One thing I always see not considered in the "Evasion is bad' discussions is the amount of damage mitigated by not even being fired upon. With old Bulwark you had your 50% DR but the enemy would hit you with every attack so you'd get all the incoming fire possible and would reduce the damage by 50%. With 5+ evasion pips (achievable with any 4/6/4 mech including Battlemasters) enemies typically fire only one weapon at you until your pips are removed and then you get the full salvos. Less incoming means less chance of a head strike.
I'm really looking forward to the new skills. My old go to was Outrider with Evasive move, Ace Pilot and Bulwark. It gave me a lot of defensive options - fire then move; evasive move for more pips; or face tank with bulwark. Now I'm looking at taking Sure Footing and then both Guts skills for new bulwark and coolant vent. I can move between cover reaping the benefits of both Sure Footing and new Bulwark and then use Coolant Vent to mitigate heat along with melee as required.
I've raised exactly that more than once and the reply is always "but what about AC20s to the face?"
The idea that evasion has probably saved me from countless AC20s to the face without ever telling me (because unlike bulwark you don't get told if a shot would have killed you) gets conveniently ignored, but well, meh, you can lead a horse into a bar, or however the idiom goes.
Definitely agree with the rest of your assessment of the skills. Having SF with BW is only slightly worse than my best case scenario pre-1.3 i.e. 5 evasion and vigilance, which literally felt like invulnerability every time I popped it. Here was me assuming we were losing defences with the revision, but now, as long as we've got cover, we can do it *without* morale abilities, and even get up to 6 pips with a Shadowhawk at Piloting 6!