The Great Luau
or how the Hauteville Empire won the war and found some never before seen troubles
The Victory
The pigs were defeated. They knew it, Normans knew it and everyone else knew it as well. They had no fleet, nor the production capacity to build a new fleet that is able to compete with the Hauteville Empire. Their homeworld was under Hauteville occupation. Few feeble attempts to retake the Juss System ended up as disasters. And Normans showed no fatigue whatsoever.
They were not willing to give up yet though. So, the Normans did two things. First, the army invaded another planet in the Chox system, called Cranodeth. The resistance was actually less fierce than with the Vurl-Zajet. Recently colonized, thoroughly bombed, not much armies yet. This was the easiest battle of the war, truly more resembling a pig hunt then an invasion.
Invasion of Cranodeth, over
At the same time, fleet departed Chox system and headed to Tau Cygni. Once again, caught in the nets of the Jusstkan defence station and bringing the enemy spaceport nicely into range, Normans destroyed the defence station and spaceport of planet called Sadolic into oblivion.
Attack of infrastructure of Sadolic
... and the result
This was it. The moment when the Jusstkan backbone finally broke and they realized the futility of the fight. The date- 30th September 2247. Jusstkan diplomats signed a peace where they ceded total four planets to the Hauteville Empire. Including Jusstka, their homeworld and the heart of the Empire.
Jusstkan finally giving up
The Great Luau
The ceremony was held in Imperial Palace of Jusstka. The only place in the desert planet where there was water aplenty and the lush green was the dominant color. To really humiliate the Jusstkan, the Normans held the celebration in the throne room of the Emperor. The heart of the the Jusstkan Galactic Coalition. The throne room was a masterpiece. It actually had no roof and just one wall- the wall of the Imperial Palace. The wall was a sight of it’s own though. Covered with frescoes showing the accomplishments of the Emperor. Hunt scenes. War scenes, where Emperor himself beheads a tuuki-bird, no sorry, an Imari. Everyday life- like the Emperor sitting in a throne room, listening to his subjects. Kind of like inception. And so on and so on. The tradition is that when the Emperor dies, the whole wall is dismantled and displayed in a museum, while the new Emperor starts with a clean sheet. Or a clean wall. Rest of it was open-air, with columns giving the field feel of the space. Columns also lavishly decorated, and on top of each column, a statue of a Justtkan who did something heroic. The greatest honor is to displayed there.
The signing of the peace treaty was done in form of Great Luau. The throne room was decorated in traditional Hawaiian style. All the Jusstkan heroes on top of their columns were decorated with leis. Pretty much everyone was wearing lei as well. The traditional Hawaiian dishes everywhere. Enough poi, kalua pig, pole, lomi salmon and other Polynesian dishes around. This was nothing compared to the fires though. Hundreds of them. And roasting on each fire, a pig. The greatest affront to the Jusstkan ever possible. For it hinted that they had some relation to pigs on Earth. Of course, humans claimed that it was just traditional victory party of Lisa Hauteville-Kamehameha, the new governor of the Uvea sector and the Star Queen of Juss. It of course fooled no-one.
That is luau without this?
Two armies guarding the party (and no worries, they had their own luau the next day and the whole week), not allowing any pig in unroasted form near the 10km perimeter to the palace. Except for the ambassadors though. Emma and Bohemond, as Emperor and Empress, to sign the peace treaty. The Jusstkan ambassadors, for their Emperor did not really feel like coming to have one final look at his palace. The traditional hawaii music and of course, hula-dancers. Plenty of beer and cocktails. Everyone were having a good time, except for the pig ambassadors, who did not take a single bite of food and single dip of brewages. They just signed a treaty as soon as possible and left. Quite impolitely. But then again, Emma managed to extend the signing ceremony to two hours of pure pain and torture of the Jusstkans. Not literally though. Of course, the party continued until dawn. Then, Lisa Hauteville-Kamehameha took over the Imperial palace as the governor and Star Queen and settled quite nicely in the Emperor’s bed. Emma and Bohemond started their long flight back home.
The Hauteville Empire after the war
The Spoils of War
Uvea is a small chiefdom located in the Island of Wallis and smaller islands surrounding it. Lt is part of Wallis and Futuna, small island group in the Pacific Ocean. Even with Earth holding 16 billion people, Uvea still has about 15 000 people living there. No wonder too, for it is distant and the the whole Wallis island and nearby islands are only 96 square kilometers.
Uvea was also chosen as a name of the sector, now responsible for governing the newly conquered Jusstkan plantes. Chosen by governor Lisa Hauteville-Kamehameha herself, for in Earth, she was Countess of Wallis and Futuna, daughter of King Kalani IV Hauteville-Kamehameha of Polynesia. Branch family of Hauteville-Kamehamehas of Hawaii. Their territory encompassed area from Tahiti to New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Small islands all.Why choose Lisa? Because she is brilliant, of course. Because she can get things done. And because the Governor of Newly Conquered Jusstkan Worlds was not the most popular job in the Hauteville Empire- even with Star Kingdom of Juss thrown in as a lure. She was one of the stupid, or the brave ones. And now, instead of her islands, she now governs systems. Overall, she is responsible for four planets.
New Uvea Sector
The most important one is of course the Juss System and moon of Jusstka, orbiting the gas giant of Drogena. 16 billion angry pigs live in the system and boy, are they angry now. Living under the Norman rule- that is something really hard to swallow if you thought to be part of an invincible Empire. But, as they say, time heals all the wounds. Lisa Hauteville-Kamehameha, the Star Queen of Juss, is more then certain that in time, the Jusstkan will see the Hauteville way.
Jusstkans aren't particularly pleased by their new overlords
Tahiti, formely known as Karazit system, was a system closest to the Norman worlds. The name- well, if you name your sector Uvea, you might as well pick islands from the Pacific. Plus, the contrast of the name Tahiti, usually associated with clear blue sea, sky of the same color, sand and beaches and the desert world of Pendalor, made Lisa Hauteville-Kamehameha chuckle. “At least, they have sand too, so they have something in common” she commented. The Star Kingdom of Tahiti was given to Robert Hauteville-MacGregor, second son of the Count of Tahiti, Tavish Hauteville-MacGregor. Their grand-grand-grand etc father landed an expedition there once and the locals crowned him as King- mostly due to his powerful-looking red beard. He settled for a count and was a vassal of Polynesia.
As for Pendalor, 10 billion Angry Pigs and one Monument of Purity. Normans allowed to keep it.
Tahiti System
The third conquered system was Safalon, in the Hawaii system (formerly known as Boldoon system). The Star Queen of it, another Lisa Hauteville-Kamehameha, was this time coming from the Hawaiian Kamehamehas. Bright and young, she got herself a world untouched by the war, and with 8 billion angry pigs.
Hawaii System
The Trouble with Aztani
The Chox System was special. Two settled planets- one of it now under Hauteville Empire, the other still ruled by Juss. This didn’t stop Hautevilles from renaming the system into something more appropriate- after Fatu Hiva, a small island in the Polynesia. This is actually the most appropriate name for it, for Vurl-Zajet is actually an ocean world. Ruled by James Hauteville-Kamehameha, another child of Kalani IV Hauteville-Kamehameha.
The Aztani were not the easiest subjects though. First, of course, they were distrustful of their new rulers. After all, the Hautevilles did come as conquerors. They did invade their planet, after keeping it under constant bombardment,. And they killed a lot of collaborating Aztani. Not for the joy of it, but because the Quisling Aztani were fighting back, but still, they killed them. Plus, Vurl-Zajet gave Normans a challenge they had not faced yet. Well, rest of the Justtkan worlds had the same issue, but it was less common there.
The thing is- Jusstkan had enslaved about two thirds of the Aztani population. Making the economy of Vurl-Zajet to rely heavily on slave labor. More than any other Jusstkan planet encountered thus far. And conversion from slave-based economy to norman free market economy prevalent in the Hauteville Empire isn’t the easiest task in the world. For example, we have a mine owned by collaborating Aztani family. With around 100 slave families. The mine is confiscated by the state and all the slaves freed. The state is uninterested in a mine. Why keep it? The best practice of Hauteville Empire had been taxation of private enterprises, not trying to hog everything to themselves. But to whom to give it? Auction it off? Slaves don’t have the money for it. The previous owners of the mine have some- but selling it off to former slavers is wrong. You basically tax them the value of mine and allow them to keep status quo. Auction it off to other members of the Hauteville Empire, be it humans or gorf or someone else? This means you give all that is valuable in Vurl-Zajet to aliens and that creates even more problems. Reducing Aztani to just labor force, with not a single one of them owning anything... this is calling for a revolution.
The solution was simple in theory, but a bit harder in practice. Long-term leases of mines and farms and factories and other enterprises. Meaning, for a while, Hauteville Empire, or at least Star King of Fatu Hiva, James Hauteville-Kamehameha, owns everything in the planet. And rents it out. Rent not to be paid in advance, but first installments only in couple of years. Then, when business is going well, the renters have a chance to buy it. If not, new renters will be found. Former slaves, or companies owned by former slaves, are preferred. Especially if the slave worked in the mine for example. But they have to have a good plan of what to do with his property first. In practice, it meant reading through billions of applications and keeping the businesses afloat while the system was in progress. It took years to complete.
The other thing is that slave labor is cheap. The labor in Hauteville Empire, not so much. Meaning that if you had 150 slaves, you will go bankrupt if you pay them fair wages. Meaning, to stay afloat, you have to cut quite a bit of the the workforce and do a lot of automation. Replace slaves with picks with demolition crew and jackhammers. This resulting in two additional things- first, you need specialists, for you cannot just hand a common slave a stick of dynamite and expect anything but explosive results. Second, you have a lot of slaves who are finally free- and soon, who are out of a job. As a slave, you at least had a leaking roof under your head and some shitty food on the table. Now... you risk to lose them both.
The solution- reeducation campaigns and unemployment benefits that allow Aztani a bit better life then their lives as a slaves (though that was not so hard to achieve). As for reeducation- this is a lengthy process, and you start with educating the educators of the educators of the educators first. To make it short: Vurl-Zajet is going to be a big hole in the Empire’s treasury before it normalises.
This basically left James Hauteville-Kamehameha with a planet whose way of life had just been turned upside down by the invasion, full with social problems that are just waiting a chance to explode. Not to mention the grudge held by slavers caste- their holdings were confiscated, after all. Most hid their money and valuables though. Normans didn’t pursue much as well. Still, from life of luxury and power to being a normal destitute citizen. There were few in the Empire who envied the task of James.
To see the difference- mostly, Star Rulers arrive with personal bodyguard and few friends and staff to the colonized worlds. They arrive with few divisions of bodyguards and with less friends to the occupied territories. To Vurl-Zajet, James Hauteville-Kamehameha arrived with few divisions of bodyguards and few million of staff. Educators, robotics and automation experts, financial experts, experienced farmers and miners and so on. Plus, all the stuff needed to process the applications, deal with unemployment benefits and so on. The people needed were in that high number that the Army actually lended the King their transport ships. Later, this was called “Second Invasion” or “Invasion of Bureaucrats”. There is hope though that in time, Vurl-Zajet will become a shining star, showing off how nice the Normans really are.
Fatu Hiva. The troubled Aztani. And Cranodeth, still in Jusstkan hands, in the background
Near Carthage System, the newest sector of the Empire, is Gomeisa System. The second world orbiting the yellow sun is yet another tropical world. Lush, green and rainy. And the Hautevilles needed that world, for the expansion in the south, towards thus far empty spiral ring, was also vital. So, the colony ship was sent there, and the colonization of Syracuse, named after an ancient Greek city in Sicily that Carthaginians never managed to capture, begun in June 2246.
Colonization of Syracuse
By July 2247, it was ready. First settlers were in, the system was secured and Carthage sector and Avis Caveam Sector were connected. Syracuse was given under control of the Carthage Sector. Poetic justice- or injustice, if you liked Syracuse. But in space, Syracuse is part of Carthage.
Overview of the Carthage sector
Two vital discoveries were made. Energos was discovered, a stimulant that helps the all species to adapt and evolve in the hostile worlds. And also, makes laser weapons deal a bigger punch. The Normans were currently more interested in the first property. Plans to start refining energos and using it to help to make the colonized worlds more habitable were developed soon. The location was still under dispute.
Besides that, better hydroponic farms were developed. Might seem like a small deal, but it helps the growth of the colonies and also, means that less land needs to be under farms for the already developed worlds.
Both really useful. And cheap.