li2co3 said:
Well nationalisation, and "socialisation", basically centralised war economies, were not possible before the labour and communist movements supported bourgeois government. The Stalin:Churchill accommodation allowed the Western capitalist powers the full support of the official union and communist parties. This was quite important. Angry and upset workers and soldiers gravitated to the communist parties, and the communist parties turned these dissidents into supporters of the existing government*.
* With exceptions, Origlass in Balmain, Sydney for example.
Fascinating, you seem to know your topic well, but the above shows that such movement (with the noted exeception,*) were not communist or socialist in nature, but ruses used by the respective governments to pacify dissidents, not to try and collaborate with them...
Pro_Consul said:
don't really think that the Stalin-Trotsky issue need necessarily involve changing the government type of the Soviet Union. Rather I see this as a pivotal choice for whether the SU will take the path of total repression (Stalinist) or a more representative Party hierarchy (Trotsky), both of which are still Communist governments.
Technically, most communists agree that Stalinism ia about as socialist as the National Socialist German Workers Party. I think that the chance to go from a Stalinist to a Lenninist government is central to any talk of an Ahistorical Soviet Union, otherwise its the same old cr**.
Manpower is also not a problem, I have played as the SU and ManPower is not at all a problem, there is too much if anything, at 1947 I had 4000+ Man Power and I had been building stuff non-stop. Dissent should be an issue though, Stalin's repressions made the populace quite uneasy, as a result they wroked more poorly (lower IC) and fought with much less passion (combat negative modfier), so this would be covered with dissent.
As for disbanding the NKVD, that would (could) never happen. Partially because a total disbanding of the NKVD would result in people wanting a similar event for Germany, with a disbanding of the Gestapo, preceeded by Hitler becoming a meat-eating Communist or Democrat. And partially because the NKVD was not the equivalent of the Gestapo or even the FBI. The NKVD was an organization that was the arm of the ChKa (pronounced Che-Ka). It was the job of the ChKa to run everyday affairs from schooling*, hospitals, and putting out domestic fires, to less nice things like getting rid of <<Enemies of the People>>.
*Actually they did alot in the early 20's to end the terrible orphan problem that resulted during the civil war, they created all kinds of housing and orphanages in country where there were verually none and did not do the Stalinist thing, (AKA sent them to the GULags). Guderian confirms the existence of many Children's Homes in Soviet lands, in his memoires.
As for the SOV Poles and so on, more on that below...
Collectivization vs. NEP system would technically be resolved when Trotsky returns and so I doubt to what extent such an event needs to exist alone, this could be added to the text of then Trotsky Returns event below...
* * *
Anyway I would like to Recap our little progress in creating new events:
1. L'Internationale vs. Soviet National Anthem: choice (A) change the National Anthem to the Soviet National Anthem, lowering dissent by 1-3 points (representing the raising of Battle field Morale) or (B) to leave L'Internationale in place, leaving dissent where it is, but giving the USSR some more Diplomatic Influence (DI), since other communst organizations would see it as a return to Marxist-Lenninist Communism. It would trigger randomly in 1943.
2. Dissolving the Communist International (ComIntern, though I prefer the longer version, makes me think of Barricades and Flags, instead of Stalin's portrait), choice (A), dissolve it, huge strike against DI (as already in the game), but would lower the War Entry for Allies (France, USA, UK, etc.) allowing the USSR to avoid a War with Allies (the boring AI default choice) or (B) keep the Communist International, raising DI, but raising the War Entry of the Allies, allowing for another massive conflict. Also 1943, random event.
3. The famous Alexander Nevsky film (not my idea, though I forget who posted it). Triggers: USSR at war with Germany
or German Invasion of Poland (start of WWII), but only if the USSR went with No Deals with enemies of the workers in the M-R pact event. No choices in event, the effect is the lowering of dissent.
4. Assasination of Trotsky event: Choices as they are except having the choice penalties more interesting, (A) assasinate, lower dissent by 3%, (B) do not assasinate raise dissent by 2%. This is to make the decision a bit more critical, instead of its current superficiality. Choice (B) will also trigger another event.
5. Hypothetical event, correspondence with Trotsky: triggered a week (for example, maybe amonth) after the previous event (Assasination of Trotsky) with choice (B) (no assasination) selected. Choice (A) do not correspond (no penalty, but it ends the Trotsky-Lenninist Gov. chain of events) or (B) do correspond, here a correspondence is created between the Soviet Gov and Trotsky, that would represent the rehabilitation of Trotsky, by the SOV propoganda machine, as a SOV hero. If choice (B) than some materials (resources and supplies) are sent to Mexico, this would constitute a loss of resources to the USSR and a gain in Mexico, but also would move Mexico closer to Communism (because Trosky was in Mexico and his assination or possible repatriation would have an effect on the Mecans' view on communism).
6. Hypothetical event, Trotsky returns!: triggered by a (B) choice in the previous event (correspondence) and the outbreak of the IIWW. The WWII thing is there because while Trotsky would have been be hesitant about returning, the outbreak of WWII would possibly spark his longing to join the struggle against Faschism. Choice (A) do not allow him to return, no penalties, stops Trotsky the event chain, or choice (B) allow him to return, changes the GOV to Lenninist, makes Trosky the Head of GOV, takes out Beria and puts in someone else (like Uritsky), gives the USSR some DI (5 or so), also triggers a new Nationalist dissent event...
7. Nationalist Dissent: if Trotsky returns and the SOV gov. becomes more communist, the outbreak of the war with Germany makes more Ukranian and Belorussian Nationalists more pissed so the National Dissent penalty should become +7% as opposed to +5%.
*fast forward to end of war*
8. Redivision of Europe part 1: Trigger: Germany and Italy no longer exist (must be annexed) or be an ally of Britain (Italy must not be in the axis), USSR must hold Berlin. Choices (A) keep all territory taken from Germany (including that of all countries annexed by Germany), also triggers event (see #9 below), also lower DI by 5. (B) create puppet states out of all countries liberated, ie, Germany, Poland, create CzechSlovakia out of German provinces and Slovakia, puppets for Romania and Bulgaria (if they were annexed), Greece (if the USSR gets there before the allies), and Yugoslavia to be created out of Serbia, Croatia, and German/Italian provinces (if USSR gets there first), oh and Albania. Rasie allied war entry, but not as much as choice (A). (C) Same as (B), but instead of puppets, free Governments, that are allied to the USSR, alot of DI, about 10, as this would constitute true liberation in the eyes of the world, raise allied War Entry of Allied countries, as much as in (B). (D) create allied Govs in all liberated territories, some DI, about 10, bring the USSR closer to Democracy, lowers Allied War Entry (dummy choice in case Player does not want a war with allies).
Note on above: perhaps each puppet, comintern gov, or allied state, should have have a seperate event, it would be easier to check for existence of said countries, ie, seperate event for Poland, Germany, CzeckSlovakia, etc.
9. Division of Europe p. 2: triggered by choice (A) by USSR in Division of Europe p. 1. Choice (A) accomodate the allies, split Germany, make Yugoslavia Independent, but communist (with Tito), give all French provinces back to allies and give Belgium and Netherlands back to allies, return Italian provinces to Italy, lower allied war entry drastically and avoid war (B) enfroce Stalin's New World Order in all areas and bring allies to war (already in Core .84, done by Copper Niccus, Red Strom event, etc,), but with repressionist Stalin theorires.
10. Start of World Revolution (li2co3's main idea): Triggered by choice (B) or (C) in Redivision of Europe part 1 event (above; #8). Choice (A) No revolution, lowers war entry for allies, ends world revolution event chain, forces events in Greece, France and Italy where the respective countries to lose manpower and supplies to quell revolts. Or choice (B) to fund the revolutions, major loss of Oil and Supplies and Man Power, three new countries are created Communist France, Italy, and Greece, in provinces of those rspective countries that are closest to the USSR, ie, Eastern France, Northern Italy, Northern Greece (tags will need to be created), these new countries will be supported by the Supplies, Oil, and Man Power sent by the USSR, the USSR player will also need to send expeditionary forces if he (or she
) wants to see the revolutions succeed.
11. World Revolution Part 2: Trigger Italy, or France, or Greece bo longer exist
and choice (B) must have been chosen in the above event (# 10). No choices. effect: basically after one of the revolutions succedes and annexes the other basic mother country (Greece, Italy, France), no matter which one first, as soon as this happens all the revolutionary countries join the ComIntern and since they are at war with allied countries, a war between the ComIntern and the Allies happens.
12. World Revolution Part 3: Triggered by World Revolution Part 2 and the USSR holding London: No choices, England becomes a communist country (Left-Wing Radical), All colonies (that have Tags, like India) become independent, but communist. This should also have some effect on Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, but I am not sure whether they should automatically become communist or whether they should leave the allies and move towards communism by two thirds the length of the triangle side. I advocate the latter.
13. World Revolution Part 4: Triggered by World Revolution Part 3 event: Revolution, NOW IN AMERICA! (basically the things that li2co3 proposed are all good) Choice (A) fund the revolutionaries (send men, oil, and supplies) to America, alot of units are created in American North East and other key areas that will have to hold off until the USSR can get Exp. forces there. Choice (B), same as choice (A), but without sending supplies, oil, and manpower, this will not stop the revolution, or the fact that the Communist America will be part of the Comintern, this may be chosen if the Player does not want to lose anymore Oil and Supplies, Man Power is not a problem. No choice that would stop the revolution, that would not make sense at this stage of the event chain.
14. Out of order because I forgot to add it: Not a step back: Trigger: War with Germany. Choice (A) Directive No. 3, any deserters retreating without orders would be shot and all returning POWs or men coming out of encirclement are TRAITORS, raise dissent by 1% , but also lower manpower 200-300 and lower supplies by 500-1000. Or choice (B) <<The International still loves you (the Soldier)>>, dissent goes up by 3%, but manpower and supplies stay as they are.
*That's about all I have on that particular topic*, but here are some more general thoughts:
15. The purge events are a bit ridiculous, the leaders that are to disappear are not that good and can be replaced with others, even Tuhachevsky (though there is a controversy whether or not he was so great or a Krushovian Propoganda Idol), is not as bad a loss as 10% dissent, perhaps 5% dissent would be fairer since it is not such a monumental decision, game play-wise.
16. After war with Germany ends there should be some event that allows the USSR to declare war on Japan, as it did, otherwise the map looks wierd.
***Closing Thoughts***
All choice (A)s are meant to be AI-Default choices that would send the AI towards the historical path.
Any thoughts? Disputes? Comments? Additions? Any CORE people want to tell us their particular thoughts?