The Chingits
The Chingits are a race of warlike aliens from the planet of Pithra in the southwest of the Galaxy. Humanoid in appearance save for a shelled back and 7ft tall, the Chingit are ruled by the strongest and smartest among them, who they name "Great Chingit". The Chingit are one of the newest spacefaring races, having gained the ability less than 100 years ago when an alien race (who the Chingits call Ck-aha) encountered them while they were in the "Early Modern" stages of deveopment. At the time Pithra was in the midst of an arms race between several Great Chingit and their followers, and when the alien explorers made contact with one of the leaders known as "Hyachak", he immediately joined the Ck-aha as part of their interstellar empire. When the other Great Chingits, fearful of these extra-terrestrials allied and attacked Hyachak, the Ck-aha promised assistance and rained death upon most of the Planet, causing massive destruction. Nevertheless, Hyachak became the first Great Chingit to rule all of Pithra.
Hyachack however, was smarter than he (or his kind) seemed. He managed to manipulate the Chingit population into beliving that they had been almost destroyed by the Ck-aha, and that Hyachack had lead an army to fight them and stop the destruction of his people with much success. He managed to foster a hate of the "opressive aliens" within the Chingit, and prepared them for war. He altered the few lightly armoured Ck-aha Spaceships he had with massive cannons and meters of Terranium plating, forcing whole continents to work on the upgrades to the first Chingit interstellar ships.
Within a few decades, he was ready. He struck hard, taking the peaceful and ill-prepared Ck-aha by complete suprise and capturing the Ck-aha homeworld of Erill within the first few weeks of the war. The Ck-aha were not a species built for battle, and quickly fell during the following months of battle with the Chingit. By 2081, Chao, Qualn, Luna, Valhalla, Vakin, Hathor, Sokar, Vilz, Andra and Rodo had all fallen to the might of the Chingit war-machine, finally destroying the last outposts of Ck-aha resistance. With the impending capture of Sokar by the Chingit, the fleeing Ck-aha Government decided that there was only one option open to them. Every single ship availabe was filled with Ck-ahan Refugees, Soldiers and Scientists and sent west to deliver their revenge on the Chingit and rebuild Ck-ahan civilisation. The convoy had to first escape the blockade and then enemy space altogether, though, before it's mission could be completed. Sadly, thousands of the convoy ships were destroyed while escaping Chingit controlled space, meaning that only a few hundered thousand Ck-ahan actually lived to see them reach the south-western reaches of the Galaxy.
The Ck-aha however, had their revenge. The escaping fleet reached their destination, the Chingit homeworld of Pithra, and unleashed a massive planetary bombardment on the world killing every single lifeform on the entire planet. The unaware Chingit had no chance to fight back, almost the entire fleet was away bent on the conquest of their killers. The Ck-aha now had another task, the colonisation of the other worlds. They did so, establishing cities and spaceports on Octavia, Vitellius, Patroklos, Petroni and even Pithra itself. But soon, the Chingit came home to find their homeworld obliterated and occupied by a few thousand Ck-aha. The advance party intended to massacre the aliens, but were fought back by Ck-aha fleet who stunned the Chingit with their ferocity and stubborness. Hyachak himself was furious, but had reached the end of his long life. Even on his deathbead in 2083, he was still planning the total defeat of the Ck-ahan with his maps. His death was mourned throughout the Chingit world, and it was replaced by anarchy.
The past 80 years have had an astounding effect on the Chingit. The utter destruction of Pithra has created a severe lack of Chingit Mating Couples, making many belive that the Chingit species may not survive unless it crossbreeds with the Ck-aha. The governmental consequences of the destruction are significant too, the Chingit homeworld has been moved from Pithra to Erill, displacing millions of Ck-ahan who have been mostly sent to the "Death Moon", Chao. There are also many who now claim to be the Great Chingit, after Hyachak's death a Great Council was set up on Erill to deal with the successor, which was almost completely ignored. The new leader would have been chosen by a series of complex trials set up by the previous Great Chingit on Pithra, however they were totally destroyed in the devestation, and Hyachak had little time left to build a new set of trials. Most Chingit had little intention of following this self-proclaimed "Council" and built up their own little fiefdoms with which they made war on each other and massacred Ck-aha. The Ck-aha had been cowed enough with infrequent massacres not to rebel or make war in the time of anarchy, and the Free Ck-aha used this time to consolidate themselves in their area of space.
It would take a new Great Chingit, one in the mold of Hyachak himself, to unite the Chingit, finally defeat the Ck-aha and expand to rule the Galaxy.
It could be you!