This will be our first new major IP released since the original Crusader Kings over 10 years ago.
So this means no Vicky (Unless they decided on creating a new IP of the same era. Johan has stated he was unsure what more to do with the era.) which would fit in with the technological hint. It seems as if this will be OUTSIDE of the years 400 AD to 2000 AD. (Due to them stating that this isn't a cold war.) This leaves Ancient and Classical eras, or Modern and future. Since Johan said that this was something new, I doubt it's Rome since they've already made a game of Rome.
Seven and Three are important numbers.
Eras? Planets? Rulers? Civilizations? This really could be anything. It could refer to the Seven Emperors (Caesar, Augustus, Galba, Hadrian, Nerva, Sallust, Vespasian) or even the Seven hills of Rome.
There will be no stabbing of pigs.
Seems to point evidence away from Rome and unto something new. Again seems to point towards something we haven't done yet.
Terrain truly matters in this game.
This however speaks against a space game. Terrain doesn't really matter, unless it's battles fought on planets. But that shouldn't be a large part of the game if I know Paradox's way of creating games if it truly is a space game. Points to the modern era.
Game Director is Henrik Fåhraeus, 15 year industry veteran, lead designer behind the Crusader Kings and Hearts of Iron series.
This doesn't seem to be much of a hint. He's been part of the games Hearts of Iron, Crusader Kings and Crusader Kings II. So he's experienced in medieval-style combat as well as WW2 era. I don't think this is gonna be much of a hint.
Elections and Technological Development are important parts of the game.
Again seems to point towards Modern or space. I simply cannot see Technology as being a super integral part of a Rome or other ancient/classical game. In Vicky 2 technology was a big part of the game. I cannot see something like that fit in with Rome. Nor can I see elections. In the modern day, democracies are king. This is really the age of democracies. I don't think that fits in with Rome that well, unless it's the Roman Republic, which is possible but seems to focused for a new major IP.
I would think it's a modern game. Maybe with a twist. A post apocalyptic game would fit the bill pretty well, but not as well as a modern. We'll simply have to wait for more hints to see if this analysis is correct.