Guys, it just isn't going to happen. Spend 30 minutes on the idea, but no more.
Leon isn't really a player nation, nor Oporto nor Navarra. Savoy maybe. The chances of a non-ai Spanish nation grabbing a major slice of Iberia is remote. And if it's an ai state, then you know what happens. They take 4 provinces, and settle for a White Peace, or one centre. And there are five catholic nations surrounding Cordoba, who are also fighting among themselves.
When this revised Crusade is over, the non-Spanish ai-nations release their Iberian provinces as Vassals.
Cordoba will remain the major force in Iberia. This Crusade is a minor blip in it's history. It's going to have a greater impact on the Reformation than on Cordoba.
Sorry to be so negative. By all means we should allow for the possibility of a Greater Catholic State in Iberia. But without the historical giants of Castille and Aragon, surely the dream of a greater "Hispanic" state tends to disappear with the length and dominance of the Islamic state?