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That update made me laugh. I'd never thought about it before, but it's funny that they'll contact you just to be like, 'we're not talking to you btw'
I thought the Vestige were being very polite and restrained :)

Of course Zohira (or maybe Zohira's successors) may have a new aim now :D
“What is the matter, Froth?
A great name! :D
“Noted. We will let you be. Now, if you could give me back control over my holonet, I have some work to be done.”

He added:

“Work that in no perceivable way will harm you. We get it. No trade. No contact. Now, this here is certainly contact, so I’ll let you disconnect the receiver, so to speak, now.”

He smiled broader.

“Have a wonderful day, representative of the Sejetharian Vestige. We will note your generous warning with all due diligence.”
Zohira knows how to be polite, or perhaps "diplomatic" is a better word. He knows how to not cause unnecessary offense. If the Vestige want to be that way, let them. Zohira has important work to do.
I thought the Vestige were being very polite and restrained :)

Of course Zohira (or maybe Zohira's successors) may have a new aim now :D
The disdain was dripping, but at least Zohira’s polite dismissiveness did not elevate it to conflict. :D
A great name! :D
Thanks! Partly inspired my my own name, Frithjof (Nikolai). :D
Zohira knows how to be polite, or perhaps "diplomatic" is a better word. He knows how to not cause unnecessary offense. If the Vestige want to be that way, let them. Zohira has important work to do.
Yes, he does. But his answers are dangerously close to dismissive. The question now is if his authority stretches to stop all expansion into that region. It’s a big realm.
Chapter 13 New
Comissary-General Zohira K’Tun looked at hs latest intelligence brief.

“Good.” He thought to himself, while sipping at his tea.

The small war the Zrian space war won. Not a surprise, seeing as the rebels were few and weak, but still, it meant no more bloodshed.


He sighed.

He wished the Zrian had consulted with him before declaring war. There were parties in the M’tok Citizen Commonwalth that had wanted a peaceful resolution to the conflict. He was sure if given time, those elements could have succeeded.

Oh well, it was what it was. But the Zrian was a difficult ally. All too eager to levy Roccan help, none to eager to pursue closer cooperation in a federation, like Zohira wished.

He smiled.


Not so with the Polity of Fexklansiga. In fact, today they would be completely incorporated into the Roccan Resistance as full members and citizens, with all that entailed.

It entailed a doubling of the Roccan’s size, of course. But also responsibilities he would honor, like elevating the Fexklansiga’s population to Roccan leadership. Both mid level and higher level.

He did worry a little about the Havoll Alliance, though. They claimed some of the border territory and threatened to invade to secure their claims. He would, of course, not allow it. But he had no fleets close by, for now.

He hoped for a peaceful resolution to the simmering conflict.

Meanwhile, he was about to sign the start of the complete integration of the Enlightened Kingdom of Jumla into Roccan statehood. With that, the Roccan would stand united, and he could start in earnest the building of defences in the galactic north to ward against the Knatzan Void Riders.

He shuddered.

They were powerful for a disunited gang of pirates. A threat, just like their brethren in the Panunian Raiders closer to home.

But for now, peace reigned in the Roccan Resistance, and no trouble was in the horizon, save the issue with the Havoll.


He startled.

Read the latest missive again.

And again.

“Oh, no.” He muttered.

“They didn’t...”

His face got bleak.

He hit the button of the intercom, connecting to the defence secratary.

But it was too late.

The holoscreen lit up, a scowling Sejetharian face showing.

“Filthy parasite! You were warned. You have encroached upon our space for the last time! Withdraw immidiately, or we will cleanse the stain upon the universe that is your worthless species.”

Zohoria swalled.

“Sir, this is a mistake. I forbid the Roccan colonization crew to colonize the Helam system. It is, and will be, neutral space, as you demanded. I am sincerely sorry, and we will withdraw this very minute. I will order it as soon as we are finished speaking.”


The Sejetharian alien nodded.

“See to it. And don’t make the mistake again. Or else...”


The holoscreen turned itself off.

Zohira cursed.

He hit the intercom.

“Froth, tell the colonizer crew to withdraw from Helam this very minute, and send their leader as far away from the system as you possibly can, demoted to a private. I don’t want to see him, hear his name or have anyone even enter the system again. Ever. It is to be forbidden territory until further notice.”

He reached for his cup of tea, cold by this point. His hands were trembling.

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Subordinates can be the source of so much "fun" :D
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I think the Roccans should bide their time for now and then clobber the SA when they have the strength.
I think the Roccans should bide their time for now and then clobber the SA when they have the strength.
If only my game runs well that long. I've played far ahead, but got distracted from them, and it's sirup now.
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There were parties in the M’tok Citizen Commonwalth that had wanted a peaceful resolution to the conflict. He was sure if given time, those elements could have succeeded.
I hope Zohira eventually gets a diplomatic win. He deserves that much.
“Filthy parasite! You were warned. You have encroached upon our space for the last time! Withdraw immidiately, or we will cleanse the stain upon the universe that is your worthless species.”
War has been averted for now, but what's to stop the Sejetharian's from asking for more? Zohira doesn't know they are a fallen empire, he just knows they are powerful and a threat. Where is the Roccan Resistance when you need it?
I hope Zohira eventually gets a diplomatic win. He deserves that much.
One can but dream.
War has been averted for now, but what's to stop the Sejetharian's from asking for more? Zohira doesn't know they are a fallen empire, he just knows they are powerful and a threat. Where is the Roccan Resistance when you need it?
Zohira doesn't know that, no. But he knows they are super powerful. They take over the entire holonet just like that, after all. And without intelligence on their relative power, he needs to be careful.
Chapter 14 New
Comissary-General Zohira K’Tun grinned from ear to ear.

Finally, a real, tangible diplomatic success. The Roccan Resistance was a major power in the known galaxy, for sure. But they knew merely a small part of the galaxy, large as it was. So much was unknown, uncharted territory.

Until today.

Today, the Roccan would rise to the occation and spearhead the greatest diplomatic boon in generations.

Today, the Roccan would be founding member of the Galactic Community. Together, the galaxy would unite in diplomacy and – hopefully – cooperation.

Today, the galaxy would take the first steps to uniting behind a common idea. Or ideas. There were many potential issues to cooperate for. Interstellar trade. Binding treaties to improve the lives of the galactic citizens. Perhaps, one day, true peace between species.


He stopped himself.

Laughed of his own naïveté showing its true face again.

Peace. True peace. Oh, he knew that was more than a lofty goal. It was an impossibility.

But to strive for the impossible? Work towards it, however futile? Perhaps it could end in a better galaxy after all.

He smiled weakly of his own, oh so hopeless, naïve thoughts.

“A man can dream” he muttered to himself.

He looked at the intelligence brief in front of him.


Minamar Specialized Industries.

The tormentor of the Roccan, and so many other species, for so long. If peace were to be even the faintest possibility, they needed to go. Perhaps not today they would, but in the end.

The problem was if the Minamar were to be brought low, the Roccan needed to go through other species. Through so far uncharted territory. It was a question of time, for sure. But also of morals. If the species in between were hostile, sure, they could arguably be seen as a valid target. To bring peace, violence might need to be used. But if not?

He sighed.

How far from his idealistic youth he had come. Still, his first loyalty and priority was to the Roccan Resistance.
  • 3Like
Today, the Roccan would be founding member of the Galactic Community. Together, the galaxy would unite in diplomacy and – hopefully – cooperation.
Something tells me the Sejetharians won't be on board with that...
Those whom preach and moderation are on the payroll of the oppressor, no?
  • 1Haha
The Roccan Resistance is interested in peace, at least once three or four more alien civilizations are violently subjugated.
That Zohira is even seriously contemplating aggressive wars shows how far he's fallen. He even recognizes the fall, but does not care. Those species may not be hostile, but I bet Zohira will find some excuse "for the sake of peace" to invade them.

Maybe the debates in the Galactic Community will distract him. Or maybe politics will increase his cynicism.
Something tells me the Sejetharians won't be on board with that...
Well, some might feel the need to remain outside the corridors of the galactic community, I guess. :)
Those whom preach and moderation are on the payroll of the oppressor, no?
I am sorry my friend, but here I am at a loss, I don’t understand. :(
The Roccan Resistance is interested in peace, at least once three or four more alien civilizations are violently subjugated.
There is some truth in it. Taking down Minamar is paramount!
That Zohira is even seriously contemplating aggressive wars shows how far he's fallen. He even recognizes the fall, but does not care. Those species may not be hostile, but I bet Zohira will find some excuse "for the sake of peace" to invade them.

Maybe the debates in the Galactic Community will distract him. Or maybe politics will increase his cynicism.
True enough, he is dragged between idealism and pragmatiscism. But as I said to Cora, taking down Minamar is paramount to the Roccan. It’s their driving force. But yeah, Zohira is going down a path that leaves no prisoners.
I am sorry my friend, but here I am at a loss, I don’t understand. :(

The idea being that only people being bribed by Minamar Industries would espouse peace, when there is vengeance to be had.