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Alright it was really hard to find more leaders for AOZB (thanks to Hax for the article, that helped a lot!), the army was very limited so the number of leaders also. Now we got 49 leaders that existed. Can't find more. Also if we want we can add random dudes at a later stage of the mod. :)

Here is the file: aozb.csv

Great thanks! :)

Do you maybe know if all those leaders at least had the rank major?
I think I could have a task for Freak. There was a period of conflict in Bosnia from April until May where battles were fought before full scale war erupted. Due to game mechanics we cannot start war with Kupres battle (first battle where battalion sized units were used on both sides) because we cannot replicate localised conflicts. In the game version you have, there are events which simply pass a province from one side to another. I think I had events for Glina in Croatia and Zvornik, Brcko, Doboj and Visegrad in Bosnia.

Personally, I dislike set events. Hence I was going to write an event chain which will switch provinces according to some rules. Rules we need to agree on... I was going to suggest we pick a list of provinces which were strategically important and REACHABLE. When an event fires a player chooses which province they take. Obviously this had to trigger most often for RD, then for HB and BOS respectively (offset event is grater for HB and even greater for BOS).

Could we please agree on targets and importance of these so AI can target them properly? Give bigger ai_chance for provinces that are higher on the list. Obviously we may struggle to include some places like Bijeljina which were already enclaves at this point and keeping them in the list will only be a hindrance to AI. I'll start the list: Doboj, Kupres, Brcko, Ilijas, Vogosca, Zvornik, Visegrad.... When you create a country specific event please give a description that will describe what historically happened. Event can be linked to several provinces (e.g. Modrica)
I know HVO took some places in Posavina region but at the start of the game atm they control Posavina region entirely. This may need to be changed to fit in with this logic.

If you need to see the province layout at the start of the war... cheat. f12 and trigger events (all events BOS to secede provinces to HB/RS). Tell me how would you like to change those events...

Here is an event for RS:
event = {
   id = xxxxxx
   random = no
   country = U04
   persistent = yes
   decision = {
      NOT = { war = { country = BOS county = U04 }
      # there will be other conditions later
	trigger = { 
      NOT = { war = { country = BOS county = U04 }
      # there will be other conditions later
   date = { day = 1 month = april year = 1992 }
   offset = 15
   deathdate = { day = 1 month = june year = 1992 }
   decision_picture = "decisions_empty"
   name = "Low level skirmishes"
   desc = "From April in Bosnia there were skirmishes where strategical provinces were taken in preparations for an all-out-war"

   action = {
      name = "Brcko..."
      ai_chance = 30
      trigger = { NOT = { control = { province = 571 data = -3 } } } # Brcko not controlled by friendly forces
      command = { type = trigger which = xxxx } # BOS event to secede a province
      command = { type = belligerence value = 1  }
   action = {
      name = "Doboj..."
      ai_chance = 30
      trigger = { NOT = { control = { province = 443 data = -3 } } } # Doboj not controlled by friendly forces
      command = { type = trigger which = xxxx } # BOS event to secede a province
      command = { type = belligerence value = 1  }
event = {
   id = 7032
   random = no
   country = BOS
   persistent = yes
   name = "Doboj takeover"
   desc = "Serb forces have taken Central Bosnian town of Doboj. Historically, ....."

   action_a = {
      name = "This is bad..."  
      command = { type = secedeprovince which = U04 value = 443 } # Doboj

The fall of Bosanska Posavina:

1/5 1992

8/5 1992

20/5 1992

30/5 1992

14/6 1992

24/6 1992

26/6 1992

28/6 1992

4/7 1992

15/7 1992

26/8 1992

7/10 1992

"Corridor of Life" 7/10 1992

"Koridor 92" je najveca i najvažnija operacija koju je izvela Vojska Republike Srpske u gradanskom ratu 1992-95.

Zapocela je 14.06.1992. sa ciljem povezivanja istocnih i zapadnih srpskih teritorija i razbijanje blokade nad Krajinom.

Cilj operacije je dostignut 26.06.1992. spajanjem srpskih jedinica kod sela Kornica. Operacija je trajala do 06.10.1992. kada je zauzet Bosanski Brod. U operaciji su zauzeti Modrica (28.06.), Derventa (07.07.) i Odžak (13.07.).

Jedinice: Ofanzivne (Srpske)
- 1.okbr
- 2.okbr
-16.krajiška mtbr
-43.prijedorska mtbr
-27.derventska mtbr
- 2.krajiška pbr
- 5.kozarska pbr
- 6.sanska pbr
-11.dubicka pbr
- dobojska lpbr
- vucjacka lpbr
- krnjinska lpbr
- ozrenska lpbr
- prnjavorska lpbr
- srbacka lpbr
- laktaška lpbr
- teslicka lpbr
- šamacka lpbr
- spec. brigada MUP-a RSK
- bVP 1.KK
- spec.bataljon "Vukovi sa Vucjaka"

Defanzivne (HV, HVO, ARBiH)

-1.gbr HV
-2.gbr HV
-3.gbr HV
-108. br HV
-153. br HV
-101. br HVO
-102. br HVO
-103. br HVO
-104. br HVO
-105. br HVO
-107. br HVO
-110. br HVO
-111. br HVO
-109. br ARBiH
-201. br ARBiH
-207. br ARBiH
Last edited:
Thanks! I was looking for these maps fro some time. It was quite hard to piece together what was the front line at a point in time. I think the first map is the most important because it shows the situation as of May 1st when we start the conflict. I'll get back to this soon...
I think I could have a task for Freak. There was a period of conflict in Bosnia from April until May where battles were fought before full scale war erupted. Due to game mechanics we cannot start war with Kupres battle (first battle where battalion sized units were used on both sides) because we cannot replicate localised conflicts. In the game version you have, there are events which simply pass a province from one side to another. I think I had events for Glina in Croatia and Zvornik, Brcko, Doboj and Visegrad in Bosnia.

Personally, I dislike set events. Hence I was going to write an event chain which will switch provinces according to some rules. Rules we need to agree on... I was going to suggest we pick a list of provinces which were strategically important and REACHABLE. When an event fires a player chooses which province they take. Obviously this had to trigger most often for RD, then for HB and BOS respectively (offset event is grater for HB and even greater for BOS).

Could we please agree on targets and importance of these so AI can target them properly? Give bigger ai_chance for provinces that are higher on the list. Obviously we may struggle to include some places like Bijeljina which were already enclaves at this point and keeping them in the list will only be a hindrance to AI. I'll start the list: Doboj, Kupres, Brcko, Ilijas, Vogosca, Zvornik, Visegrad.... When you create a country specific event please give a description that will describe what historically happened. Event can be linked to several provinces (e.g. Modrica)
I know HVO took some places in Posavina region but at the start of the game atm they control Posavina region entirely. This may need to be changed to fit in with this logic.

If you need to see the province layout at the start of the war... cheat. f12 and trigger events (all events BOS to secede provinces to HB/RS). Tell me how would you like to change those events...

Here is an event for RS:
event = {
   id = xxxxxx
   random = no
   country = U04
   persistent = yes
   decision = {
      NOT = { war = { country = BOS county = U04 }
      # there will be other conditions later
    trigger = { 
      NOT = { war = { country = BOS county = U04 }
      # there will be other conditions later
   date = { day = 1 month = april year = 1992 }
   offset = 15
   deathdate = { day = 1 month = june year = 1992 }
   decision_picture = "decisions_empty"
   name = "Low level skirmishes"
   desc = "From April in Bosnia there were skirmishes where strategical provinces were taken in preparations for an all-out-war"

   action = {
      name = "Brcko..."
      ai_chance = 30
      trigger = { NOT = { control = { province = 571 data = -3 } } } # Brcko not controlled by friendly forces
      command = { type = trigger which = xxxx } # BOS event to secede a province
      command = { type = belligerence value = 1  }
   action = {
      name = "Doboj..."
      ai_chance = 30
      trigger = { NOT = { control = { province = 443 data = -3 } } } # Doboj not controlled by friendly forces
      command = { type = trigger which = xxxx } # BOS event to secede a province
      command = { type = belligerence value = 1  }
event = {
   id = 7032
   random = no
   country = BOS
   persistent = yes
   name = "Doboj takeover"
   desc = "Serb forces have taken Central Bosnian town of Doboj. Historically, ....."

   action_a = {
      name = "This is bad..."  
      command = { type = secedeprovince which = U04 value = 443 } # Doboj

Yea the period of time from the 1st March upon until the 2nd of May was full of small events and battles (more of them starting on the 30 of April, when my town got first attacked btw on 30 april 1992 my house got almost hit by tank fire whoa :D), many stuff happened in these days that we could make events and we would never stop really. Yeah I will make some events on the similar template as you just represented, oh and I have some mini events in plan regrading preparation for the Bosnian side, well (my dad told me) that people were organizing and buying weapons already in December 1991 and all the "strong" man from every neighborhood were patrolling around the town and it's neighborhoods. So we can create tons of events on that, e.g. giving a specific border province some resources and manpower, and so much more things.

Last edited:
My game with Bosnia so far:

Really proud how far this mod has come, we are near our goal let's do this! :happy:

Okay so things I noticed:
  • It's impossible to reinforce all areas before the war starts. Armija held for quite some a large area in eastern Bosnia. Some units should pop-up here via events like it does in Tuzla and Zenica for instance.
  • Didn't notice in the beginning of the game that I as the Bosnian player could control HVO, wouldn't this be a bit ahistorical?
  • HVO has some 30-40brigades in Posavina, located in Orasje and B. Brod? Where did these units go historically after the fall of Posavina?
  • Sometimes the enemy AI leaves some provinces with just 1-2 units and I can after some time win and take provinces. Haven't tried to go fully offensive but has seen many opportunities. Is this too ahistorical as there were no larger offensive actions from Armija in '92?
  • Some provinces in central Bosnia should not be in HB control, for example Prusac, Donji Vakuf etc.
  • The provinces has no manpower or resources. Got some via cheats or else I wouldn't be able to produce units.
  • RSK is not at war against Bosnia, 5. Corps just has the front against RS.
  • Croatia is to weak in eastern Slavonia, north Dalmatia and Lika, these areas should get via events some extra units.
  • RS conquers much of south Dalmatia, Croatia takes Trebinje. :laugh: Some AI fixes should be done here.
  • The first tech("Bosnian style doctrine") is quite fast researched but then the following techs are so slow to research.
  • Three units in Sanski Most is deployed but the province(s) are encircled so they get unsupplied. Should we add some hidden province links to these provinces? Also some resistance units should pop-up in Kotor Varos, Prijedor and as I wrote earlier also in eastern Bosnia.

Will continue this scenario and see how long I can go.
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Really proud how far this mod has come, we are near our goal let's do this! :happy:
Not quite there yet but I felt for some time the game is nearly playable.
It's impossible to reinforce all areas before the war starts. Armija held for quite some a large area in eastern Bosnia. Some units should pop-up here via events like it does in Tuzla and Zenica for instance.
Unlike in Croatia where JNA was caught in the barracks this did not happen in Bosnia. Where JNA was caught in the barracks, those events are in the game. If you have more of them let me know. I do not plan to give troops for free.
'Free' troops are given where weapons existed. In Bosnia those are typically MUP units. Other units need to be built.
I also suggest to refrain from upgrading to level1 infantry through event until you have enough units. Upgrading too fast will get you in trouble.
Also, it looks like you've started buildup too late. AI usually doens't have this issue.

[*]Didn't noticed that I as the Bosnian player could control HVO, wouldn't this be a bit ahistorical?
I think we should have HVO and ABiH allied at the start until winter 1992 for human player. If allied control should be possible. This will be fixed later on.
For AI I will leave them non-allied. It leads to weird situations where HVO is fighting in Eastern Bosnia. Also BOS AI tends to evacuate Herzegovina.

[*]HVO has some 30-40brigades in Posavina, located in Orasje and B. Brod? Where did these units go historically after the fall of Posavina?
HVO had actaully fewer units historically. Units you see there represent HV troops that crossed Sava in 1992. I cannot have HV fighting in Bosnia so HVO got boosted. Manpower from those units after defeat were most commonly included into HV units. Some of the manpower was later used to create a special ops brigade in 1994. I think only about 2 brigades survived north of the Corridor and 2 south of the Corridor. Those south from the Corridor were incorporated into ABiH.

[*]Sometimes the enemy AI leaves some provinces with just 1-2 units and I can after some time win and take provinces. Haven't tried to go fully offensive but has seen many opportunities. Is this too ahistorical as there were no larger offensive actions from Armija in '92?
AI is struggling with frontlines drawn in Bosnia. I try to fix this but this is some weeks off from now.
[*]Some provinces in central Bosnia should not be in HB control, for example Prusac, Donji Vakuf etc.
Agree. I am struggling to find method that will work well for AI. What you currently see is my attempt to help BOS/HB AI to fight splintered fronts. If you haven't noticed, I've given Vares and Zepce to ABiH control. Having compact territory helps AI.
I haven't found winning formulae yet!
[*]The provinces has no manpower or resources. Got some via cheats or else I wouldn't be able to produce units.
Manpower should come as a result of an event sometimes in summer 1991. In the new version it always triggers. Not sure why you did not get it.
- Rare materials do not matter at all. If you are short on them they come by event (event is broken in your version). I haven't found a good use for these in the game yet.
- Energy: watch your electric/hydro stations. You will need them!
- Oil: none historically in Bosnia. Some in SLV/CRO and SER. You will need to buy oil or convert it. You will need to watch your belligerence.

[*]RSK is not at war against Bosnia, 5. Corps just has the front against RS.
I need to read on this a bit more. Front lines were there but fighting wasn't as fearsome as on the other side against RS. I was going to include RSK into wars periodically. let me know what you would like to see.
[*]Croatia is to weak in eastern Slavonia, north Dalmatia and Lika, these areas should get via events some extra units.
I know this. Balancing is still an issue. Since the new map is in the place with actual distances YUG breaches lines and destroys slowly moving CRO units. Prior to it I had nice balance... Hopefully, it will get fixed in the next few weeks.
[*]RS conquers much of south Dalmatia, Croatia takes Trebinje. :laugh: Some AI fixes should be done here.
I know... :eek:o
[*]The first tech("Bosnian style doctrine") is quite fast researched but then the following techs are so slow to research.
This is completly unbalanced. i was getting you to look at this at some point.
[*]Three units in Sanski Most is deployed but the province(s) are encircled so they get unsupplied. Should we add some hidden province links to these provinces? Also some resistance units should pop-up in Kotor Varos, Prijedor and as I wrote earlier also in eastern Bosnia.
I wanted to have some historic fights around Prijedor/S.Most area. I was hoping an aggressive player could create a bridgehead from Bihac. This needs to be worked out... There will be no free units ;).
I wasn't aware of any serious resistance? Would partisan activity be a good representation of that? I would think VRS would be pretty ruthless in subduing any resistance.
Not quite there yet but I felt for some time the game is nearly playable.

Felt? I would never have dreamed that our mod could be this good and playable. I'm now sure that we can do this even more better! Once again thanks Hogar!

Unlike in Croatia where JNA was caught in the barracks this did not happen in Bosnia. Where JNA was caught in the barracks, those events are in the game. If you have more of them let me know. I do not plan to give troops for free.
'Free' troops are given where weapons existed. In Bosnia those are typically MUP units. Other units need to be built.
I also suggest to refrain from upgrading to level1 infantry through event until you have enough units. Upgrading too fast will get you in trouble.
Also, it looks like you've started buildup too late. AI usually doens't have this issue.

Of course there should not be any free troops but I mean those places which made some resistance should get some low-manpowered units just to symbolize the resistance. I have written about this down in this post.
Yes I started from the first day to build units but I used cheats as there is no starting manpower.

I think we should have HVO and ABiH allied at the start until winter 1992 for human player. If allied control should be possible. This will be fixed later on.
For AI I will leave them non-allied. It leads to weird situations where HVO is fighting in Eastern Bosnia. Also BOS AI tends to evacuate Herzegovina.

Okay I agree but we should discuss about this later.

HVO had actaully fewer units historically. Units you see there represent HV troops that crossed Sava in 1992. I cannot have HV fighting in Bosnia so HVO got boosted. Manpower from those units after defeat were most commonly included into HV units. Some of the manpower was later used to create a special ops brigade in 1994. I think only about 2 brigades survived north of the Corridor and 2 south of the Corridor. Those south from the Corridor were incorporated into ABiH.

Yes I understand. Maybe remove some units in Bosanski Brod so that RS can historically take it over. When B. Brod gets taken over a event should trigger which removes those HVO/HV troops and adds some manpower to Croatia/HB.
Those in south was in Gradacac and in one more province(which one?), am I right?

AI is struggling with frontlines drawn in Bosnia. I try to fix this but this is some weeks off from now.
Agree. I am struggling to find method that will work well for AI. What you currently see is my attempt to help BOS/HB AI to fight splintered fronts. If you haven't noticed, I've given Vares and Zepce to ABiH control. Having compact territory helps AI.
I haven't found winning formulae yet!

Could we just not add hidden links to these provinces? Does the AI really go nuts? Stockpiling of units in enclaves?

Manpower should come as a result of an event sometimes in summer 1991. In the new version it always triggers. Not sure why you did not get it.
- Rare materials do not matter at all. If you are short on them they come by event (event is broken in your version). I haven't found a good use for these in the game yet.
- Energy: watch your electric/hydro stations. You will need them!
- Oil: none historically in Bosnia. Some in SLV/CRO and SER. You will need to buy oil or convert it. You will need to watch your belligerence.

Yes I got the event(Patriotic Leauge formation) but before that I couldn't produce any units. On the resources I agree but maybe increase the starting amount of them?

I need to read on this a bit more. Front lines were there but fighting wasn't as fearsome as on the other side against RS. I was going to include RSK into wars periodically. let me know what you would like to see.

Yes most of the fighting was on the front against RS but RSK recaptured Kladusa and re-established WB. After that they continued to advance and was very near Cazin but Operation Storm saved the Bihac pocket.

I know this. Balancing is still an issue. Since the new map is in the place with actual distances YUG breaches lines and destroys slowly moving CRO units. Prior to it I had nice balance... Hopefully, it will get fixed in the next few weeks.

Have similar speed on units and some extra anti-tank battalions?

This is completly unbalanced. i was getting you to look at this at some point.

Hehe I haven't forgot that(I have written down all things that you have asked me to do). I will play some more and then write what I think we should do with the Bosnian techs.

I wanted to have some historic fights around Prijedor/S.Most area. I was hoping an aggressive player could create a bridgehead from Bihac. This needs to be worked out... There will be no free units ;).
I wasn't aware of any serious resistance? Would partisan activity be a good representation of that? I would think VRS would be pretty ruthless in subduing any resistance.

Yes I agree but there were also some resistance fighting(I'm not thinking on guerilla/partisan fighting as that didn't exist in these conflict(maybe only on Kosovo)) also in Kotor Varos, Zvornik(Kula Grad) and Foca(Tjentiste). In these provinces some light divisions should pop-up. While Banja Luka, Bijeljina, eastern Herzegovina was captured by the Serbs without any resistance from the Bosniak/Croat population.

It is hard to see in the screenshot above, but are you using sprites? Are those YW sprites?

Yes those are sprites but the regular HoI-ww2 sprites. But as I mentioned I have saved some modern sprites(tanks, motorized, migs etc.) and will try to implement it.

Must go to sleep now, good night guys!
Felt? I would never have dreamed that our mod could be this good and playable. I'm now sure that we can do this even more better! Once again thanks Hogar!
Well, thanks. There are still loads of things to do.

Of course there should not be any free troops but I mean those places which made some resistance should get some low-manpowered units just to symbolize the resistance. I have written about this down in this post.
Yes I started from the first day to build units but I used cheats as there is no starting manpower.
I was asking you about this earlier. I cannot find accurate information about MUP units in the first days of war. If this is known then I could create capped units accurately and even lock them if required.
Bosniaks did not build any paramilitary units or even stockpile weapons until later in 1991 (battalion-sized units). Even in your version of the game, buildup is stronger then it was IRL. However, if BOS starts building troops later than June/July it cannot achieve historic buildup in 1992. It could be that I've underestimated number of MUP units? Game is still raw in this respect...

Yes I understand. Maybe remove some units in Bosanski Brod so that RS can historically take it over. When B. Brod gets taken over a event should trigger which removes those HVO/HV troops and adds some manpower to Croatia/HB.
I see your point. I'll have to check this removal of manpower from HB. I think they won't last end of the war with manpower they've got. Historically, what they lose in Posavina they make up from Croatia through recruitment and volunteering. These last two words can be in quotes, depending on point of view.
Those in south was in Gradacac and in one more province(which one?), am I right?

Could we just not add hidden links to these provinces? Does the AI really go nuts? Stockpiling of units in enclaves?
We could add link. I just did not want to have too many of these links. If you haven't notices I've started adding some helicopter units to CRO/RSK to see if they are capable of supplying pockets.
For Prijedor area, we could just to give them some stockpiles of supplies. Bottom line, you are in charge of the map so add the link :ninja:

Yes I got the event(Patriotic Leauge formation) but before that I couldn't produce any units. On the resources I agree but maybe increase the starting amount of them?
Before this event fires, it would be wrong to have units or even wrong to produce them.
This is how I tried to model this. There has to be a critical number of people like Halilovic who predicted what could happen. In new version of the game that is done through slider (defence_lobby=6). Bosnia trickles down slowly towards the 'critical' point. Usually in June when 10daywar starts BOS get manpower to build units.

Yes most of the fighting was on the front against RS but RSK recaptured Kladusa and re-established WB. After that they continued to advance and was very near Cazin but Operation Storm saved the Bihac pocket.
OK. I'll look into this. At the moment AI just manages to keep RS out of the area. Adding RSK factor might be too hard for IA to manage. More balancing...

Have similar speed on units and some extra anti-tank battalions?
I think HOI/DH approach of motorised units moving much faster than regular infantry doesn't really work for Yugoslavia. Trucks were often left far behind front lines. I'll have to adjust some modifiers to slow them down.
Mech/Arm units should in theory be still fast but they may have to be slowed down to enable historical results.

Hehe I haven't forgot that(I have written down all things that you have asked me to do). I will play some more and then write what I think we should do with the Bosnian techs.

Yes I agree but there were also some resistance fighting(I'm not thinking on guerilla/partisan fighting as that didn't exist in these conflict(maybe only on Kosovo)) also in Kotor Varos, Zvornik(Kula Grad) and Foca(Tjentiste). In these provinces some light divisions should pop-up. While Banja Luka, Bijeljina, eastern Herzegovina was captured by the Serbs without any resistance from the Bosniak/Croat population.
Same as above.

Yes those are sprites but the regular HoI-ww2 sprites. But as I mentioned I have saved some modern sprites(tanks, motorized, migs etc.) and will try to implement it.

p.s. I am off on a business trip so not much will be done this week.
Friday night! Expect events, events and only events!! :D
School is really using my time, but I still got things to share, so Friday evening will be "event evening" hahahahaha
The mod is really getting good in a "fast" way. :) I will also post a screenshot of my game in 1993, had no crashes at all. ;)

Cheers :cool:
A wild "Events Friday" appeared :ninja: :ninja:

So here we go, just as promised, it took some time and I wanted that in every event there is a nice description and that all is verified and true, also tomorrow there will be more things on "preparation" for the Bosnian side. Keep in mind that I have to check some dates when these events happened, for now I just got a fixed date which we can change.

Well here we go: Downloads at the bottom of the post!

Also here is an important event in Sarajevo, a secret operation of the JNA called operation "Chameleon"
I've got all he info and even got maps and pics of the attack.
 Operation Chameleon '92
event = {
   id = xxxx
   random = no

   tag = { BOS } 
   trigger = { ai = no }    
   persistent = yes

   date = { day = 2 month = may year = 1992 }
   offset = 1 
   deathdate = { day = 3 month = may year = 1992 }

   name = "Operation Chameleon '92"
   desc = "On May 2nd 1992 the Yugoslav People's Army in command of Milutin Kukanjac enacted the secret operation codenamed "Chameleon". The main task of the operation was to storm trough the defenses in the city and quickly secure the Bosnian presidency building. The attack was given to the special units of JNA from Niš. The Yugoslav army failed to secure the building because they got stopped by the well prepared Bosnian territorial defense forces. Over 20 people got killed in the attack, all of them were members of the JNA."
   picture = "battle_for_sarajevo"

   action_a = {
      name = "Victory, for the president!!" 


Here is the: picture =

Just that we will make a smaller version of the map for event purposes.
Also here are the "take over provinces events", there will be more soon. :) :cool:

Cheers :cool:

Good job TheFreak! Looking good, I like your descriptions!

What would you like to do next, maybe give the production names of the Bosnian units correct names. IIRC Hogar said that this is needed to be fixed. For example 1 HQ = 1. Korpus and then continue so the player can go ahistorical so there is maybe up to 15. Korpus

We should also add some specialized HQ names. Gorazde was defended by the Istočno-Bosanska Operativna Grupa. We could add these ahistorical names:
(Sjeverna/Juzna/Zapadna)-Bosanska Operativna Grupa
Same thing for Herzegovina and then we can also do for some sub-regions like Krajina, Posavina, Semberija, Podrinje, Livno etc.
When you look at the YUG OOB set up I had Military districts set as HQ level=2 and Corps HQs as level=1. So I have envisaged to have lower level HQs. That could be Operative group/zone or Tactical group. Feel free to add the historical names.

In general I would like to get to the bottom of the naming conventions. Now that you had a chance to play game do you feel like you have an idea how to resolve this. Should we just name all the top level units as 'bataljon ABiH' without any other nomination? Actual units would be held historical names (e.g. 1/505. brigada). Do you have any ideas?
When you look at the YUG OOB set up I had Military districts set as HQ level=2 and Corps HQs as level=1. So I have envisaged to have lower level HQs. That could be Operative group/zone or Tactical group. Feel free to add the historical names.

In general I would like to get to the bottom of the naming conventions. Now that you had a chance to play game do you feel like you have an idea how to resolve this. Should we just name all the top level units as 'bataljon ABiH' without any other nomination? Actual units would be held historical names (e.g. 1/505. brigada). Do you have any ideas?

What do you mean with 'top level units'? I would like that we stick with the "Y/XXX. brigada" naming. It would be more correct and somewhat more fun then just having "bataljon ARBiH". I'm unsure if I understood you correct.

Will post tomorrow some ideas how we should balance the techs.
If you load the game you'll see that there are two names in the game:
- Group of units (defined in db/armynames.csv)
- unit names (defined in db/unitnames.csv)

I've written about this on the main thread so check there if you need more details. In any case you you have played the game I am sure you;ve noticed...
If you load the game you'll see that there are two names in the game:
- Group of units (defined in db/armynames.csv)
- unit names (defined in db/unitnames.csv)

I've written about this on the main thread so check there if you need more details. In any case you you have played the game I am sure you;ve noticed...

Ahh now I see what you mean. :blush:

So either:
'XXX. brigada' as armyname and have 'ARBiH bataljon' as unitname
'Operativna grupa' as armyname and 'Y/XXX. brigada' as unitname

"ARBiH bataljon" would be to repetive and boring. I will think on it, do you other guys have any idea?
Good job TheFreak! Looking good, I like your descriptions!

What would you like to do next, maybe give the production names of the Bosnian units correct names. IIRC Hogar said that this is needed to be fixed. For example 1 HQ = 1. Korpus and then continue so the player can go ahistorical so there is maybe up to 15. Korpus

We should also add some specialized HQ names. Gorazde was defended by the Istočno-Bosanska Operativna Grupa. We could add these ahistorical names:
(Sjeverna/Juzna/Zapadna)-Bosanska Operativna Grupa
Same thing for Herzegovina and then we can also do for some sub-regions like Krajina, Posavina, Semberija, Podrinje, Livno etc.
Right well yea i'll see to catch most of the "historical" names of HQ brigades and "command brigades", gonna post them tomorrow, was with my friend allday on a "shisha" smoking party (hookah) (water-pipe fun) ;) :D.
