10 Years of CS 1 - Firstly - happy Anniversary. I really loved CS 1 and enjoyed playing it.
Unfortuntaley I was hoping for something on the 10 year anniversary
On a day where we all should have been logging on to the game and celebrating 10 yrs of CS 1 .....nothing much happened
I was really hoping to see videos from all the main Content creators like CPP , Biffa, Few Candy, Overcharged Egg , Timeister , Infrastructrulist etc - all of them showing us the new things and celebrating these pasty 10 yrs.
What happened?
No videos , nothing, 10 years came and went and a massive opportunity to re-connect with us (IMO) has been missed.
I would have loved to have celebrated the day in a different way to what actually happened, now all i will remeber of the 10 yrs anniversary will be this.
I mean the dates were clear, something should and could have been set up months in advance , with an initial target for 2 weks prior to the Bday event, so all the Content Creators would be prepared, is this what was planned? and due to some unforseen problem everything had to be pushed back to the 18th?
regarding the state of the game , I dont know what to say, I guess many of the posts are out of frustration, many ppl just want the game to be fixed and I think would really love for it to be a success.
animatrions may be a small thing or big I don't know but that would give a lot of ppl satisfaction to see them back in the game .
For me , the amount of bugs in the game just put me off playing it, plus due to the face it seems that many bugs seem to get lost in translation or simply do not get passed on to CO - it takes alot of time and patience to sumbit a bug report and methinks many ppl just give up - of course its just pure speculation.
Is there any way that we as a Comminity can help?
I would love to help in any way...become a tester maybe?...playing the game and informing CO of what buildings have what problems..please let us know
Sorry if the post seems a bit mixed in positivity and dissapointment, it's just where I am at the moment, somewhere where I have never been with a game before and I realise that its out of having expectations and hoping that CS 2 gets better, simply because I loved CS 1 soo much and when the sequel came out I left CS 1 (uninstalled it) and then tried to play CS 2 .
Long post sorry again, to conclude please let us know if maybe a bunch of us could help with the bugs re testing and helping you guys- anything to take the workload off...even if its small things.
I think we all want the same thing, for this game to fulfill its massive potential and become the greatest city builder ever.
Feedback to game play CS 2 - what we got- i may have misse d a few
Unlimited outide connections - great - massive help
road builder - wow this is really cool
Line tool - yes please
Bigger maps - much larger vanilla maps
New points system - very nice change
Mixed Zoning - really love this
cS2 what I would like
Bug fixes - in regular time schedule- the amount of bug reports seems to have more than doubled
Optimization - less character details in exchange for more cpu