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3.2.2 beta fixes issues, but late game performance is utterly unplayable
Game Version
3.2.2 beta
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I previously posted a thread about how the memory limit was causing an error to be thrown on saving my game. The beta fixed that problem! So I fired up my late-game shattered world save with a world-conquering immortal cannibal murderous ruler and went for it!
Well, I still can't finish this game. Performance is unbearable, especially once you've raised levies for a war. I'm talking less than 1fps, waiting seconds for input to register, trying to scroll the map with the mouse and having it get to its destination 5 seconds later as it chugs by, trying to click on one thing, moving the mouse, and having the selection rectangle show up a second or two later...holy crap. It's virtually unplayable! Occasionally it'll run smoothly, but not much longer than a few seconds. Most of the time it's chugging hard. The previous version was sluggish at this point, but not like this. Perhaps there's some missed debug code still in this beta, or even some optimizations that were intended to save on memory to keep under the 3GB limit that are now hurting more than helping?
My computer is solid, too. Mac OS 10.14.6, i7 6700k, 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Radeon Vega 64.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Grab save, fire it up, play around a bit. Start a war, raise levies. You'll see it soon enough.
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3.2.2 beta fixes issues, but late game performance is utterly unplayable
Game Version
3.2.2 beta
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I previously posted a thread about how the memory limit was causing an error to be thrown on saving my game. The beta fixed that problem! So I fired up my late-game shattered world save with a world-conquering immortal cannibal murderous ruler and went for it!
Well, I still can't finish this game. Performance is unbearable, especially once you've raised levies for a war. I'm talking less than 1fps, waiting seconds for input to register, trying to scroll the map with the mouse and having it get to its destination 5 seconds later as it chugs by, trying to click on one thing, moving the mouse, and having the selection rectangle show up a second or two later...holy crap. It's virtually unplayable! Occasionally it'll run smoothly, but not much longer than a few seconds. Most of the time it's chugging hard. The previous version was sluggish at this point, but not like this. Perhaps there's some missed debug code still in this beta, or even some optimizations that were intended to save on memory to keep under the 3GB limit that are now hurting more than helping?
My computer is solid, too. Mac OS 10.14.6, i7 6700k, 16GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Radeon Vega 64.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Grab save, fire it up, play around a bit. Start a war, raise levies. You'll see it soon enough.
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