I recently purchased the EIC retail DVD (NOT the collection), installed it & the Director's Cut patch, uninstalled the demo, and started playing.
For the record, about a week ago, I updated my nVidia video drivers to 257.21.
Problem Background:
I tend to micro-manage in an attempt to maximize profits. In my latest attempt, I loaded up an outbound fleet with a mission-based cargo (Diplomatic Papers), Silverware, and Tobacco, then took note of each port along the way where the fleet would have stopped to resupply.
I redirected my fleet to stop in these resupply ports in order to look for kilogram-based cargos like Precious Stones and Jewelry that I intended to carry back to home port before selling.
At my next to last stop (last stop being the mission port), I check prices and found that I'd stopped in the best place to sell my Tobacco. I opened up the Port -> Trading screen and scrolled down to the bottom of the list to my Tobacco.
Bug Description:
When I tried to sell the Tobacco at the bottom of my cargo list, it instead sold the cargo above it on the list -- first the Precious stones, then on the next attempt it sold the Silverware. I finally could NOT even sell the Tobacco at all because it couldn't sell the Diplomatic Papers.
I like the sliders well enough for purchases, and it works just fine when I interface with the warehouse in ports I own, but when I can't sell only a single cargo at ports I don't own, all my plans are torn asunder.
For the record, about a week ago, I updated my nVidia video drivers to 257.21.
Problem Background:
I tend to micro-manage in an attempt to maximize profits. In my latest attempt, I loaded up an outbound fleet with a mission-based cargo (Diplomatic Papers), Silverware, and Tobacco, then took note of each port along the way where the fleet would have stopped to resupply.
I redirected my fleet to stop in these resupply ports in order to look for kilogram-based cargos like Precious Stones and Jewelry that I intended to carry back to home port before selling.
At my next to last stop (last stop being the mission port), I check prices and found that I'd stopped in the best place to sell my Tobacco. I opened up the Port -> Trading screen and scrolled down to the bottom of the list to my Tobacco.
Bug Description:
When I tried to sell the Tobacco at the bottom of my cargo list, it instead sold the cargo above it on the list -- first the Precious stones, then on the next attempt it sold the Silverware. I finally could NOT even sell the Tobacco at all because it couldn't sell the Diplomatic Papers.
I like the sliders well enough for purchases, and it works just fine when I interface with the warehouse in ports I own, but when I can't sell only a single cargo at ports I don't own, all my plans are torn asunder.