Originally posted by emperor dennis
Ofcourse i'm still interested; just tell me wich ai's I have to start with.
Well at the moment we need just about everyone coded.
But ones that absolutely need to be done now are: Great Britain, Germany, France, Austria-Hungry, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Ottoman Empire, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia/Montenegro, the US, and Japan.
These were the historical majors and minors.
For GB: We need their navy to concentrate on the North Sea, English Channel, and to a lesser extent the Med.
We need their army to make sure England it self is adequately protected (to keep stupid AI from launcnihg a Sea Lionesque invasion), but to send most of its land forces to France/Belgium. Second priority goes to defending Egypt, and occupying German Africa.
A decent mix between building ships, soldiers, and tech.
For France: Their navy needs to concentrate on the Med, but send some support to GB in the North Sea/Atlantic.
France's armies need to concentrate on the German border, then a few forces to Belgium's border to aid in the defense there, and then finally the least priority is the Italian border and occupation of German West Africa.
France should contruct a lot of infantry with a moderate attention to tech.
For Germany: We have an event for Germany that lets Germany choose whether to follow the Schlieffen Plan or not, so we may need a AI only event that changes its priorities depending on what it chooses.
First the German Navy will be independent of this decision. Its priority should be gaining superiority in the North Sea and the English Channel, but only if it has the strength to do so, else remain in port. Also a strong presence in the Baltic is needed.
For German the Army:
Case A) (Historical path) Heavy presence along the French and Belgian borders with wanting to occupy Paris. Then a good defensive force along its border with Russia. (Probably a small force should be sent to protect those stupid beach landing areas in Germany to keep one division Entente forces from landing there!).
Case B) (Full Schlieffen Plan) Same as A but with troops shifted to cover the border with the Netherlands also.
Case C) (Russia first) Defensive forces along the border with France, and large concentration of forces along the Russian German border.
German should produce a lot of infantry, very few ships, and a moderate attention to tech.
Russia's priority should be their border with AH and Germany, and a small force along the Turkish border. Their navy should try to gain advantage in the Baltic and Black Seas. They should produce infantry/cavalry type forces with a very small tech budget.
AH should keep a small force along its Italian border, a large force against its border with Russia, and a large force with its border with Serbia/Montenegro.
Its navy should concentrate on the Adriatic Sea. AH should build lots of ground units, and with a small to modest attention to tech (bigger than Russia's but not by much).
Serbia/Montenegro: Build infantry/Cavalry like mad, and keep everything along the border with AH (perhaps a small force along the Bulgarian border).
Bulgaria: Build ground units, and concentrate on the border with Romania and Serbia (small force agianst Greece's border too).
Belgium: conentrate on building ground units like mad, and defend the border with Germany.
Japan: Take German posessions in Asia, then it should go to sleep content with its gains there.
US: before war, small tech investment and NO unit buildup. When at war: building units (ships/ground units) at an insane rate. Then concentrate in France.
For the Ottoman Empire: (3 choices) (Same as germany we may need to have AI events only to change OE's AI characteristics)
Choice A) Join the Central Powers (Historical), concentrate on Egypt with a strong defensive force in Iraq, and beach landing areas. Another good size force along the Turkish Russian border in the Caucuses.
Choice B) Neutral (Unhistorical choice 1) small investment in tech, and light buildup of forces, but do nothing but protect borders.
Choice C) Entente (Unhistorical choice 1) concentrate on building units and placing them on the Bulgaria border.
Italy: (Same as OE and Germany, three chocies that may need AI only events to change characteristics)
Choice A) (Historical-Entente) navy should try to break into the adriatic sea. land forces concentrate on AH's border.
Choice B) (join CP's) Navy in the Med. Land forces protect Libya and move into French North Africa and british Egypt. And then protect Italy itself with a modest force along France's border. (vanilla Hoi AI might be good enough for this choice with a modest changes to it.)
Choice C) Neutral. Do very little except modest tech investment and small unit construction with favoring of the navy.
Everyone else left in the world should have a small tech budget, and limited unit construction. But be mostly asleep. (So you could create one or two of these and just copy and past to the rest.)
emperor dennis: perhaps if you send StephenT a PM telling of your new role as AI guru he can send you the latest copy of our alpha version so you can tinker.