Philippe of AGEOD/Paradox created a very detailed Rome-themed game that was very similar to EU: Rome but the publisher;Dreamcatcher if irc; didn't support it at all and it died a horrible death. Now that Philippe is on the inside of Paradox I am sure that there is a good posiblity that a Rome 2 will be released. Philippe has also said for a long time that he wanted to do a Rome game again. It would just make so much sense. I think the Clausewitz engine is perfect for this era. Maybe after NC 2. I think it would be even better if the game were to focus on a shorter time span than several hundred years. Something like EU: Rome vs Carthage running from 280 B. C.-200 B.C.
Actually rather than limiting the time frame I would actually like to see it expanded. Particularly backwards into the time of Alexander the Great, the preceding conflict between Athens and Sparta, and the conflict between Greece and Persia. While I claim no major expertise in these eras the technology, trade and "civilization" levels are really not that much different than the Roman era. Agree that the game technology now available vs when Rome I and its variants were designed has improved dramatically. Obviously another vote for Rome II.
Actually rather than limiting the time frame I would actually like to see it expanded. Particularly backwards into the time of Alexander the Great, the preceding conflict between Athens and Sparta, and the conflict between Greece and Persia. While I claim no major expertise in these eras the technology, trade and "civilization" levels are really not that much different than the Roman era. Agree that the game technology now available vs when Rome I and its variants were designed has improved dramatically. Obviously another vote for Rome II.