Mr. Capiatlist said:
While we debate the map, I'll keep coming up with ideas for everything else that makes the game run.
Right now, techs and religion:
Orthodox -> Humanoid (I don't understand it, in every Sci-fi man is ahead of most, but still behind) (This is the over-all majority of nations in this mod)
Latin -> Warp (The title is from WH40k, but it represents those with a higher intelligence then just physics)
Muslim -> Looters (These people are ahead of lesser beings but usually get their technology from looting from higher beings)
China -> Developing nation lv 2*
Exotic -> Developing nation lv 1*
* My plan (really idea) for China and Exotic is that races of these kinds can evolve into the other types. After reaching a certain size or tech level, they will get an event that will upgrade them from Exotic to China. After more developement, they will get a three choice event. Selecting to become "balanced" will move them to orthodox, selecting to "study the warp" will move them to latin but they will loose units, and military research. Selecting to become a military horde will move them to muslim and give them military research at the expense of their economic research; they will also reseave some units.
Wouldn't the fact that humans are behind be better represented through tech levels rather than tech groups? One of those age-old sci-fi cliches is the adaptability and creativity of humanity. Might that not be well represented by having Humans at a low tech level but with a high tech group?
I (really) like your idea about progression from the exotic techgroup upwards, though I don't think it should be as easy as jumping straight from China to Latin. What I would prefer is to place FTL technology at a certain tech level, and have an event granting the orthodox level at that point. I'd also include a rare random event whereby the natives discover an FTL ship crashed on one of their solar system's planets, and are able to scavenge FTL technology from it (giving them the looter techgroup).
On that note, it might be a good idea to have extra random events for the looter group that give them boosts for stealing technologies from other advanced civilisations (and we could make the events boosting military technologies more common during war, as the looters capture enemy engineers and scientists and reverse engineer scavenged technology).
My primary concern with this is the fact that you've limited Reformed to the Latin group means that we have to limit Catholic and Protestant so as well. Also, a lot of spaces there are used for natives.
I actually think we'd be better off using Religion to represent Social Structure entirely.
Thus, my ideas on this front:
Catholic -> Empire (something like The Empire in Star Wars)
CRC -> Emperor Worship (I liked your idea here, but think it better applied to the counter-reformed version, such that the Emperor worshippers can bring those states who have rejected the divine rule of their god can be brought into line)
Protestant -> House Rule (The state is ruled by an Emperor and Aristocratic Houses, ala Dune)
Reformed -> Republic (something like the Old Republic in Star Wars)
Orthodox -> Junta (Not necessarily non-religious; religion might play a major part in the state, but the state is ultimately ruled either by military personell, or the warrior caste determine the rulers, as in Starship Troopers, where only soldiers can vote)
Sunni -> Federation (a quasi-communist multicultural state that places the highest possible value on equality, like its namesake)
Shi'ite -> Dominion (also like its namesake, a quasi-nazi state in which one race rules over all other races 'for their own good'. Federations and Dominions thus get CBs on each other)
Hindu -> Theocracy (self-explanatory)
Buddhist -> Hive (like you suggested)
Confucian -> Confederation (A loose commonwealth of independent states, like a republic but much less centralised, more likely for small or primitive states)
Pagan -> Anarchy (a breakdown in central authority in a province or state that makes that area particularly prone to domination by an outside power, i.e. it's possible to annex a country in anarchy in a single war)
Err...How exactly do you plan to model this? I see nothing in the religion.csv about which religion another religion likes. As far as I know, the only good way in EU2 to represent one religion's feelings towards another is through Counter Reformed Catholicism, Sunni Islam, and Shi'a Islam all of which have CBs on other opposed religions.