rsobota said:
b) People are only allowed to grab one king title per approved timespan, so basically if you grabbed a title, you will have to wait until some time has passed before grabbing another one.
Another idea is to limit the number of claims on foreign Dukes and Kings we're allowed. Say to one King title and 5 Duke titles.
rsobota said:
d) No heathen-bashing without an excuse that might make sense for the period. eg. Russian Principalities may bash the heathens in historical Russia, but not in Egypt; Italy may bash heathens in Jerusalem if it is a crusade target, but not if there is no crusade. No heathen bashing outside Europe unless you are in a Crusade, and it must aimed at taking Crusade goals and whatever is needed to secure them and any peace offers. Keep in mind that you should offer peace immediately after taking Crusade goals until the enemy accepts.
There's a bit of redundancy in the above, how about changing it to this:
Catholics may not heathen bash outside Europe unless they are in a Crusade, and it must aimed at taking Crusade goals and whatever is needed to secure them and make peace offers. Keep in mind that you should offer peace immediately after taking Crusade goals until the enemy accepts.
Orthadox may not heathen bash outside the old Roman Empire (i.e. no further east than Mesopotamia) and Eastern Europe.
rsobota said:
d) People shall never assassinate courtiers inside their own court without stating a good reason to do so first. It is forbidden to assassinate characters inside your court just for reducing badboy.
This should be (e), but it's a good suggestion.
rsobota said:
b) When declaring war against a powerful AI or human, the player must give a role-played reason and warn every other player.
I reckon players should announce any declaration of war they make against a Christian foe. In fact, it's probably more important to declare wars against the weak.
rsobota said:
c) It is, as a general rule forbidden to annex another player's vassal if you are not at war with his liege, unless he has given you permission - either explicit, by agreeing to it out loud, or implicit, by not DOWing you when you DOW the vassal. Blitzing during Crusades or Wars is forbidden, and mobilizing before DoW’ing a human is forbidden. A player must DoW a human first before mobilizing
Hmm... Thing is, blitzes have happened so often in real history, I'm a bit uncomfortable making a rule against it. Ditto surprise attacks where the agressor has mobilized well before the enemy, and scattered their opponents before they could prepare an organised defence...
Personally I'd prefer to deal with this kind of thing in a balance-of-power way within the game, so if some player used "unChristian" tactics against another player, we organise a coalition against them, and restore the counrty they hurt. Or not, as the case may be.
rsobota said:
e) A player will be helped if he is in a war against heathens and can’t make peace with them because of lack of piety, in case the heathen is isolated or after all the players decide it may be necessary to make peace.
I don't understand what you mean by this one. Could you elucidate on it?
rsobota said:
a) AAR’s are an essential part of the game and we strongly recommend people to write them.
My worry has been that without AAR rewards we'll end up with a tragedy of the commons... As Manstein says though, we don't need to decide with finallity on the AAR rules right now. In fact that goes for any of the rules. It's our game, and we can see how it goes.
Thinking about it, basing the reward content on word count is probably the worst thing to do... As Manstein said, some people can't write as much as others and some people like to put up more screenies, rather than using words. We've already discussed voting for AARs, well, perhaps we could base the rewards on on votes, rather than word count. Let's say people would get these options with each AAR:
I thought fasquardon's AAR was:
Great! 3x bonus.
Good! 2x bonus.
Worthy! 1x bonus.
Unowrthy! Have a tomato.
Also, some ideas for other rewards could be:
Convert a province to culture X (unless it is a non-European Muslim province)
Convert a province to religion X (unless it is a non-European Muslim province)
Convert a province to or from heresy
Generate a random courtier of a certain type (eg. martial, clerical etc.)
As before, any such changes would have to be justified by events in the AAR and/or the character of your ruler.