The Inferian Empire is devoted to a worship of the all-mighty god of EUII Modding known as "Inferis". Stories tell of how he descended from the skies in a Golden Chariot bearing Harvard's EUII editing Bible, and began to school them in the ways of the modder. He altered continents, created great oceans where there were none before, forged mighty empires where there was no life, and showed the primitive inhabitants how to hack into the TBL files. They praised him as a god, and built great monuments to his l33t haxx0rz skillz.
He denied that he was the Saviour, and that his divine power came from the almighty "Johan" as he called him, but the natives did not belive. They scoffed at the idea that there was a person more powerful and versed in the ways of the hackz than Inferis, and lo they paid the price. None were safe from Johan's wrath, and the once proud civilisation was smote by Johan's vengence, retribution for their folly at worshipping another before him.
Inferis however was saved miraculously by Johan, and when the survivors of the fall began to rebuild, they found the artefacts of his existence yet no trace of himself. Inferis had been made a God by the mighty Johan for his attempt to bring them to enlightenment and knowledge. Thus, the Inferian Empire rebuilt, unbeknownst that there was a great God looking out for them.