Battle of Fexkla
The grin of Admiral Avelina Hauteville reached from one ear to another. There she was- the Fex’Klangan homeworld. Small moon orbiting a gas giant. And there they were- the Fex’Klangan fleet. Just as she had predicted.
The Fexkla, the Fex'Klangan homeworld
“Auntie...” young man next to her started speaking
Avelina sighed. “Admiral Hauteville here, Ensign Hauteville” she corrected the man for about a thousandth time.
“Sorry, Aun... Admiral,” the youngster corrected himself. “Old habits...”
Nepotism? Avelina thought to herself? Perhaps, in a small scale. But Sayer was also a bright young officer, just fresh out of Academy and well, there is an issue of most captains are not really feeling comfortable with second son of the Emperor as their aide-de-campe. In a way, it was a situation where Joscelin could not be assigned anywhere else but here. Avelina remembered herself as a daughter of an Empress and Lieutenant of the Columbus and the strange relationship between her and the captain. On one hand, you have to occasionally shout “get your feet from under your ass, Lieutenant, and get it done,” on the other hand, telling the Emperor’s daughter that...
Even though everyone understood that the position of Ensign Hauteville took precedence over Sayer Hauteville, second child of Emperor Tancred. At least in the fleet. In real life, things are never that easy. So, it can be called nepotism, but at least, Sayer has an Admiral who is not afraid to scream at him. On the other side, he tends to call the Admiral Auntie. And to be fair, the Admiral also sometimes slips and calls her aide-de-camp Sai.
“Admiral,” Sayer asked again. “Why are you grinning like you found a box of 2199 Cabernet in your cellar?”
“Because two of my predictions came through,” Avelina grinned again. “First, I predicted that the Fex’Klangan fleet is not actively searching for the Quiramulan Fleet, but instead, is set to defend their capital world. Or, as they would put it,” she winced at the words “to resupply and reinforce before heading out to final engagement with the enemy.
“Means they’re just slacking?” Sayer asked.
“Or avoiding combat with a superior enemy,” Avelina added thoughtfully. “Quiramulans have about the same strength as us and i’d avoid combat too...”
“Apart from raids to enemy territory and fighting a guerilla war,” she added after a thought. “Scatter the fleet, small strike teams, force the enemy to split or to react... or hit their space economy hard. But, that’s not what the Fex’Klangans are doing...”
“What are they doing then?”
“If I thought them to be religious persons, i’d expect them waiting for a miracle. Them being not, i have no idea.” Avelina shrugged
“And the second prediction, Aun... Admiral?”
“That they are still using the same weapon systems they did use when we were allies. And look at that,” Avelina pointed at a screen displaying Lorod-Kalen class corvettes. Missiles!”
Mainstay of Fex'Klangan Fleet, Lodor-Kalen class Corvettes
The Admiral started laughing in relief. “You know, Ensign, we have 10 destroyers equipped with point-defence weapons, plus this and the other Tancred-class cruiser comes with fighters and also with point-defence capacity. So, we are neutralizing most of their fleet!”
“But they have plenty of different corvettes?”
“Yes, and Lorod-Kalen is one of the oldest designs, but they all share the same characteristic- two missile slots. One small, one medium. And their choice of weaponry, let’s just say we would have most likely won anyway, but the difference is the Normans lives lost in the battle.”
“Are you expecting a clean battle then?” Sayer enquired. Half-hopingly.
“‘’Fraid not, Ensign,” Avelina didn’t sound very happy about it. “There is still some brand new Lorod-Dugal class destroyers, equipped with energy weapons that have high reach. Just three of them, but they are still a threat- they can do a lot of damage before we even get to range. We are bound to take some losses. Not much though.”
Bigger destroyer, with considerably less missiles
Avelina’s grin became even wider. “One thing for sure- this is not going to be a Phyrric victory!”
“Phyrric victory?”
“Boy, did you sleep through history classes? Your task for tomorrow is to study up and give me report on Phyrros!”
“And the Cynn? They shouldn’t be much of a threat?” Was it true interest or desperate ploy to avoid ancient history, we will never know.
“Well, the Cynn with their nine quite ancient Disfigure corvettes... can actually do quite a damage. They are using mass drivers that rip through our shields. There is 9 or them and even though their shields are a joke, they can punch.”
Disfigure corvettes
“Should we make them a priority?” asked Sayer.
“First, the destroyers. Then, the Cynn. Then, Fex’Klanga corvettes. Then, space station”
After that, they watched in silence as the Hauteville fleet was approaching enemy fleet. Then, they went to sleep. Had breakfast. Watched again. Had lunch. Did a staff meeting to finalize tactics. Then grabbed a snack, watched again, had dinner, went to sleep and continued to do so as the Hauteville fleet moved through annoyingly low speed towards the Fexla.
The Battle
16th November 2255, the fleet finally reached the range of enemy space station. Armed with the hugest missiles, the station sent them out in pairs. Normans put pedal to the metal and with full speed and a bit of extra, they raced towards the enemy. The reason was clear- the enemy was having an advantage in range that needed to be closed as soon as possible. As for missiles- fighters launched from the two cruisers made short work of them.
The battle starts with salvo from enemy space station
As the Hauteville fleet raced towards the enemy, they came to range of the corvettes. Several salvoes of missiles flew towards the Norman ships- but much to dismay of the Fex’Klangans, the Norman fighters had just reached the enemy fleet. Quick, nimble and small crafts, around 20 metres in length- even the smallest enemy cannons were having a hard time tracking them and the big, clumsy capital ship killing missiles did not have a chance against them. They made havoc inside the enemy fleet, shooting down the missiles, hitting the enemy ships. In the latter part though, their small size came with a cost- small weapons. Not really able to penetrate the enemy shields and armour. But the brave pilots did not let themselves to be disturbed by such minor details and like a swarm of angry bees, they kept on, forcing the enemy captains to react to them and sway their attention away from the real battlefield.
As the enemy ships send a salvo, the Norman fighters move to intercept
More and more enemy corvettes came to range and soon, the number of missiles was too damn much for the fighters to handle. First enemy salvoes passed the fighter screen, heading towards the fleet. As the same time though, first Norman cannons came to range and started sending their salvos towards the enemy fleet.
First missiles getting through, while the Normans also open fire
First Norman ship to fall was HTV Specter, a raider-class ship, found derelict somewhere in space. It was once powerful, but now antiquated ship. For example, no shields! The crew knew their ship full well though and as the first plasma charges started breaking through hull, they promptly hit the life pods and made out. Mostly.
First casualty of the battle
Normans moved closer and closer, where their mass drivers are more effective. The sky started to get littered with explosions as the Fex’Klangan ships started to blow up. At the same time, the remaining ones were desperately trying to damage the Norman ships. Their missiles destroyed by fighters or point defence guns of Norman ships. The victory was now almost guaranteed.
As Normans move in, the enemy starts exploding
Then, the Cynn jumped, having lost half their fleet and unwilling to lose more. Leaving the already diminishing numbers of Fex’Klangans on their own. Until there was nothing left but their space station. And then, there was none. The space was cleared of the enemy ships and Hauteville ruled the day.
Then, there was just the station. Soon, there were none.
Losing just three ships- two of them antiquated raiders- Normans managed to destroy 28 Fex’Klangan corvettes, 3 destroyers and 5 Cynn corvettes. Plus one space station. It was total victory of the Hauteville Empire.
Norman defences made the enemy missiles a no-threat
“The war is won,” stated Avelina to Sayer.
“With just one battle, Admiral?” the Ensign was a bit surprised. First battle and all of that, he felt more nervous then he was willing to admit. Even though HTV Barcelona, the flagship, was hit with just few stray energy shells, the crackling of shields and a bit panicked voices of the shield operators were enough to make a young man to shake a bit. Very secretly.
Avelina didn’t even seem to notice the ship getting hit though. She had instead ordered champagne to be brought from her personal supplies and now, the bridge was celebrating. But she always had time for the young Ensign.
“See, Sayer,” she started lecture more. Sayer switched automatically to “looking like listening intensively” mode. “In this day and age, in order to win a war, you only need one thing. Total control of space. Both yours and enemy space.”
“In order to achieve that, you need three things. First, a fleet. Fex’Klangans have none, for we just blew decades of their military budget to kingdom come. With that, we also made our space secure, mind you.”
“Second, you need production facilities to build new ships. When we blew up the orbital ship factory of Fexkla, we destroyed their biggest and most advanced station. Sure, they have some left in their remaining planets, but nothing of the size and production power of the Fexkla factory”
“Third, you need resources. And for that, there is also Fexkla. Their homeworld. Richer than all their other planets combined. And so conveniently under our blockade now. Basically, with one battle, we have stripped them of their fleet, their fleet production capacity and resources to build a fleet. Hat-trick. And Sai, you can start listening again, i’m done!”
Ignoring the last remark, Sayer just asked: “So, we’re done? We can go home?”
Aveline shaked her head and made a sad smile. “Unfortunately no. The enemy does not see it this way. And even if they do, they don’t want to give up yet, waiting for a miracle that is never going to come. Don’t worry, Ensign, we still have plenty of battles to win. Against space stations mostly. And planet to bomb. It will take at least a few years before it is over.”
She was right. Though the war had already been won, the war was just starting.