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What a wonderful suggestion! I am so glad you clearly laid out the point of what you would like us to change and have given us some amazing examples from the lore so as to emphasise your points to help us improve the mod!
All joking aside, what would you want us to do? We have pretty much no info in lore about the valyrian religion really

You could just take a non-canon/semi-canon/mod-canon guess work approach for the mod.

Sacifices sound like they are part of Valyrian religion as they were and are common in Essos, and events around Valyrian Steel (maybe you could attempt a riskey ritual or trip to Valyria if of the faith to recover the secrets of Valyrian Steel so you can make swords slowly and sell them to other houses who want them for lots of cash ?) and the Glass Candles would be interesting.
What a wonderful suggestion! I am so glad you clearly laid out the point of what you would like us to change and have given us some amazing examples from the lore so as to emphasise your points to help us improve the mod!
All joking aside, what would you want us to do? We have pretty much no info in lore about the valyrian religion really
Lets me ask how much into Canon this mod is? If not so much Valyrian religion could be invented, really it is not so difficult if you carefully borrow elements from Hellenism, ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian religions and Zorostians.
But if this mod is 100% of canon Valyrian religion will remain mystery.
We remain as canon as possible and would rather not completely make stuff up which is problem as we have pretty much no info on the valyrian religion
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Personally I think (warning: I know essentially nothing about GoT and ASOIAF except what I've read after finding this mod so my opinion can probably be easily invalidated) that the Valyrian religion as it was would probably have been more or less died out with Old Valyria in the Doom. The only way we could see a major resurgence of the Valyrian faith is if Aegon decides to continue following it instead of converting to the Faith of the Seven (Westeros) or R'hllor (Essos/New Valyria) and attempts to convert his conquest. Remaining a follower of the Valyrian religion, or even conquering the Free Cities instead of Westeros, seems like it'd be a non-cannon choice, so like I said earlier, maybe it could be used as a "what if" scenario where, after completing his conquest and refusing to convert, he could "reform" or "revive" the Valyrian faith into a more mixed religion with certain aspects of both Valyrian and the local religion in an effort to make his new subjects more willing to convert? For instance, both mixed religions could gain the ability to have multiple wives, brother-sister marriages, and maybe some dragon-related ritual from the Valyrian religion if you wanted to be creative. The Seven/Valyrian religion could try to use a system similar to the High Septon with the Oldtown holy site replaced by the Dragonstone one, knighthood and tournaments, and the faith authority mechanic from the Faith of the Seven, but potentially have fewer qualms against slavery in exchange for greatly alienating followers of the Old Gods. The R'hllor/Valyrian mix would probably have a religious structure based off the R'hllor faith, perhaps claim that dragons are servants of R'hllor himself, impliment the Favored/Chosen by R'hllor but have a special requirement that a character needs to be a dragon rider or something similar, and potentially be more likely to trigger a slave revolt due to the slaves viewing it as the return of a tyrannical empire that will enslave all of Essos if it isn't stopped.

Honestly though, I think I'd be content with the current Valyrian faith being able to build temple structures and take advantage of the Seven's knighthood and tournaments if in Westeros.
There is a big difference between plausible what if scenarios and completely making something up. Honestly if anything I would like to see the valyrian religion have the ability to be like the tengri religion in eu4 in which rulers can pick a syncretic faith and that nullifies some of the penalties from rulers of that faith. So the volantis rulers could choose to have a syncretic faith with rhllor and have reduced penalties
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You know, it is too bad that the so-called "GRRMarillion" won't be out until well into the time period when CK3 is likely to be out. I do remember Martin saying things like the Valyrian religion would be further fleshed out. Most of us will likely be middle-aged at that point, IF it comes out at all. grumble grumble no Winds of Winter yet
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Unless something's changed since I first downloaded the mod or I'm missing something (which is quite likely), it seems the Green Dreams are tied mainly or entirely to the "animal companion" traits. If a character has Green Dreams, they'll receive one (90%) or more (10% for 2, and after that they have a 50% chance of being able to get another up to six) companion animals that provide various benefits (mainly stat or duel skill bonuses, but the whale animal companion seems to be able to sink the pirate ship that attacks you during the event chain to get a Valyrian Steel Sword). I'm not sure if Green Dreams do anything else.

Yeah, I was more hoping that it would get an update in a similar vein to what's mentioned in the OP since it makes sense lore-wise.
Yeah, I was more hoping that it would get an update in a similar vein to what's mentioned in the OP since it makes sense lore-wise.
Not adding them to the green dreams is more about balancing than anything else, if we gave them the plot seeing ability as well then being old gods would be even better
There is a big difference between plausible what if scenarios and completely making something up. Honestly if anything I would like to see the valyrian religion have the ability to be like the tengri religion in eu4 in which rulers can pick a syncretic faith and that nullifies some of the penalties from rulers of that faith. So the volantis rulers could choose to have a syncretic faith with rhllor and have reduced penalties
Honestly it would not impact main game at all. Only when Valyrian faith is relevant is when Aegon has to decide does he conquest Westeros or not. Otherwise Valyrian faith is doomed to die.
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The Valyrian Faith is pretty much dead anyway. It's practiced by about a dozen provinces at it most during the game, six of those are weak (Provinces of Northern Valyria), three of them usually get attacked and defeated easily (If Aegon joins or fights New Valyria, I found Pentos usually takes over the provinces of Dragonstone within a few decades), and the remaining few deal with R'hollor revolts and rebellions constantly in Volantis. GRRM even said in A World of Ice and Fire that with the fall of Valyria via The Doom, the Valyrian Faith was all but dead because the remaining dragonlords who practiced the faith were either killed by revolts in the Free cities or disappeared trying to claim Valyria for themselves. Think about Valyrian as the Zoroastrian faith in Vanilla. It's all but dead in the time period of the game, and if you're not directly playing as them, they usually disappear entirely. Even if you try to restore Valyria in the submod, religious conversion is set to a snail's pace in this mod.
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Like I said, I'd honestly be content if it was given the knighthood and tournament aspects of the Faith of the Seven and allowed to build temple upgrades. Anything else is just a bonus to me.
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Why not use Dynastic Prestige for the strength of the sacrifice for Rhlor?

And about Dragon Dreams, I get the feeling that you interpreted them as a much more reliable future prediction than it was, a *dream* filled with metaphors and open to interpretations. Why a dueling bonus? How can it be so precise as to find gold in the street? Etc.
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Why not use Dynastic Prestige for the strength of the sacrifice for Rhlor?

Because the blood of kings has potency regardless of whether said king comes from a long, prestigious line or just usurped kingship last week?
Then perhaps the "blood of kings" could be a metaphor (or still be literal in the case of genes) for the qualities or status required to become a king or queen? You could say that the "potency" of the blood of kings refers to the fact that a person with said blood is the descendant of someone who had the strength, brilliance, charisma, or luck required to unite large parts of the world. If some random upstart count who just started their own house managed to take over the Riverlands, become independent, and then proclaim that they're the new King of the Trident, does that make their blood any less potent than the Lannisters, who have ruled for generations but haven't been kings since the Conquest? I'd think the opposite would be true since this upstart had created a kingdom within a single lifetime in the shadow of the Iron Throne.