOT even sell the Tobacco at all because it couldn't sell the Diplomatic Papers. :confused:

I like the sliders well enough for purchases, and it works just fine when I interface with the warehouse in ports I own, but when I can't sell only a single cargo at ports I don't own, all my plans are torn asunder. :(
Samppa said:
maybe it helps as a workaround to not have diplomatic items onboard while trading.
This problem occurs with OR without diplomatic papers on board. I've even had it show up trying to transfer items into my home port warehouse over ten years AFTER the most recent diplomatic mission.
Same Problems

I have been playing a Sandbox one and noticed the same thing happening...mainly when you try to "manually" sell items...

Sad state indeed. Also, originator of post is correct...it does not happen just with "specialty" cargo like diplo papers...it happens period w or w/o any special items onbaord.

I believe the selling code is redirected falsely so that it always is set for Sell #1, #2, #3, etc regardless of which item you pick to sell.
Same problem with Director's Cut v1.12 bought from Impulse

I just bought the Director's Cut v1.12 from Impulse and have been playing this for about a week now. I also have come across this bug when attempting to select a specific commodity to trade. It makes no difference what the cargo is. I find it very annoying because I end up selling something I didn't want to at a loss... Aside from this annoying bug, I find the game to be fun. Hopefully this bug will get fixed.
The same happens with buying commodities in the home port, too. Whenever you buy a quantity of goods that force the scroll bar to go up, it fails to do so. The next purchase then is the commodity above the one chosen. AS a workaround for this simply leave the tade screen (pick any other) and return to the trade screen while still in port and the bug disappears.
is this bug going to be fixed? Or at least a work around provided? (It also occurs in the Privateer expansion.)

When trying to micro manage trade for better income on the harder difficulties, or simply vendoring off captured loot after a battle, this bug is extremely frustrating. :angry: