Normans are Coming!
Or how the enemy reacts to Norman presence in their home system
The Meeting
Panic spread in Zithras, the capital world of Confederated Zithoran Constituents. Norman fleet had just entered the system and moving on steady course towards the capital.
Norman fleet in the outskirts of the Zithoria System
“Who are they? What do they want?” demanded Coordinator Kul-Amg in the extended cabinet meeting. The tremble of his feelers and changing color of his chitin shell showed everyone how nervous he was. Not like the rest of the room was any different.
He was answered with silence and confused looks.
“Anyone?” Coordinator asked. “Igvi-Riem, are you leader of the Alien Affairs or not?”
“Coordinator, we have had just two contacts with them. First, we dealt with them according to Alien Communication Protocol subpage 56, paragraph 251, “Making it Obvious that the Further Communication with the Aliens is Undesirable”, section 14, “Dealing with Mammalians,” Igvi-Riem replied, looking nervously through the papers provided to him by his sub-bureaucrats.
Igvi-Riem raised his head and looked at the cabinet: “I would like to remind you that the initiation of “Insult the Mammalians, ensuring that the aforementioned Mammalians come to an understanding that Confederated Zithoran Constituents desires no further communications with the aforementioned Mammals” protocol from section 14-STFU was approved by everyone in this cabinet.”
Kul-Amg felt he had to intercede now: “And let us remember that the aforementioned protocol, with needed variations according to the species of the alien menace, “Insult the Avians and so on” protocol worked with our previous neighbours, the Plex-Cradonians, who replied with *removed from protocol* aliens *removed from protocol* can shove their *removed from protocol* to their *removed from protocol* and retreated from our borders.”
He took a deep breath and continued, his feelers trembling even more: “These so-called Normans acted also as predicted. Their ship changed course after receiving our communique and left the Okul system, not contesting our rightful claim over the system. We had all the right to believe our communication method was a success”
Igvi-Riem nodded “Of course, Coordinator. As we unanimously decreed that the diplomatic course we,” and emphasis was definitely on the word “we” here, “agreed upon to be taken by the Normans was achieving their desired results, leaving us alone.”
“Until exactly five month later, three weeks ago”, he continued, “We received another communique from the Normans, or the Hauteville Empire, as they call themselves. It took junior communication officer, who had been charged with monitoring the Norman communications, quite by surprise. It was just four words: “We are at War”. We thought it as a clerical error, for the primitive Normans cannot have as efficient government system as we, and after several staff meetings with my sub-bureaucrats, we had brought the Norman communique to the cabinet meeting to be discussed upon...”
One cabinet member cut in: “With recommendation of the Alien Affairs Office to ignore the declaration, because you,” very clear emphasis on “you” this time, “thought it was a miscommunication”
“Since the Normans did not reply to our communiques asking for further clarification on the issue nor did they initiate any further communications on their own, we assumed- and the cabinet agreed- that this was either the Norman version of “joke,” the feelers of Igvi-Rem twisted with disgust, forced to say such a nasty word, “or that they were declaring war on someone else and their officials were just too embarrassed to admit the mistake.”
“Or,” the one cutting in said. “As we can now see, it was a case of Normans not bothering to reply, because they were busy preparing for an invasion.”
“Still, not answering to communiques that have been clearly marked as answer needed,” Igvi-Rem jumped in again. “The whole council agreed upon it!”
And the fun begun...
The blame in bureaucratic offices is a marvellous thing. It never really sticks. If one could catch it in the bottle and sell it as a lubricant, the bureaucratic blame would replace all the oils, becoming kind of superlubricant. The next 90 minutes of the meeting saw the blame shifting from Alien Affairs to cabinet to Igvi-Rem, to his subordinates, to cabinet again, to Kul-Amg, for he was (not really) responsible for all the decisions of the government to Alien Affairs again and so on. At times, shifting the blame grew loud, feelings were hurt, insults were hurled. It lasted until the blame got tired and settled in. In the usual happy place were it would seem like it was collective fault, but no-one personally takes the blame, with a strong hint that only one to blame were the Normans, who failed to act according to correct procedures.
That settled, Kul-Amg continued with the point two: “So, who are the Normans?”
It was Igvi-Rem’s turn to see the papers again: “We still don’t know too much about them...”
He shifted through the papers, until he found just the one he was looking for. A single sheet... He looked it, put on his reading glasses and did a short recap: “They are mammals of some sort. They arrived to Tyl about three years ago, waging war on Plex-Cradonians. Since we considered it to be affair of the two aliens fighting amongst each other, our Office did not monitor the situation closely.”
“Yes, you were sitting on your asses, slurping slurm all day, we all know that”. The voice was of Qbr-Kuld, the only non-bureaucrat in the office. High Commander of Zithoran forces, and it was obvious that he didn’t like neither Igvi-Rem or the other fellows sitting around the table.
“Let me remind you that military personnel attending the cabinet meetings will speak only when allowed by the Coordinator or when spoken to by the cabinet member,” Igvi-Rem replied with high-pitched tone. Partially because Qbr-Kuld was so correct. Alien Affairs under xenophobic Empire that desired no contact with other aliens was cushy government job, where one could be sitting on your ass and slurp slurm all day. In fact, that is exactly what Igvi-Rem was doing most days.
Kul-Amg also interceded on behalf of Igvi-Rem, reprimanding Qbr-Kuld: “High Commander, please be seated. Your valuable input,” he someone managed to cringe the words. “Will be asked for later.”
Qbr-Kuld seated down, muttering to himself just loudly enough that the entire cabinet heard it: “Arsefucks. You’ll going to need the army and navy, not your stupid meetings”
“To our surprise,” Igvi-Rem continued, “The Hauteville Empire turned out to be successful and took over the Plex-Cradonians, whom we considered to be our equals in power, without any apparent effort.”
He took another gaze at the paper: “As i told before, Humans or Normans, they seem to be using the terms interchangeably, are mammals. They are not pleasing to the eye, looking like bigger and hairless version of the disgusting vermins we have on our planet. We don’t know the biological details of their species, for we don’t have specimens nor were the humans willing to share. We know that they have extensive Empire in the other spiral, but we don’t know the full strength of them. We know that they have this democracy system, where every citizen has a right to say about the everyday affairs of the government.”
Though they all had heard it before, the cabinet cringed in unison. Allowing average person to decide the important affairs of the state? This is... stupid beyond reason. After all, it takes skill and education and tact and knowledge of bureaucratic systems and more than a few meetings and years of consideration to come up with informed decisions about the life of an average citizen.
“In addition, they have a monarch with the absolute power, and they define themselves as the Hauteville Empire, ruled by Empress Emma I. Who is also elected by the populace, from very select list of candidates.”
“Allowing people to vote,” Kul-Amg said the word with disgust, “their leader is the most stupid thing i have heard of...”
All nodded.
“And...” Igvi-Rem continued with a sigh, “That is all we know of the Hauteville Empire. Aside from fact that they are aggressive and apparently don’t care about following proper communication protocols”
“So, what can we do about them?” Kul-Amg asked. “You may speak, High Commander Qbr-Kuld,” he added after a minute.
“Would you be so kind as to elaborate?”
“Their fleet outnumbers ours a more than 2:1. They have to big ships as well. Initial scans show that their ships are much better equipped than ours. Fleet battle with them would be suicide.”
“What should be do then?”
“They are coming anyway. They will smash the defences of Zithras and start orbital bombardment. Then, when they have bombed enough, they will start an invasion.”
It was as if the temperature in the meeting room had suddenly dropped below 0. Everyone felt the chill up their spine.
“This is warmongering and slander,” Kul-Amg raised his voice.
“It’s a fact,” Qbr-Kuld was not about to let himself cut off no more, so he raised his voice and started talking more rapidly “There is only one way we can come out of it as victors. These humans are using wormholes to travel. Meaning that they rely on wormhole stations. Most likely, there is one in Tyl. I could take the fleet, sail it to Tyl, destroy wormhole station and prevent building of another one. Now, i’m assuming that the humans have bulk of their fleet in Zithras system, meaning we are leaving it stranded there and raid nearby systems of resources until humans are forced to beg for surrender.”
“What about us? What about Zithras?” Kul-Amg asked?
“You get your chance to live for the people of Confederated Zithoran Constituents and you get your chance to die for the people of Confederated Zithoran Constituents, just like you have promised in your oaths!” the Zithras version of grinning was obvious in Qbr-Kuld’s face.
This turned the room into chaos. Shouts like “No way”, “Don’t you dare to abandon us”, “This is no time to be playing pirate”, “Leaving the homeworld defenceless? Traitors!” and so on, you imagine the tone.
Lasted until Kul-Amg himself took charge again. “First, you plan is unacceptable, Qbr-Kuld. You are to return to the fleet, and sail back to bolster the defence of the homeworld.”
He took a breath and continued: “Following the incidents, i propose the following procedure: First, we form a committee, led by Igvi-Rem, who overseers initiation of contact with the Normans and start of negotiations. Second, we form a committee, led by Head of Defence Office, Honourable Igvi-Leinad, who oversees allocation of needed resources to construction of additional ships and recruitment of additional soldiers. Third, we form another committee, led by me personally, to oversee the evacuation of higher level government officials and their families to planet Vul-Takren, in Caspadene System.”
There was murmur of agreement and after two days of tireless work, the proper wording was honed out and the formation of committees were given a green light by the cabinet. Confederated Zithoran Constituents had started their preparations for war.
The Attack
“This is Senior Official Obr-Pilx from Alien Affairs, Norman Department. I request reply to my previous message to the Norman leaders and would like to remind you that Confederated Zithoran Constituents are willing to open negotiations as per protocol 6423L-PLZ óf the Confederated Zithoran Constituents Alien Affairs protoco...”
“Admiral,” the weapons officer interrupted. Julia Hauteville-Krüger raised her head. Holocommunicator blabbered on, but no-one was paying any attention to it no more. “We are in range”
“Good,” said the Admiral. “Fire!”
Approacing the enemy spaceport
The ship shook as the mass drivers fired their slugs towards enemy. With satisfying thumps, they hit the enemy spaceport. No fleet around, and Normans felt confident.
“Fleet,” said admiral to intercom. “Close in and engage. Try to avoid enemy fire!”
The enemy fired back, yes. At least the didn’t just roll over and die, Julia noticed with satisfaction. The Norman ships took some hits, but the shields negated most of the damage.
HVT Columbus taking a full hit from the enemy mass cannons
One by one, the Norman ships reached the firing range. They unleashed their salvo, then changed course, unleashed their salvo again and apart from HTV Salvage, no single ship took any damage.
It was 19th May 2231 when the enemy spaceport was blown out of the sky. Norman fleet commenced orbital bombardment. As Norman shells dropped on their defences, Confederated Zithoran Constituents continued bombarding Normans with communiques. The war had really begun...
This is it- the first battle agains the enemy