MateDow said:They were purpose built, but they weren't built to warship standards. They are contemporaries of the US Oglala and she was sunk at Pearl Harbor (Harbour?) by a torpedo which stuck the cruiser alongside. Because of their wide open internal spaces for carrying mines, and their light construction, they had the damage resistance of large merchant vessels.
Woops, I missed this post, well we discussed these ships already.
I think when they say battle ship that is the same as warship. If I remember my spanish correctly it might have been Barque de Guerra or ship of battle. Might be the explination. They did have the gunboat (sloop) Uruguay in 1936. They had a couple of 180 ton patrol boats that they built in 1935. They got rid of the cruiser Montevideo which had been the Italian protected cruiser Dogali of 2050 tons and 6 152mm (6 inch) guns. As for the training ship, I can only imagine that it is the presidential yacht 18 de Julio. Hope that helps. That is all of the information that I have on the Uruguayan Navy. MDow
Did Uruguay built the patrol ships! This would be the first time I've ever heard of a South American nation building their own ships during this era. I know about the Dogali, she was scrapped back in 1914 so she won't be in the game. But the site mentions two training ships? I guess 1 MTB squadron should be added to their OOB.