Not exactly. They have given us a release window (Q2). That’s as much a goal as it is a promise for them. I have no doubt they would like to ship it. But wanting to, and being able to are two different things. And I’m sure there are trade offs involved.
The third option is:
Even though we plan to release Ports and Bridges, and will do so if it’s possible, significant uncertainties remain. In short, we plan to, we hope to, but it is possible that it may be delayed. If we choose to delay it, we will let the community know after we reach a definite consensus.
Seems we're back to square one, as if my post wasn't clear. A delivery date can't be a goal or a promise, it's a contract. It's so obvious for anybody who once pre-paid something I don't understand your point.
* If you're not sure when your product will be shipped/delivered, then wait until you are before selling it.
* If you don't want to wait because you're not a responsible company and then you fail to deliver at the date you communicated to your customers, then tell them they can be refunded if they wish.
* If you don't deliver your product and don't offer a refund to your customers, then you're breaking the law.
There's no interpretation or psychology, there, just plain facts obvious to everyone. Please don't tell me you don't care if a pair of shoes you paid on the internet is still undelivered after one full year, I wouldn't believe you.
Let’s assume and accept that PDX can’t refund players for UE for reason they’ve stated.
Let's not assume and even less accept it because it's untrue. A boatload of base games can be upgraded to special editions and the contrary is also true. All the UE buyers could be downgraded to a base game and be refunded the difference. Or being refunded for the whole UE and told by PDX to buy the base game instead (but that would have been even worse for PDX as a lot of people would have kept their money and wait for the base game to be complete and fixed, which it's still not today).
What would you do? Or do you simply think they’re not releasing the Content to stick it to us?
What I would do is what nearly every game publisher does, only sell the finished or nearly-finished product (unless it's badged EA, of course). I just looked at the top 10 New & Trending and top 10 Top Sellers categories on Steam. None of these 19 games (one is in both categories) is selling future content. None.
PDX choose to do so in oct 2023, while knowing the base game they were releasing was still in a terrible state. Then it went downhill until the No Beach For You DLC which prompted the "way forward" communication (not only the DLC was rated a unheard of 4% rating but the base game was at the time around 30%). But nothing changed about their politics of taking the money first then delaying the delivery.
We're in march 2025 and when asked about Bridges & Ports, the most waited DLC (an expansion with new mechanics, not just another radio or CCP) one full year late, the official answer isn't: "
it'll be released in the next quarter as you've been told, don't worry" but:
as to Bridges & Ports, all we can say is that we're working on it (as unsatisfying as that both is to hear as it is to say). More news will come as soon as we can share it!
Then when asked to clarify what all this uncertainty means and if we should interpret it as the possibility of a 5th postponing, no answer.
PDX is a 2 billions $ multinational with a bunch of business lawyers. They know they're breaking the consumer laws. As for sticking it to us, I'll let you draw your conclusions yourself.