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Johan Elisson

ex-Great War[lord]
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Apr 11, 2002
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N!ghtY and JosipT agreed to split the AI-scripting with each other a while ago. I don't know if they have done anything, but I'll talk to them later.

I did a download for you in this thread but the site is down at the moment so try this instead, but with the same instructions:


Copy and paste into your browser. For others, this is not an alpha, so don't bother downloading it.

Many thanks to you N!ightY!

i think the ai behaviour should be more....

1)allies-at beginning years allies should be on defense with maybe a script where the french attack through Lorraine at the very beginning of the war.
2)Definitely the AI should use large groups to attack, no 1-2 units attacking at one time like in HOI
3)In the East front neither the Germans or the Russians need to attack anywhere during the first 10 weeks of war.
4)After the first month of war, the AI should hardly ever retreat from a battle it inititiated, in an assualt against an enemy trench soldiers rarely turned en mass back to their trenches because they would have to go all the way back across no mans land to get to their lines.

That's my 2 cents for now. I'll try to think more about WW1 behaviour
Make the AI play overall defensively, but tactically offensively. I don't know how to explain it, but maybe try to make it switch from a defensive posture to an offensive posture right after the enemy makes a botched attack? Try to exploit any kind of weakness there is in the enemy line? Make them keep a reserve behind their lines which they can use to move to the certain sector that they want to attack. Try to make it most like the WW1 strategies and decisions. Make the Germans use something like the Schlieffen Plan for their western offensive.
Originally posted by N!ghtY
Still waiting for 1.04 to appear :)
What should a ww1 AI behave like?
Any ideas and suggestions ?

I would look to what the powers did historically to see how the AI should behave. The general plans for all the powers were going to come into being come hell or high water. (See Von Moltke's statement to the Kaiser that it would take a years paperwork to stop the trains.)

So for Germany it should follow the Schlieffen Plan (or the modified version that was actually followed.) unless an event is written allowing the German ai to change their plan before the war starts, i.e. change the ai file to the new appropriate stategy (chiefly being an eastern victory is priority instead of western)

Then if they do not capture Paris (if they keep the Schlieffen Plan)have them move to a defensive position in the west and an offensive one in the east.

For France look to Plan XVII for their ai script, then if the Germans get a historical Schlieffen plan, i.e. what they historically took, move to a defensive with occasional large scale offensive attacks.

For Russia, an initial attack into German, continue only if they capture certain German territories else go on the defensive. Then if on defensive go onto offensive against Austria.

Austria intitial defensive against Russia (most of its strength against Russia) with offensive thoughts on Serbia, unless Russia breaks through the Carpathian defensive ring.

The Turks defentely defensive except agianst Egypt, if they do not capture it after a certain date they go on total defensive except againt the Russian caucuses.

Britain neutral unless Belgium is invaded, then to moves units to the western front, egypt, and greece if they get greece to join the war.

Bulgaria if greece is in the war a defensive postition there and offensive against the Serbs.

Japan to get all German territories in the Pacific then go real quiet.

italy if on Entente offensives against Austria, if Central then offensive agianst British Egypt and France.

US when entering total shift to the western front.

Well that is all I can think of right now.
Lol fuhrerdammenrung it's hard to put into words exactly what you mean, even though you have it worked out completely in your mind :)

But I agree for the very beginning of the war Germany should concentrate on completing the objectives of the Schliefen Plan. This would cause them to concentrate the bulk of their forces on the Western Front at the very beginning until such a time until either the AI completes it's objectectives (capturing Paris and key French towns) or it turns into a stalemate (i.e. RL) and they are forced to turn forces onto the Eastern Front to avoid being steam-rolled by the Russian Masses. My input yet again.
A question for N!ghty and JosipT- In the ai files I noticed the lines

distrib_vs_ai = reactive
distrib_vs_human = reactive

If both those were changed to even wouldn't this cause the ai to try and build up an even amount of troops along a border that the ai or human player has. This could be help simulate trench warfare and it should make the ai attack with about the same amount of units as the enemy has defending right?

BTW I'm not an AI expert so can't be positive.:D
Will the German AI keep its High Seas Fleet in Wilhelmshaven for most of the war to represent the 'jailor-prisoner' situation vis-a-vis its situation with respect to the Grand Fleet?
Heya all

About german ai :
Defensive against russia (this was the major threat for german , they fear russia more then anything else).
Offensive against france , plan for german was to kill france quickly then switch to eastern front .
So the ai must attack france and when they get close to paris there must be a kind of event for france (like mobilisation ) where france gain new unit that can be laucnh quickly (aka taxi event) to the front to drive them back farther to the north.... then german reorganise and both france and german start a defensive war.
BTW there must a kind of verdun war , where german try to attack the biggest stack of french unit in order to kill the more of people , not to win the battle.
Originally posted by Allenby
Will the German AI keep its High Seas Fleet in Wilhelmshaven for most of the war to represent the 'jailor-prisoner' situation vis-a-vis its situation with respect to the Grand Fleet?

Sadly it will be tricky to make it do so, i suspect. Maybe we will see more of the Tirpitz Risk Flotte strategy. Namely, they Germans throw it away early in the war.
Originally posted by Kaiser Bill
Sadly it will be tricky to make it do so, i suspect. Maybe we will see more of the Tirpitz Risk Flotte strategy. Namely, they Germans throw it away early in the war.

Der Tag in the first week then ;)
I know you guys hate clutter, but...

Crazy screenshots from hands off game as Der Schweitz. This isnt your work, I know, I know, but could serve as warnings when someone does AI.

1915 Russians doing well! Austrian AI is pathetic. I believe Germany has already met the proposed defeat condition?

1917 Germany pushing to the Urals. Ottomans have been defeated. The yellow blob in Serbia is Japan.........!?!?

1919 Germany, despite its huge gains in the east, is on the verge of defeat. Italy annexes Austria, Japan is in the process of carving out a Balkan empire.


1921 Germany is reduced to Alsace Lorraine and some isolated pockets in the east, and the allies will soon launch their final attack.......or will they? Pink blobs in Russia being British Dominion of Russia.....


Well, not quite. The AI is reluctant to attack level 10 forts. The Swiss had to break their old tradition of neutrality to assume military control of the allied forces to finish the 7 year encirclement of Alsace Lorraine....


So there - Japan should only really care about the Pacific, and the Ottomans and Austrians could be problems, but I trust everyone working on the official mod will sort things out. Also, the beachheads in the Baltic coast - I propose leaving only Rostock, everything else removed, ie: Elbing, Konigsberg, Riga, Talinn.

Comments and abuse welcome. Yes, yes I brought up something "irrelevant" and wasted space on the board but crazy stuff should be shared.....
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AI and HOI T:GW Mod

Since we are coming close to release we should probably discuss the various country AI's and how to go about doing that. So I propose we use this thread to discuss such things. (Note that as of this posting no 'official' AI has yet been written.) So suggestions are welcome.
Originally posted by SykoNurse
I´ll merge your post with all the screenies into that new AI discussion thread.

Thanks SykoNurse, I was hoping you would.