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You know it might be nice if they actually finished the first game, before making an expansion.


I think finished is a subjective term.... but yes... though the original game from what I understand, only became the "finished" article after 3 or 4 expansions. So maybe their implementation plan was to phase in features over time. Who knows!?!
Some things seems grossly absent, like the lack of conquest mechanics. But at least the game has few bugs, now, and decent enough AI. Supposedly, the game was abominable on release. But after a dedicated regimen of weekly patches, it's both playable and enjoyable.

I think finished is a subjective term.... but yes... though the original game from what I understand, only became the "finished" article after 3 or 4 expansions. So maybe their implementation plan was to phase in features over time. Who knows!?!
It became a great game with the expansions. I hope this will happen again with part 2 and would buy an expansion.
Damn. What would it take to restart the process?

Prime wasn't really 'finished' until the last x-pac, at which point it had become brilliant. This can be again, well technically it already is but there are a few bare aspects that could use some expansion.
There are no such plans in the near future. Sorry ashbery!

Wait a moment... is 'near future' simply an euphemism for 'yeah that project is finished' or is it merely on hold in regards to the devs' plans for expansions? As in going slower?
Wait a moment... is 'near future' simply an euphemism for 'yeah that project is finished' or is it merely on hold in regards to the devs' plans for expansions? As in going slower?

I would suspect that there arent any immediate plans, but things may change. I guess if they do we will hear about them at an appropriate time.
So personally speaking I wouldnt expect anything soon, but to put the development of this game at the back of your mind, until you hear otherwise. And just play it as it is. :)