Prologus : Bonus
Excerpts from the interview of Titus Pullo Armoricus, Comes Evocati of the Roman Empire by Publius Paulus Pulcher (recorded in 2174 in Cartago, diocese of Africa)
Pulcher : Thank you for receiving me, Comes Evocati. I hope I do not disturb your retreat here in Africa.
Armoricus : Of course not. You know when you are 85, there isn’t much to do, except telling what you did when you were young and gorgeous *he laughs and then pauses*. I can’t believe that our Dictator Perpetuo lets you do a “critical biography” of Qintus Aabetus Macro.
Pulcher : I don’t think this work will ever attain the great public but I take every opportunity the State gives me.
Armoricus : If you say so. *he sits in an elegant Greek armchair and invites his guest to sit as well* So why did you come here ? Most of the information on Qintus must be in the
Urbs. What could a retired Comes say that would be so interesting.
Pulcher : Well, your name comes often in the texts related to Macro. You were in the same Legio Marinae, took part in a few battles, got promoted at the same time, and after the war he named you Comes Galliae. And yet you have disappeared in this villa after all, not taking part in the postwar government. It seems there is more to the story than the propaganda says.
Armoricus : What can I say, I always hated that *redacted* bureaucracy. I may have been a good soldier once but I was an awful administrator. That’s why he became
dux while I remained
centurio princeps in the
Marinii. Ah the
marinii of the Imperial Times. We were the bravest of all you know. It is the
marinii that won in Japan, it is the
marinii that took control of Korea. Sure the
aviatii helped along the Navy but the tasks we did during the war, those legionaries could not have done it.
Anyway, enough rambling, you surely want to hear how I became an acquaintance of Macro ? Well we met in Castra Floriensis with all other marines. War would erupt soon said everyone and so numerous poor guys like myself joined into the Army. He came from Antillia, me from Gallia. Ever been to Condate Redonum ? Nice city before the war. Never gone back since my enlistment. I’ll surely never go once more anyway ….
So we met in the 2nd cohort of the Legio Marinae II “Orientalis”. We weren’t particularly close in our regiment until the war in fact. I won’t tell you the whole fighting we did in Pacificus, there must be better retellings in books somewhere. We landed on much of the Indonesian islands, that’s our second cohort that took Kiribati for example ; we fought on Okinawa, god that was an awful place – you know that photo where marinii place their flag on that mountain ? I knew the 5 guys on it. None of them survived the war and the plague though …. After Okinawa we received new recruits for the invasion of Nippon, the one state that posed problems in our blockade of the Chinese sphere. Both Macro and me were promoted centurio princeps, helped by the fact that at that time we were the last men formed at Campus Floriensis. We took Kyushu together with the help of the Legio XXXVI ‘Pacificus’. They nearly took all credits those bastards though. With Macro we were proposed to enter military school to progress in the hierarchy. I refused, he accepted. While I was conquering that archipelago filled with fanatic bushido warriors, Macro was *redacted*. Anyway we saw each other in Korea. After the disgrace of Rubinensis because of the failure of the Northern Campaign, Macro had been promoted Duces Legionis Marinae ‘Orientalis’. And he did good that bastard ! Korea was taken in a swift campaign and soon we crossed the Great Wall. Without any nuclear bombs like those pansies in the
limitanenses ! Anyway Macro left us to assist the capitulation of the Chinese Emperor in Nanjing. It was quite something the days that followed. I mean we were the masters of Terra ; Rome had prevailed and we had our
Imperium Sine FIne. Nobody could envision that Lao Chiang *he spits after pronoucing his name* and his disciples would unleash Hell on Terra.
Pulcher : Where were you when the Plague hit ?
Armoricus : Me and my cohort were tasked with securing the Liaodong Peninsula. Nasty business that was. And the men wanted to benefit from the victory … I had to *redacted* 10 men because they had *redacted*, and *redacted* an entire village after one of the legionaries had *redacted*. Winning was something … but keeping the conquered territories that was another thing entirely.
And then the Plague hit us. I was the first infected. I had seen a friend of mine who was in the Classis, tasked of supplying us. He died a few days after. I heard he had contracted it from a wounded who had gone to Shanxii. Anyway in our Roman World there was no barrier for the Plague and it swept without any problems. Half my cohort died ; I survived but I still have the scars as you can see *he points to his face and laft arm*. The sickness was dealier for the locals because of the privations of the War. We heard the death of the Emperor then the death of the Pope and the Patriarchs, then another deaths and then communications stopped for a while… Mutinies began in all the conquered territories. Desertion was common. The High Command dead we had no strategy, no plan. And it was at this moment that Macro took the reins. He had been promoted Comes at the end of the war and he had received the aquila of command from the hands of Prince Claudius, the magister militum Orientalis. And only Macro survived of all the commanders in the area. He organized a rally point in Formosa of all troops in China, Korea and Japan. We even took all locals who wanted to flee as long as they could fight. A quarter of the troops were Chinese after that. And thus began our flight toward the Heart of the Empire.
Pulcher : You mean ‘Operation Aquila’ ?
Armoricus : Call it as you want. It was merely us soldiers going onto ships and fleeing back to Europe.
Pulcher : Did you know his plan at the time ?
Armoricus : I was in the High Command at the time so yeah I heard. As the Fleet progressed toward the West we received the allegiance of several
Palatini corps throughout the European territories. Africa and Asia were deemed less important and thus we *redacted* the soldiers there *redacted*. I know it’s crude but well there is no other way to put it. We *redacted* them. The New-World had quarantined himself quite successfully and a local centurio had proclaimed the new republic. We dealt with them later.
We landed in Syracusae : that would be our headquarters until we retook the Urbs. Macro had won the approval of most in the Army, except of course the democratic movement in the Western dioceses. He had to face the ‘Saint’ in Jerusalem who had rallied most of the Near-Oriens and of course the last emperor : Titus Constantinus Victor in the capital. I can’t speak about the Oriens since I was assigned in Gaul but a victory of Constantinus Victor would have been a catastrophe for the Human Race. I assume you have heard or read some of his speeches ? Especially the ones about the future of the Chinese ? Making them slaves for what one of them had done ? *Tsk Tsk* He was a madman and I’m glad he did not survive the war. But that bastard can be thanked for one thing : he knew that science was important and he encouraged the various scientists to create a cure. When we stumbled upon their research, half the job was done to create the virus. It would have been *redacted* to create the cure without *redacted*. Macro made wide reforms in the Army. He abolished most of the various titles that the aristocracy had, making the command chain clearer. No distinction of races or sex in the new Army ; it was strange at first and many soldiers needed some ‘adjusting’, me the first. When we heard that Li Yiang, the
Tigris of Yunnan was promoted Dux Aegypti, there was some outburst. But he was a damn good leader, that
Tigris. Same with Apollonia Aetia. Her campaign in Hellas was something I would never have envisioned. Facing hords of fanatic militia with low supplies and winning despite all odds ? Unbelievable. Anyway it’s thanks to Macro that we have the current hierarchy with a magister militum controlling a War Theater, below him a Comes commanding several legions and below Duces tasked with one Legion. A welcome change for sure.
From Gaul I rallied the various troops and sieged Rome along most of our forces. I barely took part in the actual fighting. And then I was made
Praefectus Galliae, with the task of enforcing authority on Gallia, Hispania, Germania and Britannia. Not that I made much, I just delegated orders and ensured that everybody fell in line with the new Order. That’s where I met Pluvius, the successor of Macro. I even helped him climb the hierarchy. I was replaced in 2139, and named Comes Marinii for the upcoming fight in the New-World. *he pauses* And then I was in Rome for the instauration of the Regency and of the Dictatorship.
Pulcher : What happened in Vinelandia ?
Armoricus : *he takes a few minutes before answering* We fought, they died, we won. End of story.
Pulcher : There should be more to the story. You were in Tiberia and you were also present in the capture of the last Republican stronghold.
Armoricus : That was an awful war that’s all. All wars are bad, that’s sure. I had seen my share of atrocities in Asia and Europe. But there we had compatriots with whom we could relate to. Their emphasis on Liberty was perhaps too strong for a good soldier like me but their regenerated Republic based on military meritocracy … that was something that many legionaries liked. Too many good men on our side *redacted*.
Pulcher : Excuse me ?
Armoricus : Yeah the State doesn’t talk about it much. I mean *redacted* is badly seen and would disturb the good vision the people have of the Reconquest of Vinelandia and Hesperidia. We had to be harsh toward our own men. Macro ordered the decimation of all “contaminated units”. Even sub-officers were touched by the phenomena. It left a stain we could not forget, and Macro didn’t want us to forget…. You wanted me to tell you how our Dictator was as a man ? He could be just, pragmatic, intelligent but also highly ambitious and cruel. Never heard about the fate of the Constantinus Victor family ? All the remnants of the Imperial family *redacted* on his direct *redacted*. The story of Mons Helena ? Some *redacted* ! The Consul of the New Republic was not *redacted* in their stronghold. He was *redacted* and put to death by *redacted* himself.
[the rest of the passage has been classified due to the nature of the facts exposed. Only grade A officials can consult them]
Pulcher was sentenced to death after high treason against the state in 2175, his works classified. Armoricus would live until 2183, dying of an heart attack in his villa of Cartago.