Are We Evil?
Or some moral questions about using the Lyturic Manipulator
Lythuric Manuipulator
“Professor, are we evil?” asked Emma
Sobak, patches of grey already showing from his fur, was enjoying the comfort of couch on royal yacht and the ample snacks on the table before him. He took a piece of dried pork, put it into his mouth and moved his huge ears, showing the pleasure of taste.
“Why ask me?” he then replied with a question.
“Well...” Emma was finding the right words for it. “Perhaps, partly, because you are immutharan. You should be able to look at us, humans, from some distance. But mostly, because you’ve became a good friend, who doesn’t give me an option you think i might want to hear. You speak the truth”
Sobak shook his head: “I’m not sure i’m able to look at you from the distance no more. If you’d asked me two decades ago, perhaps then. But now, i’m involved too deeply, i think. The truth part, you are right though.” He did the best imitation of smile his immutharan physique allowed.
“So, Emma, i’m guessing you are asking this question because,” he pointed at blueprints at the table.
“Yes. The Lythuric Manipulator.”
“...that has been designed by yours truly” Sobak took another slice of pork, swallowed it and continued: “Also, that has been approved by the parliament, approved by the voters and we are currently flying to Tuscany to begin the construction with some fancy ceremony you humans love so much?”
“Yes, the very same.”
“And you are asking me, it’s designer, if building this makes you evil?”
“In that case,” Sobak begun. Emma knew the old coot well enough that this was him turning the lecture mode “on”, so she sat back, relaxed and prepared to listen.
“The definition of “evil” varies greatly. Different species will see it differently. My immutharan background tells me that the good of one is of lower importance than the good of all. Your human individualism tells you otherwise. Lately, i’m leaning towards it too. The justtkans for example have a clear understanding that what is good jusstkans is much superior of what is good for other species. It also varies inside the species.”
Sobak took a small pause to think it over. “Especially amongst humans, i think. For some reason, you fold seem to have a knack for different opinions. But the thing is- you can’t ask me if you are evil without telling me your definition of “evil” first.”
Emma tried to reply to that, but Sobak raised his hand, implying softly that the question was rhetorical.
“You must understand that I, as an immutharan, designing the Manipulator, thought of the good of the Hauteville Empire as a whole. And believe me, good it will do. Will it do some evil in the progress? I’m not sure, though i think not. It kinda helps the plex-cradonians to control their xenophobic tendencies. It helps humans to see that the Empire is good for them- and it is! But does that make you evil? Or the Empire evil?”
“There are some standards of “evil” that are more or less the same across the galaxy, Normans don’t do any of that. You don’t enslave other species. You don’t purge entire planets. You don’t even terror bomb the planets you are about to invade.”
“True, but...”
Sobak cut Emma off without mercy: “You have taste for conquest though. More than most of species. You love your warfare and you love your fleet and your invasions and wars. That is not a terrible thing though. I’ve studied your history. Extensively. The ruthless conquest of the Normans actually brought time of peace and prosperity for the conquered people. Your own little island of Sicily became one of the richest places in the world just because, ironically, there was no warfare in Sicily. After you took the island, almost no enemies landed there to loot and plunder. And as you expanded your safe zone around the island, the more and more people could go on in their everyday lives without worrying that they will be killed somehow. To me, you are doing the very same at the moment- conquering a galaxy to make it more peaceful. Safe for humans, and in the process, safe for everyone else. ”
Sobak took a sip of juice, to clear his throat, and once again continued: “I personally don’t see you Normans as “evil”. I see you pragmatic. And this Lyturic Manipulator is a pragmatic thing, meant to keep your Empire more closely together, so you can, as unified front, defeat your enemies.”
“So...” Emma was trying to cut in once again.
“So, you would have to ask yourself: would Robert Guiscard have used it?”
Grin spread over Emma’s face. “Yes, i believe the old coot would have been ecstatic to get his hands on something like that.” She thought for the moment, and added: “But he’d much more appreciate our modern weaponry, i think.“
“But, would you call Robert Guiscard evil?”
“I’d call him a true bastard, but... i don’t think he’s evil”
Sobak smiled. “See, Emma. And neither are you. You can be a true bastard,” both grinned when he said that, “but you have never been evil. Nor will you be if you built this.”
The rest of the journey took more neutral subjects as the Royal shuttle, escorted by three fast corvettes, jumped to Sirius. Emma and Sobkak attended the ceremony and the construction begun. It was completed in 2240.
The construction of the ethically questionable Lythuric Manipulator is complete!
Entertainment for People
Meet hyper-entertainment complexes. Anything your heart desires. From quiet beaches to huge stadiums. Theatres, cinemas, holographic videos, virtual arcades. Anything your heart can desire. And the shops- anything produced in the Empire and some rare things from other Empires. Everything you wished for and some things you didn’t even know to wish for. All here! The plans for new complex were laid out in April 2239. First one to get it was Earth. It proved hugely popular. Soon, Avalon got one. Then, slowly, the other planets.
The new Forum had made people of Earth truly happy!
Taramada System
Taramada system is located in an empty area of the galaxy, south of the Avis Caveam sector. No continental worlds, but it has plenty of tropical worlds. One of them, Taramada IV. Having enough experience from Hauteville-Sur-Mer in the Normandy system, one could tell that humans are perfectly capable of inhabiting the tropical worlds. So, a colony ship was sent there, to start a new life in the middle of nowhere, called the Crossroads Nebula.
The new world was named Carthage. Mostly because when sending the colonists away, Emma held a speech that compared the settlers to ancient Phoenicians, who travelled across the Mediterranean to start a colony so far from their homeworld. It kinda stuck and the original name of Amazonas was abandoned.
Colonization of Taramada IV
Travel to Taramada begun in June 2239. The ship reached it’s destination in September 2239 and the planet was made a separate sector in December 2240. Sector was also called Carthage.
Carthage System is the blue circle in the lower left conrer
Mapping the Stars
In 2240, the Normans discovered Global Research Initiative. Allowing for new edict to make the exploration faster and smoother and really raise the chance of discoveries. Not used though, for the influence was all-time low. Here you go, building planetary capitals and colonizing really distant locations. It was decided that not yet. Soon.
Stars, here we come. As soon as we get some extra influence
The other bonus though- research institute. Construction of a massive complex of laboratories, testing grounds, creating a playground for scientists not seen before anywhere in the world. Tuscany was the lucky planet to get it.
Research institute, right next to the Lythuric Manipulator
Other Science
Improved Naval capacity, discovered in 2240, was a bit useless to the Normans. Even though the shipyard of Earth was churning out destroyers as fast as it could, the naval capacity of the Empire was far from full. Still, it never hurts. Clearing of swamps, discovered in 2241, proved to be more useful. Apparently, the jungle worlds were riddled with swamps and getting rid of them was always a good idea. Finally, in 2241, the Norman scientists discovered a new, improved type of robots, called the droids. Better maneuverability, better processing power and better rate at extracting minerals. What more could you want?
More science gets done
More Music
When the radio stations of Hauteville-Sur-Mer begun picking up Jusstkan music, it was interesting at first. Then, it was discovered that the humans react positively to certain instruments. Making them more relaxed. That was something that was worth investigating.
More strange music, this time, coming from the Jusstkans
It was Fang Tan and HTV Mitralexis that were sent to the Justtkan homeworld, Jusstka in the Juss system. To everyone’s surprise, the Jusstkans were not blocking her, but allowed to pass freely. In the process, she also got preliminary scans of the system. Apparently, the angry pigs got a spaceport and a small fortress with warp inhibitors to protect their home. Good to know.
Hmm, a defence platform, covering the Jusstka
As for the music- well, the answer was simple. Jusstkan fauna was so different from the fauna on Earth that their wooden instruments were so completely different. And by chance, these instruments just work well for humans. Mystery solved, Fang Tan pulled back from potentially hostile space and went back to discovering nearby systems that had no angry pigs in them.
Fang Tan scanning the enemy homeworld
New Fleet
Plasma thrusters were discovered in 2238. Cold fusion power reactors in 2242. With these new objects, both the Robert Guiscard class corvettes and Bohemond class destroyers got a facelift. The powerplants and engines on both classes were replaced with newer versions, meaning a bit better survivability and faster movement on all ships.
New engines and powerplants
And the improved blueprints
Meanwhile, Earth had been producing new Bohemond-Class destroyers almost non-stop. Now, there were sent to meet up with rest of the fleet in New Normandy, making total of Hauteville power to 2 antiquated cruisers, 2 Bohemond-PD class destroyers, 9 Bohemond class destroyers , 25 Robert Guiscard class corvettes and 3 raiders. Total fleet strength to 3000.
Joining of the fleets
It was time. As the fleet, fully upgraded and commanded by none other then Admiral Avelina Hauteville, moved to the edge of the of the Normandy system, the Hauteville Empire were preparing for a grand war. It was May 2243. 41 years after the first contact with the Jusstkan Galactic Coalitions. The relations between two Empires were never very friendly, but open conflict had been avoided by both sides. Until now. The Normans were about to hand the angry pigs some roast pork.
Here we go... the Jusstkans will finally get what is coming to them
It was good time too, for two years ago, in April 2241, the Jusstkans had declared a war on the Confederated Djomar Domains, another neighbour of the Hauteville Empire. Meaning there will be hopefully a bit weaker fleet and the enemy fighting on two fronts.
Going after their helpless neigbours? The bastards, that is Norman privilege!