I am very disappointed in the fact that tgw for hoi2 will be made while the hoi1 version is abandoned in it's currently unfinished, buggy state.
Kindjal said:I am very disappointed in the fact that tgw for hoi2 will be made while the hoi1 version is abandoned in it's currently unfinished, buggy state.
They aren't bugs for christ's sake, they are game balancing matters. With the possible exception of this Czech business (which might even be fixed in an update), there aren't any bugs that are immediately noticeable.
As for your disappointment - perhaps you ought to continue work yourself rather than moaning unproductively and telling me what to do.
Kindjal said:A bug is a bug is a bug, immediately noticeable or not. If you want an immediately noticeable, you ought to look at the firepower/manpower land doctrines.
Does nothing when it should? Bug!
Kindjal said:So criticism is for everyone but you, I see.
But it might surprise you to know that in fact I am working on this thing for greater enjoyment on this side of the fence.
No, in my case they would've still had Venice (and maybe Trento, I can't remember if it was theirs or Austria's), and most of Serbia.Zuckergußgebäck said:Is it perhaps that a country cannot release nations until it doesn´t exist anymore? (all its provinces cannot be given to puppets?) And as Czecholslovakia is the last command, A-H remains in Czechoslovkia.
Ok, I know of two ways this can happen:Austria Hungary didn't disappeared! Actually, she gets defeated but she remains in Tschecoslovakia!
Etape Une:
-Faites une installation "propre" de HoI
1. Insérez votre CD-ROM de HoI. L'autorun, s'il fonctionne, vous proposera de jouez, refusez.
2. Dans l'explorateur Windows, repérez votre dossier "Heart of Iron". Donnez-lui temporairement un autre nom.
3. Sélectionnez le fichier "setup.exe" sur le CD-ROM. Lancez-le.
4. Choisissez l'option "Réparer" (repair) et suivez les instructions à l'écran jusqu'à ce que vous atteigniez l'étape "Terminer" (finish).
5. Vérifiez dans l'explorateur Windows, vous devriez avoir un nouveau dossier appelé "\Hearts of Iron" (si nécessaire, utilisez la touche F5 pour "rafraîchir" l'affichage).
Renommez ce nouveau dossier "The Great War"
Redonnez au dossier original de Hearts of Iron son nom d'origine.
Attention à ne pas mélanger les deux dossiers !
-Installation des derniers patchs de Paradox.
Note : "The Great War" a été conçu pour fonctionner avec la version 1.06c de HoI.
1. Téléchargez le dernier patch pour HoI (1.06c) sur le site web de Paradox. Choisissez de l'enregistrer dans un dossier quelconque sur votre disque dur.
2. Retrouvez le patch dans le dossier où vous l'avez téléchargé. Lancez-le et suivez les instructions à l'écran.
3. Quand il vous demandera quel est le répertoire de destination, vérifiez que le répertoire sélectionné est le nouveau répertoire "The Great War" que vous avez créé à l'Etape Une. Si ce n'est pas le cas, cliquez sur "Parcourir" (browse) et sélectionnez le répertoire correct. Suivez les dernières instructions s'affichant à l'écran.
-Effacez les fichiers suivant, qui concernent directement la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et ce afin d'éviter des conflits avec les nouveaux fichiers "The Great War".
1. Dans l'explorateur Windows, localisez les cinq répertoires suivant dans le nouveau dossier "The Great War". Effacez-les( y compris les sous-répertoires s'il y en a):
-Téléchargez et installez les fichiers "The Great War".
1. Il y a trois fichier à télécharger pour la version 1.00 du "mod". Enregistrez les trois sur votre disque dur.
Partie 1 : fichier exécutable version 1.00
Partie 2 : Mise à jour du 27/12/2004.
Partie 3 : Mise à jour du 03/01/2005.
2. Ouvrez le fichier "setup.exe" (fichier 1) et suivez les instructions. Extrayez (extract) tous les fichiers vers votre dossier "The Great war".
2. Lancez les deux fichiers .rar chacun à leur tour. Vous aurez besoin d'un "software dézippeur" (utilisez Winrar, disponible pour évaluation gratuite à partir de www.winrar.com).
Extrayez (extract) tous les fichiers vers votre dossier "The Great war". Si vous avez un message vous demandant de remplacer un fichier existant (overwrite), dites oui.
Installez le patch "no limit" afin que le jeu commence en 1914 et non en 1936.
1. Localisez le fichier no_time_limit_11.exe dans le dossier "The Great War". Lancez-le.
2. Le patch vous demandera de sélectionner le fichier cible (select target file). Cliquez sur le bouton "Parcourir" (browse).
3. Vérifiez que vous êtes bien dans le dossier "The Great War", et sélectionnez le fichier HoI.exe. Cliquez sur ouvrir (open), puis sur "start".
'Emp. Palpatine' et 'JP'
JP said:I have translated the Installation instructions for TGW 1.0.![]()
Step One
Create a clean installation of Hearts of Iron.
1. Insert your original HoI CD-ROM. Cancel the “Play” screen if it appears.
2. In Windows Explorer, locate your existing Hearts of Iron program folder. Temporarily rename it to something else.
3. Locate the file Setup.exe on the CD-ROM. Run the program.
4. Choose the Repair option. Follow the on-screen instructions until you reach the Finish prompt.
5. Check in Windows Explorer, and you should have a new directory called \Hearts of Iron.
(If necessary, press the F5 key to refresh the screen display.)
Rename this new directory ‘The Great War’.
Rename your original HoI directory back to ‘Hearts of Iron’, instead of whatever temporary name you gave it.
Make sure you don’t get the two mixed up!
Step Two
Install the latest Paradox patch. Note: The Great War has been tested to work with version 1.06c.
1. Download the latest patch from the Paradox website. Choose “Save to Disk” when given the option.
2. Find the patch file where you saved it, and run the program. Follow the on-screen instructions.
3. When asked to Choose Destination Location, make sure that the folder listed is the new \The Great War folder that you created in Step One.
If this is not the one listed, click the Browse button and locate the correct directory. Follow the remaining on-screen instructions.
Step Three
Delete those files that relate specifically to the Second World War, to avoid possible mismatches with the new Great War files.
1. In Windows Explorer, locate the following five folders in your new \The Great War directory, and delete each of them (including their sub-folders, if any):
Step Four
Download and install the files for The Great War
1. Version 1.0 comes in one file. Save this to your computer.
2. Open the ‘setup’ file and follow the instructions. Extract the files to your \The Great War directory.
Step Five
Install the No Time Limit patch so that the game starts in 1914 instead of 1936.
1. Locate the file no_time_limit_11.exe in the \The Great War directory. Run the program.
2. You will be asked to Select Target File to Patch. Click on the ... [Browse] button.
3. Check that the \The Great War folder is displayed, and select the file HoI.exe. Click
Allenby said:Tremendous work.I ought to tell you, however, that the installation instructions have changed slightly now that TGW comes in the form of an automated installer.
The English instructions are now thus:
I'm sure that too many changes won't be required for the instructions that you have just written.![]()
stefano2294 said:Finally, I got bored, took military control of Italy, seized Gibraltar and organized the Italo-Austrian invasion of England. I currently control all of England, Scotland and Wales but there have been no British Empire surrender events. Most of the Empire's territory in Africa is also in the hands of my allies, including Egypt and South Africa. When do the events fire? I sent 19 Italian divisions to India, will that do it?
JP said:These are the instructions that I have translated.![]()
Allenby said:Well, almost.Apart from step four which is much simpler now.