We don't usually post the patch notes until the patch is out, and like I saw someone else comment, sometimes there are last-minute changes, so we will wait until that version is out before we post the Patch Notes.
We shared as much as we can about the
Asset Editor on Thursday, and as to Bridges & Ports, all we can say is that we're working on it (as unsatisfying as that both is to hear as it is to say). More news will come as soon as we can share it!
So lemme see if I understand correctly.
For the 10th anniversary of the series, you guys:
-Produced content for the 1st game instead of focusing all hands on the second game (I don't care about the "They're creator packs" excuse- they still require effort from CO)
-Are celebrating the release of already-owed content like it's a big new thing you're giving us as a special gift, when the fact is it's content you legally owe players
-Have no release date for content that was owed a full calendar year ago and purchased a year and a half ago, despite it supposedly releasing very soon, essentially soft delaying the content instead of owning up to yet another delay and simply telling us it's delayed again
-Still aren't making any effort to do that more-and-better communication we were promised by THE CEO OF THE COMPANY
-Did a livestream where the hosts didn't answer questions and were frustrated with viewers over the ones they *did* answer
-Are launching a paid subscription service for the original game rather than simply lowering the price of the content, both of which are designed to draw players to the game you are supposedly no longer actually supporting, further increasing the gap in CS1 versus CS2 players, which has always been in CS1s favor and grows more in its favor each day
Are we to draw any conclusion from this whatsoever beyond "Cities Skylines 2 is a failed product and we have no intention of properly supporting it"?
No news on the asset editor. No news on the console versions. No news on content people paid for a year and a half ago and have been owed for a year. A paid subscription service for a 10 year old game, competing with yourselves against your newest title. Is this a month early april fools joke?