Here are sreens of my latest campaign on personnal mod as germany. This is post world war 1 situation. While the start of the war went well for germany, progressing rapidly in France and slowly but surely in Russia, trouble began to present themself by early 1915.
Early plan to attack south africa with all troops available in the colonies failed. The great eastern enveloppment movement against russia failed against a massive counter attack of Russian empire. In France, the defensive position adopted by french halted the progression and the situation became hard when the netherlands decided to backstab germany and seizing the Rhur ; After some gain and looses on the east front in 1916, a trench war began while on the eastern front slow progress where seen again after a quick turn over of the situation with netherlands;
On 1917, things went well for germany, making slow progress on each front. Evacuation of Africa turned into miracle as all division were saved after raiding some african lands and meating the mighty english navy that failed to sunk our rescue fleet. After a risky sneak move and submarine diversion by attacking convoy, everybody came back in the motherland. But not everything went well for the alliance. Serbia retreat in albania pushed greece to intervene in the war and join the allies as well as romania. After initial gains in the war ottoman cracked under the pressure and lost middle east to a new great arab empire decided by france and england; In the US, after a referendum to join the war, tension raised between north and south which finally led to a civil war.
1918 decided the victory of germany with the fall of Paris. With the urge of a needed victory, costly offensive and political intrigue finally broke russia and then the soviets. A first landing in UK was made in scotland to liberate the country; Nonetheless, things were beginning to turn bad as more and more english division came back from middle east. The brave scott troops helped by the african army divisions saved earlier managed to gain time for another landing to be made in south, this time with the full strenght of the german army. Naval battles were fierces but a security corridor managed to be held for the invasion to continue; After few months of resistance and a long siege of london, UK resigned; At the same time, austro hungarian and german forces were breaking italian lines and greeks troops to rush capitals cities to force them to surrender. One more month and god knows what would have happened within the german forces, exhausted of these 4 years of war.
the great arab empire is already crumbling while others emerge (Senussi and Tunisia). Saudi declared war to hedzad hopping to take control of all araby + syria and Irak.
In the america, Guyana took its independance followed by Trinidad and Tobago. Venezuela decided it was the right time to expand and declared war on them. Rumors says they are looking to ally Colombia and Peru to form a strong south american alliance.
After winning the war against the south for a second time, USA decided to punish mexicans raids and attacked mexico. The civil war was still going on and poncho villa was assasinated few month later.
In south east asia, the crumble of british empire turned into a massive decolonisation movment with dutch east indies facing independance struggle while a goverment in exile was formed. They managed to ally japan to try to gain back the control of the situation. Much norther, Indochina collapsed with cambodgia and laos revolt but french army went to stabilize the situation. You can actually see a second revolt going on, this time supported by german covert actions; China is deposessed of major costal cities including port arthur which is surely going to pose major diplomatic issue with the beyand govermenent and japan.
Africa is exploding into many countries and both France and UK seek now to sign peace with their former colonies as they don't have the strengh anymore to fight while Versailles treaties undermined what was left of their main bases in Africa.