End of Djomar
“Despite their appearance, Djomar are not bugs, they are molluscoid. Though they strongly resemble ticks of Earth, the two actually have nothing in common. Djomar don’t suck your blood, they are not parasites and they are actually very cultured. They are true democracy. They respect the rights of the individuals, they know their science. Just, they hate all aliens. Makes communications with them hard. The glimpses we have caught though show a free, democratic, science-based culture. Just with a big sign at the door, “Aliens not allowed”
They tend to be very urban of nature. Food production and processing is more or less automated and Djomar float happily in their cities. High-rises, beautiful parks, lots of greenery. Or at least, that’s what they show on their holovids. Now, that the Norman fleet is on the orbit, we can confirm it is true. It is actually quite interesting. First glimpse at the foreign planet. Fully developed foreign planet. Of course, if it weren’t for navy bombing it, the glimpse would be even better. “
The voice of Professor Vihaan Hauteville-Dhankar (phD in Xenocultural Studies) was almost reproving. He was the head of small Djormir department in the Space Academy in Palermo. His entire department was taken along for a ride- and he joyous. At first. But then, he discovered that instead of letting him and his staff to deal with interesting matters, they were used for war. For example, General Alexei Skobelev had the audacity to disturb his team during their session of watching classical holovid dramas of Djomar and thus gain better understanding culture. Instead, General demanded that they concentrate their work on Dhomir military structure and command line between civilian and military and all that. The horror! Though, like he had no choice. General Skobelev is not someone who you argue with. So, Professor sighed, brew himself some herbal tea and started with modern matters.
This wasn’t all. The bloody General kept demanding updates, clarifications, changes in the communication and other nasty things. Admiral Avelina was the same. To make him snoop out military targets, decide what to bomb, where to bomb and so on. Ahh, what a waste of his good talent. And now, giving the bloody lecture, given to high command of army and navy. He had prepared quite extensive overview of Djomar culture, but was told by both Skobelev and Avelina to drop it. Or cut it down to paragraph. So, he started.
“The culture of the Djmoir is based pretty much on their ability to float. Their performance arts, their equivalent of theatre and everyday life, all is based on...”
Only to be interrupted by Aveline, who spoke loudly and clearly “General, no! No way!”
Professor gazed up, just to see that during his lecture, Admiral had decided to go over invasion plan once again. He tried to snap back, but was ignored.
“Since when do you plan to use incendiary ammo?” Admiral inquired
“The Djomar get their floating due to their ability to produce hydrogen in their bodies,” General Aleksei Skobelev was quick to reply, “And using incendiary ammo means one wound would blow them up.”
“Alongside with other Djomar?” Avelina inquired
“Preferably, yes?”
“Even when they’re children? Or civilians?”
“Even when the Professor,” she made a gesture towards Vihaan, who just stood there, understanding full well that he will not be able to say a word in. “Even when the Professor, wrote in here that using fire like this is the greatest taboo of the Djomar society?”
“This would make the invasion much more effective. And the loss of Norman life much smaller!” the General was also becoming more and more irritated.
“The hell you are! The navy had been bombing the planet for month, careful not to cause any explosions. Careful not to make any Djomar blow up. Or at least, not cause a chain reactor. And we did a marvellous job there, even though i do say so myself,” Aveline was unconsciously raising her voice as the spoke. “And now you want to use Djomar themselves as weapons of mass destruction?”
“But this is the most effective way to conquer them...” Aleksei was totally not moved by Avelina’s words.
“Conquer?” Avelina asked. “This is the most ineffective way to conquer them! Sure, you will crush your resistance, but the explosive Djomar can cause quite a lot of damage to the infrastructure of the planet... and conquer whom? They are urban, tightly together. If you explode one, then... you will have not a soul left to conquer.”
She took a breather and continued: “And remember, General. We are Normans, Conquerors of worlds. We have not become Death, Destroyer of Worlds! And as long as i am in watch, we never will!”
“Fine,” Aleksei shrugged. No-one could stand against avalanche called Avelina when she was angry. “We shall use normal ammo.”
“And no grenades, explosives, napalms and so on,” Avelina added
“Fine,” Aleksei was grumbling, but obviously given up. He beckoned his staff: “Come on, we have one set of invasion plans to redo”
With this, all the army personnel left the lecture room. Few seconds after, Avelina followed and relieved, her staff followed her, leaving Vihaan alone on the stage.
The Invasion
Thus begun the least explosive invasion in Hauteville history. The Djomar appreciated the fact that the Normans were just trying to kill them, not blow them up. Minor distinction, you say- but to a Djomar, this was a world of difference. This actually saved Norman lives as well, for the Djomar were less susceptible fighting to the last tick. The invasion though- as usual, the enemy resistance was not so high. Mostly because once again, the Normans had blown, very carefully, their defences apart.
The invasion begins
Aleksei Skobelev grumbled a bit about being happy that he was happy the Admiral didn’t force them to fight with swords and bows, but otherwise, handled the invasion well enough. And the rest of the grunts- well, they were also happy, for no-one really likes a genocide.
Thus, the planet of Djo Feh’Mari was conquered in May 2250.
End of War
The war didn’t end with invasion of Djo Feh’Mari though. The Djomar were down, not out. So, the Normans did another invasion. This time, in Pleione system, invading a planet called Naff’Gaun. This time, the Jusstkan had already cleared the defences, so it was just parking the fleet in orbit and starting bombardment. Carefully orchestrated bombardment, to keep the enemy down, but not in pieces. The invasion, done in the same way. But with less resistance this time. News of their homeworld falling had reached Naff’Gaun. That eroded the morale. And also, news that the Normans were actually bloody nice conquerors. That helped too.
Second invasion
The invasion started in January 2251 and ended in the beginning of March 2251. This was the final moment of the war as well. Djomar, defeated by Normans and totally agreeing that it is better to live under Norman rule then under Jusstkan genocidal pigs, surrendered both their remaining planets and thus, the Confederated Djomar States ceased to exist.
The enemy giving up
Spoils of War
Kish Sector, domain of the current Emperor, Tancred VII, was the most logical place to add the newly conquered worlds to. Before that, the Kish sector consisted only of Gorf homeworld, but not, it rose to planets. And since it’s the Kish sector, all of the Star Kings and Queens came from Mesopotamian area. As for the governor, Wilhelmina Hauteville-Kreutz, former governor of Tuscany, took over. And the Soval System was renamed Kish as well.
Feshly expanded Kish Sector has quite a nice look to it
First, there was Semadjo System. Homeworld of the Djomar. Full to the brink with the Djomar. Not so bad actually- if you take away their displeasure of being conquered, then they will become nice additions to the Hauteville Empire and will integrate nicely.
Homeworld of Djomar
The other planet invaded by Normans was now called Uruk System. The planet Naff’Gaun was smallish, just 12 billion people maximum, and just halfway colonized.
Uruk, with the smallest Djomar world
Planet Grah’Irtha in the Ur system was was Tuscany was to Earth. A slightly larger system, close to home and quite similar to home. Just the Normans were much more successful in colonizing the Tuscany then Djomar were of colonizing Grah’Irtha. Only 8 billion Djomar lived there and quite a big chunk of the planet was still inhospitable.
Ur System, with worlds getting bigger
Finally, there was the Eridu System. Naff’Ujba there was even larger, but the same restrictions applied- not made totally inhabitable for the Djomar. But that is sure to change under the benevolent leadership of the Normans.
Finally, Eridu, with the biggest Djomar world
One last thing. There was an outpost in the Rixim system, near the Norman-Djomar border, that stopped the Djomar expansion northwards. Now, the outpost was deemed obsolete and was disbanded, thus saving Normans some valuable influence per month.
First frontier station going down