Another idea is to limit the number of claims on foreign Dukes and Kings we're allowed. Say to one King title and 5 Duke titles.
Well, do people agree with this or should we have only a timespan? I personally don't like to waste too much prestige grabbing expensive titles so that's an unwritten rule for me in all my games. But say, what if a claim holder joins your court? You will accidentaly break the rules sometimes.
Catholics may not heathen bash outside Europe unless they are in a Crusade, and it must aimed at taking Crusade goals and whatever is needed to secure them and make peace offers. Keep in mind that you should offer peace immediately after taking Crusade goals until the enemy accepts.
Thanks for clarifying
Orthadox may not heathen bash outside the old Roman Empire (i.e. no further east than Mesopotamia) and Eastern Europe.
I think this can be somewhat of a radical change, but considering that the Roman Empire didn't go that far in the East, then there might be no problems. Any thoughts?
I don't understand what you mean by this one. Could you elucidate on it?
It means that we will help a player that has not enough piety to conclude peace with a heathen in case the heathen is isolated and can't be conquered (shipping costs are too high). I don't think we need this rule, and maybe I will erase it unless people here found it necessary.
My worry has been that without AAR rewards we'll end up with a tragedy of the commons... As Manstein says though, we don't need to decide with finallity on the AAR rules right now. In fact that goes for any of the rules. It's our game, and we can see how it goes.
Thinking about it, basing the reward content on word count is probably the worst thing to do... As Manstein said, some people can't write as much as others and some people like to put up more screenies, rather than using words. We've already discussed voting for AARs, well, perhaps we could base the rewards on on votes, rather than word count. Let's say people would get these options with each AAR:
I thought fasquardon's AAR was:
Great! 3x bonus.
Good! 2x bonus.
Worthy! 1x bonus.
Unowrthy! Have a tomato.
Also, some ideas for other rewards could be:
Convert a province to culture X (unless it is a non-European Muslim province)
Convert a province to religion X (unless it is a non-European Muslim province)
Convert a province to or from heresy
Generate a random courtier of a certain type (eg. martial, clerical etc.)
As before, any such changes would have to be justified by events in the AAR and/or the character of your ruler.
Many people here, for now, will write the AAR's without any rewards. Maybe rewards can be an alternative thing, say, if a person has written an excellent AAR's and all or most of the other players say so, then it can choose to receive an in-game reward such as money, prestige or whatever we agree upon giving them. There shall be not any rigid criteria about writing "an excellent AAR", like word counting, but this would rather depend just on the personal choices of the players.
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