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The Empress should strongly consider a coup. She's clearly more qualified to wield real power than the elected branches of the government.

I'd also like space pirates to be more of an ongoing theat. Maybe in a future patch/dlc that fleshes out trade in general.
So many filthy aliens around. I know your race are xenophiles but that doesn't seem to do much when all your neighbors are xenophobes.
Second contact is with another unlikely ally... Let's hope you might actually find someone to get along with in this mysterious third species.

New Normandy sounds fantastic. Love the Empress' logic behind the decision.
Neither planet is all that appealing actually. A lot of tile blocked land. It's going to take some time to develop properly, plus with so many hostile species nearby a lot of resources need to continue to be devoted to research and military.
Fex'Klanga Star League

In was a few days before the year turned to 2212. Most people were relaxing, enjoying the free time between Christmas (yes, still celebrated) and the New Year. Earth was quiet. Then, the transmission came through, a direct beam to Earth and rest of the Solar system, pushed on all known frequencies. Thousands of both civilian and military operators caught it at the same time, plus it also managed to get itself displaying instead of football World Championship game, causing some anger amongst fans.


Incoming message

The message started with gray lizard-like alien appearing on screen. Bright blue eyes, small mouth, bigger head and some weird headgear, it made a human-like gesture of smiling first. Forced, for obviously they weren’t too used to do that. Then, it said in almost perfect Franco-Norman, the Lingua Franca of the the Hauteville Empire: “Greetings, Human Friends!”

That alone was a shock- after two really hostile first contacts, to meet someone who calls you a friend is a nice relief. The alien continued: “It is good to find another democratic nation who is committed to the same ideals as us, and it is good to find someone who are almost as interested in science as we are.”

The alien smiled again, and continued: “President Kulag hopes for a fruitful cooperation between our Empires.”

It made a small bow and the video part ended.

Then came the data stream. Started with Fex'Klangan Franco-Norman dictionary, then with complete overview of the Flex-Kangan history, its culture, its customs, its species evolution. All again in perfect Franco-Norman. Indeed, they Fex'Klangan were evolved from lizardlike creatures, though the biosphere of their homeworld, Flexla, was different enough that no such claims could be really made.

One thing was certain- Fex'Klanga were extremely adaptive. They can live in both arctic and arid worlds as well without any issues. Much more so then humans.


The species

Most importantly, there were books. Written by Fex'Klangan authors. Something they considered their cultural heritage. Holy books, fiction books, realistic books, some crime stories, some great love stories, their fantasy and science fiction classic. The same with their movies. And art.

The family organization of Fex'Klanga was about the same as humans. Male and female couples, mostly. Only the female laid eggs. Making hatching a central part of their culture. Also, some of the most touching books they sent over dealt with eggs. Or rather, desperate parents of single parent trying to get their eggs back. Or getting revenge for breaking an egg. People read and wept and felt joy. Also, no eggs of the sort were offered anywhere where Fex'Klangans were near. Especially boiled eggs. These were considered ultimate travesty the the Star Empire.


Overview of the Fex'Klangan League

Fex'Klanga became popular. Their books became best-sellers, their moves reached the top and their art became popular in decorating people’s homes. And public places. And soon, there was first movie with Fex'Klangain it- and so on.

Hauteville Empire replied with the same kind of information in a few days. In Franco-Norman, but an updated package in their language was sent in four month time. After all, it takes time to learn the language and translate it.

Official communications between the Empires were opened soon afterwards. Humans established embassy in Flexla as soon as possible. It was the first time the humans had set foot in the homeworld populated by other species. Flexla was a tundra world, with it’s temperature a bit too low for humans to feel comfortable outside without lot of fur, but the Fex'Klangans seemed to enjoy the chill. Even their room temperatures were set to about +10C, for otherwise it would be too hot for them. But the ambassador reported back news- it was indeed a democracy, though more parliamentary then Human one. The cities were huge, the population sprawling and the architecture was wonderful, though totally alien to humans.


Establishing an Embassy with Fex'Klanga Star League

Fex'Klangans followed suit in August 2212, opening embassy on Earth. In Lappland, Finland, where they found their perfect climate amongst the reindeer and Santa Claus. No matter though, Hautevilles were more then happy to build their own private airfield there and after that, it was a few hour ride to everywhere on the planet.


... and the other way around

Strategically though- it was nice to meet new friendly aliens, but... this also meant that the expansion to North was blocked. And to south, where the angry pigs live. And to west, where angry birds live. Not strong enough to attack neither of them yet, the only way to continue with the expansion was to head east, towards the center of the galaxy.


Blocked from north, south and west
Meeting the first ever friendly aliens. Life is good. Or at least, not bad. But i'm totally lacking room to expand... And planets to expand to.
Some pictures are taken from a bit later date though...

The Empress should strongly consider a coup. She's clearly more qualified to wield real power than the elected branches of the government.

I'd also like space pirates to be more of an ongoing theat. Maybe in a future patch/dlc that fleshes out trade in general.

True that, but i like the idea of shrewd Empress pulling strings like a grey eminence with absolute power, but almost never using it. And elections are good influence as well.
And yes, agreed on one hand. On the other hand, for pirates to become a threat to the Empire would be rare, i hope. Especially with wormhole travel and controlled stations and traffic. There must be a pirate with enough cash to start with to construct a wormhole station and build a sizeable fleet. And well, if you have money for that, why you need to become a pirate?
I'm considering piracy to be more like in-system problem, where some people highjack freighters and suce and they are dealt by local law enforcement.

So many filthy aliens around. I know your race are xenophiles but that doesn't seem to do much when all your neighbors are xenophobes.

Not all amymore! :) Finally found a non-xenophile race!

Second contact is with another unlikely ally... Let's hope you might actually find someone to get along with in this mysterious third species.

New Normandy sounds fantastic. Love the Empress' logic behind the decision.

Yes, but the angry birds look like good targets at least! None too strong and all that. And what do you know, i found some :)

And thanks!

Neither planet is all that appealing actually. A lot of tile blocked land. It's going to take some time to develop properly, plus with so many hostile species nearby a lot of resources need to continue to be devoted to research and military.

Yes, i know. But the thing is- i need to expand, but these are the only two options i have at the moment...

I'm really enjoying this. Keep it up!

Thanks a lot, will try! :)
Allies! And potential vassals, seeing their relative strenght? At least a good option for a future federation, I guess.:)
Finally, a nice species! They're the best allies you could hope for, if a bit weak. Let them help you conquer the stars... and eventually betray them as the horrible Normans! ;)
I feel a hankering for soused hogs face! Bulk up the fleet and go boar hunting.

And name a flagship Robert Baratheon. Please.
Encounter in Cuunbar


In August 2212, the Hauteville science ship arrived to Cuunbar system, right in the border of Hauteville Empire and Jusstkan Just Pigs. It was obvious that something was off as soon as they entered the system- the planet Cuunbar III, a huge desert world circling the yellow star displayed a lot more radio signals then it should have naturally. But, there were no space installations, no traces of the space flight.

Curious, Paseka Hauteville-Khumato ordered the ship to approach, carefully. Trying to avoid detection, the ship moved in, slowly, at almost infuriating pace, collecting data. Until it reached the orbit. There, it set off most of their systems, leaving only life-support, sensors and computer systems alive. Silently, it orbited the Cuunbar III planet. Or M’Rak’Vo, at the locals claimed planet to be named.


Discovery of pre-space civilization

Indeed, the was planet was teeming with life. Airplanes flying back and forth, huge cities, sprawling over tens of square kilometers. Rough population count- about 5 billion Immutharans. But the planet was not united, it was populated by several warring nations. In a few centuries, unless they managed to get themselves extinct in the nuclear war, they would join the stars. If the Hautevilles are successful, they will be terribly disappointed though- they have nowhere to expand.


Immutharans and their homeworld

The Immutharans themselves- Paseka Hauteville-Khumato ordered capture of few live specimens. From sparsely populated areas of the M’Rak’Vo, few were sedated and transported to HTV Caldwell, where some readings were taken. And some a bit invasive surgery was done. It turned out that Immutharans were exceptionally strong, as one came to consciousness during the test, broke the restraints and was easily subduing a crew of of six, until Paseka grabbed his stunner and shot a perfectly aimed blast to the poor alien’s forehead. After the tests, the aliens were returned. They had some hazy memories of it, and soon, they managed to become outcasts in the society, telling strange stories about alien abductions that not a single person believed.


First abductions or Normans, not really known for their subtelty

As for HTV Caldwell, they concluded their studies and moved on. Paseka Hauteville-Khumato proposed that a permanent observatory base should be constructed above M’Rak’Vo though, to observe the society and the culture and perform occasional abduction and then do crop circles and observe the reflection of that in the society and so on.

The proposition was heard and agreed upon. In December 2213, the first Hauteville observation post was completed above M’Rak’Vo and soon, first abductions, first cattle robbery and all that begun in earnest.


The first observation post of Hauteville Empire. The poor unsuspecting Immurathans will never see it coming, but they will see the cattle going...

The Science

In 2212, the scientist managed to map the genomes of both humans and other flora and fauna on Earth. It resulted in better medical treatments for humans, and a bit longer lifespan for everyone. Another effect was genetically engineered crops, set to survive the environment better and to to give a bit better yield.


I plan to live forever, of course, but barring that I'd settle for a couple thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice.
CEO Nwabudike Morgan, Morganlink 3D-Vision Interview

In 2213, the something more wonderful came about- the knowledge and equipment to manage tectonic plates. At least, a bit. Not enough to create continents or change the shape of existing ones, but enough to stop the places from colliding, thus creating possibilities to clear out huge volcanoes.


Watch out, tectonic plates! Normans are coming!

Robert Guiscard MK II

Nanocomposite armor was discovered in 2211, some basic deflectors in 2212. In addition, better guns and engines were discovered some time ago. Now, it was time to put them all together, to get a new and improved ship type that can help the Normans to get to their rightful place in the stars.


Now, just some better reactors are needed

The result- brand new MK II Corvettes. With better firepower, with at least some rudimentary defences and also, faster and with better maneuverability.


The new and improved Robert Guiscard-class corvette

Battle of Burtios System

Massive cannons fired with thumps that echoed through the hull of the ship and caused vibrations enough that one had to hold his coffee mug. The sound was almost comforting, almost made you feel safe, Julia Hauteville-Kürger thought. She gazed from the viewscreen as the cannons of the whole Norman fleet, 10 corvettes in total, 30 cannons in total, fired one after another. The slugs, propelled to almost speed of light, hit cracks to what seems to be the enemy core. Almost certainly landing with even more satisfying thump, but sadly no-one could hear it.

Julia shrugged. It was the place scientist thought it would be prudent to aim your cannons at, and she wasn’t for sure going to disagree with them. For she had no idea at all what they were fighting. But she was sure of one thing- they got it’s attention. As the slugs penetrated, the void cloud became active.

“Brace!” was all she could shout, and then the ship was hit. First, it was hum, as the shields were trying to absorb the damage. Then, the shields gave up. The sound was now screeching, as the pure energy from the cloud hit the ship. For a moment, there was nothing, then it was the electrical systems malfunctioning, the fuses breaking apart. That was more or less expected though and repair crews started their work.

“All ships,” Julia spoke to speakers. “Disperse. Squad 1, left; Squad 2, right; Squad 3, up and we are going down. Give it no clear targets, keep moving. No-one flies a straight line! And keep the fire coming,”

“Roger,” was acknowledgement of other nine captains. Julia leaned back on her chair, feeling once again the familiar, comforting thumps of mass drivers. The battle had begun.

In the end, the Normans won. The void cloud was killed and in January 2214, the Burtios System was free of threats. The Normans lost one ship, though the crew was mostly rescued from the life pods. It was the first time Normans fought someone else then humans. And also, first threat cleared by Normans.


The Battle Begins

Cynn Empire

In April 2214, another communication came through. It was the Cynn Empire, another avian species. Another one of these not so friendly sorts, for calling the nice humans “deprived” in the first communication is not really something you can make friends with. It seems though that they were not in the progress of making friends, rather subjects or even slaves.


Well, hi to you as well, ugly vulture thing

Luckily for humans, there was Fex’Klanga Star League between them and the human planets. The Hauteville Empire didn’t need three collectivist, xenophobic (the levels of collectivism and xenophobia might vary) hegemonic imperialists at their borders. Two was enough.


I'm kinda glad they are not my neighbours
Tokyo Station

In February 2213, Tokyo Station was constructed in Alphecca system. The second wormhole, it first relieved now quite overworked Tokugawa Station from at least some of the traffic, especially from the Earth-New Normandy line. Second, it expanded the Norman jump range to almost two times, also allowing jumping across the Great Emptiness in the East, allowing Normans access to the previously undiscovered spiral arm.


Tokyo Station becoming live

Exploration Continues

In December 2212, HTV Caldwell had completed the initial task- scan some planets that are habitable. The data collected added some knowledge of social matters and also, some interested parties in private sector awarded the Empire with some extra credits.


Done surveying

In 2213, Paseka Hauteville-Khumato discovered a mummified pilot corpse in Torrom, a new system just in range thanks to Tokyo Station. How long had it been there, floating? What ancient battle forced him to eject? Or was it an accident and he drifted there, waiting for rescue that didn’t come? None of these questions were answered, but still, it added something to science.


Poor alien, forgotten by everyone for thousands of years

Encounter in Alphecca

In May 2214, enemy ships were entering the sky above Alphecca. The scanners of New Normandy, colony already through their initial phase in 2211 and now growing, sent a small patrol and tried to hail them. The ship ignored Normans and jumped off, though it appeared not to be hostile. Or armed, for that matter.


  • Another mysterious species? Will they be friends or enemies... time will tell...
First pre-space nation, first battle against monsters, again one nasty alien, one alien who can turn out to be nasty and some other things. Busy times. At least, the observation staion gives totally crazy boost in the beginning, so lucky to get it.

Allies! And potential vassals, seeing their relative strenght? At least a good option for a future federation, I guess.:)

Yes, allies and also perhaps vassals. But i abhor the federations. I hate the losing control part for my foreign affairs. And the other aliens being able to call on members without my acceptance. There should be at least some mechanics for war declaration- like yes, of course, we help, but only if we get the system x. Similar to alliances. And the same for accepting new members. Currently, the federations are more master-servant style things, but with master and servants changing position every x time.

Finally, a nice species! They're the best allies you could hope for, if a bit weak. Let them help you conquer the stars... and eventually betray them as the horrible Normans! ;)

I'm not horrible! :) Perhaps, eventually- as a final war or something. But even then, most i do is make them vassals.

I feel a hankering for soused hogs face! Bulk up the fleet and go boar hunting.

And name a flagship Robert Baratheon. Please.

Angry Birds first! And hehh! Robert Baratheon it is! :)
Ooh, something to watch and experiment on. Will the Hauteville Empire be trying their hand at uplifting the Immutharans down the line?

Yay, another neighbor who is way too arrogant...
So do you plan to uplift them to be part of your ever expanding empire? I find in my games that more species means more colonizable planets, whichs means WIN.:)
One question before i forget it: would you go to make an other Portugal AAR with Mare Nostrum? Or would you prefer to play an other nation? (If you would do an Mare Nostrum AAR )
And do you think that your strategy with portugal from your last AAR also could be a strategy for beginners? (A friend got EU IV and all expansions and he want to play portugal and he asked me wich strategy would be the best.)
Ooh, something to watch and experiment on. Will the Hauteville Empire be trying their hand at uplifting the Immutharans down the line?

Yay, another neighbor who is way too arrogant...

Yes, the amount of xenophobes in the galaxy is too damn high!

So do you plan to uplift them to be part of your ever expanding empire? I find in my games that more species means more colonizable planets, whichs means WIN.:)

AnguishedOne, this one goes to you as well-
Not in the foreseeable future. One reason only- i'm xenophile and because i love aliens, i cannot infiltrate and take over. Or my personal favourite, send in the fleet and bomb the unsuspecting primitives back to stone age and then send in the troops. You know, that old routine. Currently, I first have to spend gold and sociology to uplift them. Then, they will be my vassals for the next decade. Then, i have to spend influence to annex them. Just not worth it.
If they were sharing my ethos or if uplifting them also allows to influence their ehtos, then i'd do it.

Its the first time i reply on your AARs, but i have to say:I Fucking love them!!! I discovered your Portugal Common Sense AAR three days ago and i finished it yesterday evening!! They are so nice.!!!!

One question before i forget it: would you go to make an other Portugal AAR with Mare Nostrum? Or would you prefer to play an other nation? (If you would do an Mare Nostrum AAR )
And do you think that your strategy with portugal from your last AAR also could be a strategy for beginners? (A friend got EU IV and all expansions and he want to play portugal and he asked me wich strategy would be the best.)

First, thank you very much! Fucking awesome to have you!

And well, no plans to revisit Portugal at the moment. If i'd do, i'd so something more interesting. Like trying to achieve the same result with Aragon or Morocco or something. But this Stellaris AAR will keep me busy for a foreseeable time. I just lack the time to do two AAR-s at the same time. When i'm finished with this and taken a small break and then getting my writing iches running again- though i can't even speculate what i will write about.

But as for Portugal being strategy for beginners- well, yes and no. The main logic still applies to Mare Nostrum- control trade in India. Meaning, concentrate on taking African trade nodes in your way, then concentrate on Malacca and India and after the money starts really flowing (around 100-150 years into the game), use it to expand in Europe.
Though the first part of my strategy was to kick out Castile as my biggest competitor before they could become one. This might be harder to achieve- with the reworked alliances and war system in the Cossacks expansion, i think. Still, Canary Islands (giving Castile their needed colonial range) and Sevilla (this way, you have absolute control over your home node) should be priority, as is alliance with Aragon and France. Not sure how doable it is now though. Also, Tangiers. And then Castilian Mediterranean coast. And then Biscay coast. You want them landlocked before they have power to colonize. And as much landgrabbing in Europe as possible- you need it for the manpower and extra income in the beginning. I'd suggest Italy and trying to take control over Genoa end node.
Yes, the amount of xenophobes in the galaxy is too damn high!

AnguishedOne, this one goes to you as well-
Not in the foreseeable future. One reason only- i'm xenophile and because i love aliens, i cannot infiltrate and take over. Or my personal favourite, send in the fleet and bomb the unsuspecting primitives back to stone age and then send in the troops. You know, that old routine. Currently, I first have to spend gold and sociology to uplift them. Then, they will be my vassals for the next decade. Then, i have to spend influence to annex them. Just not worth it.
If they were sharing my ethos or if uplifting them also allows to influence their ehtos, then i'd do it.

First, thank you very much! Fucking awesome to have you!

And well, no plans to revisit Portugal at the moment. If i'd do, i'd so something more interesting. Like trying to achieve the same result with Aragon or Morocco or something. But this Stellaris AAR will keep me busy for a foreseeable time. I just lack the time to do two AAR-s at the same time. When i'm finished with this and taken a small break and then getting my writing iches running again- though i can't even speculate what i will write about.

But as for Portugal being strategy for beginners- well, yes and no. The main logic still applies to Mare Nostrum- control trade in India. Meaning, concentrate on taking African trade nodes in your way, then concentrate on Malacca and India and after the money starts really flowing (around 100-150 years into the game), use it to expand in Europe.
Though the first part of my strategy was to kick out Castile as my biggest competitor before they could become one. This might be harder to achieve- with the reworked alliances and war system in the Cossacks expansion, i think. Still, Canary Islands (giving Castile their needed colonial range) and Sevilla (this way, you have absolute control over your home node) should be priority, as is alliance with Aragon and France. Not sure how doable it is now though. Also, Tangiers. And then Castilian Mediterranean coast. And then Biscay coast. You want them landlocked before they have power to colonize. And as much landgrabbing in Europe as possible- you need it for the manpower and extra income in the beginning. I'd suggest Italy and trying to take control over Genoa end node.
thanks for help:) I talked with my friend and he told me that he will use your strategy:) But i have to warn you:
I am German so my english is not perfect and i will make some mistakes in writting, but your AAR was so nice, i wanted to write this compliment:)


It was 1st November 2214, in skies above the New Normandy. Small orbital installation gathering data from the surrounding space. As boring job as it gets- collecting the data, seeing the machines work ok, reading a book with your feet on the table. The last was a favourite part of a technician stationed there. Of course, feet on the table was kind of metaphorical, cause no-one bothered with artificial gravity in there, so the feet on the table doesn’t give you quite the same feeling as it does on a ground. Still, two-week shifts, good pay and he was already a week in.

It was just when the woman got down comfortable, took out a classic- Asimov’s “Foundation and Empire”, grabbed herself a cup of joe and started reading when the alarm went off. Now, there go points for zero gravity- if this would have happened on Earth, she would have poured hot coffee all over her. Now, what she spilled floated around her. After a few seconds of attempting to capture the coffee back, she gave up and concentrated on the alarm.

First was the traditional method- hit the console hard and hope it will shut up. Didn’t work. She sighed- she had just gotten to the good part- and tried to turn off the alarm. Didn’t also work. Now, when the basic diagnostic failed, it was time to track the source of the problem. And what a problem it was- an asteroid, more then 50 km in diameter and heading straight to New Normandy. The technician was shocked for a minute, staring at the screen.

Then, she warned the planetary administration. Well, after scanning the manual for 30 minutes to find the appropriate contact, then dealing with the pissed off contact whom she called in the middle of the night, of course. Then, after the seriousness of the issue got through, it took another 12 hours for planetary governor to make a decision- ask the Earth for help, for New Normandy lacked any means to deal with the threat.



Setting Sail

The fleet was in orbit around Earth when they got an alarm. It was 04:45 in Earth Standard Time (or Palermo Time), 2nd November. It too another 5 minutes for Admiral Julia Hauteville-Krüger to wake up, receive the message, understood the gravity of it and raise an alarm. It took another 6 hours to find the drunken sailors on shore leave, load extra supplies and prepare the fleet. At 10:45, Earth Standard Time, the fleet took off.

Luckily, it wasn’t a very fast asteroid and it was discovered in time. For you know, space is vast and the distances one needs to cover...Let’s just say that the fleet arrived in Alphecca System in 27th January, 2215. Wormhole generation also took some time, but the biggest delay was subspace flight from Earth to Tokugawa. They were flying as fast as they could and they were flying fast corvettes equipped with recently discovered ion engines... and it still took three month for them to reach the other system. Though the predicted collision date was August, the people of New Normandy already got quite anxious and started demanding the abandonment of colony and evacuation of citizens.

Battle Against the Rock

It was 4th March 2215, 18:58 Paremo time when the asteroids were finally in sights of Norman ships. 50 kilometers or rock dwarfed the Norman corvettes, mere 70 meters in length and seemed impossible to be blown up by the slugs spit out by ship's mass drivers. There was plan B of course- send in a crew of deep-sea drillers, drill a hole in it and blow it up, but it was risky and best to be done with conventional means.


Arrival to the New Normandy

“Fleet, approach to 10 kilometers, each to your designated position. Keep the distance and keep firing,” Julia Hauteville-Krüger commanded the fleet. She smiled and added “No need for evasive maneuvers, unless the rock starts shooting back”

She leaned back. It was an easiest set of orders she had ever given. In fact, Ensigns could give that order.


Battle Against the Rock

Thump-thump-thump, the cannons of the HTV Columbus fired, echoing through the ship and making it vibrate slightly. Then, there was silence for two minutes and thirty-seven seconds, as the cannons reloaded. Then again, thump-thump-thump. It had been going on for a week already and humans had adapted to the monotony of the shots. They automatically brace a few seconds before the time comes. They sleep without noticing the vibrations or hearing the sounds. They feel something is missing when the cannons stay silent for some reason, be it the cooling or emergency maintenance. They feel something is missing when the shot is delayed. It had become a routine.

Julia felt utterly bored and useless. Especially the latter. It was the easiest battle she had commanded (well, and her third, to be fair) and she had nothing to do apart from logistics. Organising spare parts, extra ammo, extra food and supplies, keeping the rotations, allowing part of the crew to go and have fun in New Normandy for a week and then come back to the familiar thumps of the cannons.

It took almost three months. The asteroid had become much smaller already, as Norman ships chipped pieces of it to space. Now, the rock was just 10 kilometers in diameter. The blown-off pieces were steadily following the asteroid it’s wake. In 27th May, 09:47, salvo fired directly from several ships finally hit the sweet spot. It is quite sad that there are no sounds in vacuum, for it would have been really impressive. Explosion, or rather, a small mushroom of dust and ice, blowing up from the inside of the roid and then, the cracks. Visible cracks on the surface, growing small, then getting bigger and bigger, until the remaining asteroid blew into small pieces in quite a spectacular fashion.


The end of several month of bombardment

Fleet flew into safe distance and there was some cheering, but mostly exhaustion. Julia Hauteville-Krüger ordered the fleet to sail to New Normandy, where there was victory parade awaiting for them. Much to the dismay of the local authorities, the parade was delayed though for 48 hours, as the around 200 crewmembers of the fleet got into ground, were transported into hotel, where they spent the next 36 hours sleeping and after that, getting themselves in order again. Then, there was huge parade and celebration and free booze for the crewmembers and all that.

As for the asteroid- the mineral-rich pieces were picked up by mining ships, transported to Earth and used to fund another colony ship. This way, the threat to one of the colonies became the birth of a new one.

I’m Doing Science

It takes special Norman band of crazy. When uncovering the long-lost sentient machine race that was hell-bent on wiping out the organic life on galaxy, one of the Norman scientists thought about it, then thought some more and then thought that why the hell not. Robots! Perfect, especially for the colonies. To extract minerals from there- doing it much more efficiently then humans and also, allowing the colonies to grow much faster. In July 2214, the plans were formalized.


Of course. Let's build our own Cybrex.

Construction of first massive robot population begun in 2215, in the New Normandy colony, were a new mine was set up. The robot workers proved to be though, didn’t need stupid things like oxygen and managed to work for a week before their battery needed recharging. Soon, Tuscany followed, but there were no robots on Earth. And even in colonies, the robot population was kept to a minimum.


If you know how to build a robot, why not build one? Or a billion, for that matter

Also at the same time, Normans came up with designs for new fancy state-of-the art physics laboratories, but this is so much more boring then robots.


New toys!

Better logistics systems to support bigger fleet were also drawn. Starting from February 2215, the Hauteville Empire could field more ships.


More ships!

In other news- first debris was analysed. The recently blown up void cloud was scanned by HTV Caldwell and this gave Normans a bit of insight on how the systems work. Especially with the regenerative hull part and also, some ideas on how to use their lighting as weapon for Normans.


This is the future- someday, Norman ships will repair themselves!

The Wild Hunt

Empress Emma laughed hard. So, the boffins had researched a problem of how to deal with both the 3-meter tall huge carnivores of Tuscany and small, slim, around 1 meter in length (half of them teeth) predators in New Normandy. She new it would become an issue sooner or later, but this time, the scientist reacted faster then she though.


Is this really the best way to deal with wildlife?

She grinned, for she had her own solution. First, a quick call to Walter Schmidt, the head scientist of sociology and the one who came up with the idea. A quick bet was made- cask of fine wine to see who clears about the equal area in Tuscany first- the science or the Empress.

Then, Emma called the Wild Hunt, as it was called later. All Hautevilles and other Normans who would join, going off to the field trip to Tuscany, to hunt the teeth-o-fants, as the beast were called. Also, offering a grand reward for the winner. Of course, the call was heard by many and in a month, a chaotic, unorganized, quite often happily drunk crew of nearly 15 000 Normans departed Earth to Tuscany. Using the attitude “Shoot anything that is taller then 2 meters and has fangs... nah, anything with fangs” vs scientific method. The battle has begun.

Half a year later, Emma was enjoying a cask of really fine wine with Walter Schmidt and the winner of the Wild Hunt, Count Robert Hauteville-Malina of Tenoxtitlan. She smiled at Walter and commented: “You have a very good taste in wine, mister” and raised her glass in his honor.

Tuuki Birds!

The ships that stumbled upon Alphecca System turned out to be some sort of four-eyed birds that lived south of the Jusstkan Pig Empire. Calling themselves Interstellar Imari Sovereignty, the birds were pacifistic in nature and for once, did not pose any threat to the Hauteville Empire. An embassy was established to mutual benefit.


As far as looks go... the toucan-like birds, with their four eyes, claws littered with teeth and angry outlook, are actually quite nice

Also, the Cynn Empire, neighbors of the Fex’Klanga Star League, were declared rivals by the very same Fex’Klangans. Now, the Hauteville Empire followed suit- just to show their solidarity with the nice neighbours.


Hello! We hate you!

Finally, during this time, the Plex-Cradonian Sovereign States, or the Angry Birds to the west, declared the Hauteville Empire to be their rivals. Smart birds. Normans replies "Why thank you" note written on "I hate you too" card.


Well, we hate you too!