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OK the events as listed above won't work. The reason is in the trigger, rather than
it needs to be
The reason is that within the NOT = {} there is an implict OR rather than an implicit AND. I had seen this posted several months ago, and only remembered after testing my way down to identifying the problem in the script.
In my tests, other than the independent Flanders problem I'm seeing the Netherlands form discontinuously (Zeeland/Friesland) rather more than I care. I propose that the protestants and reformed countries who have had the General Estates event shoulds cede their Dutch provinces to the Netherlands just like the Catholics do. I also add a CB to get an event that looks like:
Otherwise early tests are good - the events fire as expected in my one test case with the Netherlands split between France Austria Friesland and Bremen. The Netherlands forms well. I haven't made it to 1648, to see the cores go away, but hope to soon.
I may try to put this together so other people can test it reasonably easily. It's a huge change and I'd like to know that it makes sense to a range of users.
OK the events as listed above won't work. The reason is in the trigger, rather than
trigger = {
NOT = {
NOT = {
core = { province = 387 data = -1 } # Franche Comte-not
#exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB#
OR = {
core = { province = 337 data = -1 } # exempt FRI#
core = { province = 338 data = -1 } # exempt GEL#
core = { province = 339 data = -1 } # exempt U10#
core = { province = 378 data = -1 } # exempt HAU#
core = { province = 380 data = -1 } # exempt FLA#
core = { province = 377 data = -1 } # exempt LUX#
NOT = { domestic = { type = innovative value = 8 } }
NOT = { flag = DutGenEst } #So it doesn't happen twice for the same country#
trigger = {
NOT = {
AND = {
NOT = {
core = { province = 387 data = -1 } # Franche Comte-not
#exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB#
OR = {
core = { province = 337 data = -1 } # exempt FRI#
core = { province = 338 data = -1 } # exempt GEL#
core = { province = 339 data = -1 } # exempt U10#
core = { province = 378 data = -1 } # exempt HAU#
core = { province = 380 data = -1 } # exempt FLA#
core = { province = 377 data = -1 } # exempt LUX#
NOT = { domestic = { type = innovative value = 8 } }
NOT = { flag = DutGenEst } #So it doesn't happen twice for the same country#
The reason is that within the NOT = {} there is an implict OR rather than an implicit AND. I had seen this posted several months ago, and only remembered after testing my way down to identifying the problem in the script.
In my tests, other than the independent Flanders problem I'm seeing the Netherlands form discontinuously (Zeeland/Friesland) rather more than I care. I propose that the protestants and reformed countries who have had the General Estates event shoulds cede their Dutch provinces to the Netherlands just like the Catholics do. I also add a CB to get an event that looks like:
#The Dutch Revolt is successful!# Zeeland version
event = {
id = 337047
trigger = {
NOT = {
AND = {
NOT = {
core = { province = 387 data = -1 } # Franche Comte-not
#exempt FRA, SPA, BUR and HAB#
OR = {
core = { province = 337 data = -1 } # exempt FRI#
core = { province = 338 data = -1 } # exempt GEL#
core = { province = 339 data = -1 } # exempt U10#
core = { province = 378 data = -1 } # exempt HAU#
core = { province = 380 data = -1 } # exempt FLA#
core = { province = 377 data = -1 } # exempt LUX#
exists = HOL
flag = DutGenEst
random = no
province = 340 #Zeeland
name = "EVENTNAME3814" #need to change text
desc = "EVENTHIST3814"
style = 2
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1555 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1648 }
action_a = { # Curses!
name = "ACTIONNAME3814A"
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HOL value = 340 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = HOL value = 24 }
Otherwise early tests are good - the events fire as expected in my one test case with the Netherlands split between France Austria Friesland and Bremen. The Netherlands forms well. I haven't made it to 1648, to see the cores go away, but hope to soon.
I may try to put this together so other people can test it reasonably easily. It's a huge change and I'd like to know that it makes sense to a range of users.