My own scripts in progress for italy
Hiya all, im writing up a few scripts to emulate german-italo co-operationm just to let you know if yer interested in getting some of these:
-Rome-Berlin co-operation pact
#German side
1. Yes - limited , add influence for italy (say 10) and add influence germany (say 5), since they need influence to get it going
2. Yes - full scale economic pact: same as above and add some IC to reflect two economies intertwining (maybe a modifier instead of province boost (like techs)
3. No, reduce dissent (as germans enjoy being the best) say 2?
#Italian Side
Choose agree and get as above or disagree and reduce dissent?
- If pact exists on outbreak of allied/german war, trigger "steel pact" which triggers a possible military alliance.
#German side - propose pact?
Yes - Limited (no steel, just a military alliance)
Yes - Steel pact (offer steel 500)
Yes - Offer full aid package (offer all kinds of resources)
No: nothing
#Italian Side
Yes: increase dissent (5), enter military alliance (thus declare war on allies), gain x resources from germany (removed from german pool). AI most likely to say no against the first option, most likely to say yes to all others
- TOTAL WAR #1, triggers on military alliance Germany
note: part of the total war section is reduced starting manpower
#We need to enter total war mechanisms! do you wish to? #
Yes: boost IC production (as more ppl are set to work)
permanently boost manpower production as a larger source is called upon
raised dissent levels (5)
no way: no effect
- Total War #2, check if at war & alliance germany and total war triggered
- 1939 - 1947, each year add a certain amount of ppl to the pool (assuming about 100 a year and 800 as starting pool)
Lemme know what you think
Completed the above scripting