Another group of Bulgarians(2-3 tribes around 150000-200000) settled in the area known as macedonia these days and there they became part of the Bizantium empire along with the same number of slavs living there at that time. And they have been there all this time.
Hello, we are slavs, not mongols. And i have nothing against tatars, but bulgars get offended when you tell them that the same way i get offended when they say i`m bulgar... Let me tell you a story that my grandfather told me, that his grandfather told him, his grandfather to him and so on... My people are slavs and they came here from behind the donau river... They payed the byzantines a bag of gold in exchange for a permission to found a settlement under the Skopska Crna Gora mountain... SO, regardless of any propaganda, this story has been passed on from generation to generation. So you see, I know what i am- a slav, as well as more than 60% of the population. SO you can drop it, there is no bulgar history in me apart of my grandmother who was born near targoviste and later moved to skopje, who my grandfather mariied after WWII. So, my friend, there may even be some bulgars here, but they were asimilated bu slavs since they outnumbered them by far. And the scenario is exactly what we need, cooperation. A union of slavs that almost happened after WWII. There was an idea of a confederation- the yugoslav republics with bulgaria, a true slav state, but unfortunately stalin didn`t like the idea and executed your president GEORGI DIMITROV. He recognised the macedonians as a nation. Check with your history book. The point is, instead of arguing we should work together, and that is exactly what this scenario is all about... Give all countries a core on all slav provinces and make them allies... From there, who knows? Maybe an event of unification into Slav Empire? Who knows? PUT THE HATRED ASIDE, WE ARE ALL BROTHERS, ONE NATION- SLAVS. There are more than one slav state now and that is a problem, everyone has it`s own propaganda that makes them hate the others... I say that is because somone from the outside sought to make the slavs fight eachother, a unified slav state would be far too powerful and it would have a great strategic location... It is much easier to rule us from the outside when we are divided... Think about it. I hate no one, especially not slavs... I love bulgars, serbs, bosnians, croats, slovenians, checzs, slovaks, ukranians, russians, poles and belarussians... Not that is what should be unified, and that is what we all should want to be unified..., not nato, not anything else... First slavs, than EU, than NATO.