I, of all people, can't complain about nitpicking!

In my defense I meant 'EU Brabant' not the real province, and I think I'm justified in that one as it would include parts of current Liege, Limburg and so on.
However if you made Brabant Dutch, the Flemings would be as shortchanged as the Walloons are now, so I think Dutch Brabant makes sense. If there were one I'd change it's Luxemburg - there really isn't a good historical reason for making it German rather than French. But for gameplay it makes sense - French culture is already too big. Of course, for consistency I could then argue that Lorraine ought to be German, but....
Other points of note here. In my testing I've seen both Flanders and Luxemburg appear as a result of the Dutch revolts. This is simply wrong, and I strongly suggest that they only be allowed to revolt until 1559, like the County of Holland. Right now independent Flanders makes it very dificult for the Netherlands to form with Antwerp, and it should be able to do that even if only once in a while.
I'd also argue that the Netherlands ought to get shields on Luxemburg and Artois, but that is a rather alt. history timeline, and I'm sure someone will tell me about 1814-1830. So I'll let that one drop.
edit: Brussels was majority Flemish, but I thought there was always a pretty large French contigent. I mean it rose to prominence when the govrernement moved there, and the government was always in French.