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Second Lieutenant
1 Badges
Apr 3, 2015
  • Europa Universalis IV
Greeting dear Paradoxians. I though that it would be a good idea to implement some DHE for Burgundy since it's quite a popular country in solo and multiplayer game. Here are some suggestion:

requirement : Constantinople owned by Ottomans, Year is before 1470.

- The Feast of the Pheasant :

Philip the Good organised a feast in the most traditional Burgundian way in Lille in 1454. Being a pious man, at the end of the feast, the Duke proceeded to promote the organisation of a Crusade against the Turks who recently took the Byzantines' Capital.

* Get my armies ready : +1 papal influence a year + 5% moral for 20 years against a certain amount of manpower and money.
* It's not our business : -5 prestige.

requirement : Louis XI rules France, before 1480.

- The League of the Public Weal

Even though king Louis XI of France spent a long time being under the protection of the "Grand Duke of the West", he was quite rude with his former host. His attempts of centralizing the kingdom of France didn't please the feudal lords and a coalition against Louis XI's tyrannical rule eventually formed.

* We should lead the League ! : +50 relation with Provence, Britanny, Palatinate and Cleves, - 50 relation with France
* Let's negociate with the king : +25 relation with France, +0.2 year of income.

Requirement : Year is at least 1470, need high prestige.

- A Crown for a King :

Both Philip the Good and Charles the Bold were desperate to elevate their duchy into a kingdom. A crown would bring coherence to the disorganized possession of Burgundy. In order to get the title of King, we have to deal with the Emperor.

*Accept the terms of the Emperor : In exchange of gold (a lot) and a wedding with Austria, get the Kingdom rank, prestige and claims over Savoy.
Austria is garanted to get the Low-Countries in case of inheritance.

*We will not deal with the Habsburg : -15 prestige.

requirement : Flanders does not exist, Burgundy owns flanders.

- Taxes in the Low-Countries

While our possessions in ducal Burgundy are used to taxes, the cities of the low-countries have long been privileged. Perhaps, now that these lands are firmly into our hands, the flemish merchants could contribute more to the finances of Burgundy.

*Their money is my money : Burgers - 15 loyalty, gain + 15% taxes and + 2 unrest until the end of the campaign on Vlaanderen and Gent
*Let's confirm these privileges : Burgers + 15 loyalty, + 10 provincial trade power and - 2 revolt risk until the end of the campaign on Vlaanderen and Gent.
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Goodness this is a bit of an old thread, but still relevant I feel - it'd be nice to see a little bit of alt-historical flavour for choice countries, much like what Byzantium gets in Purple Phoenix.

So, handholding and Turkish models?

So, handholding and Turkish models?


Don't remind me :(

Though funny enough, the unit models are one of the few areas with some degree of alternate history, in the models for countries that didn't modernize (or survive) to the point of getting the last tiers of units.
I think Burgundy needs an huge makeover because they were one if not the most promising and ambitious countries in Europe at 1444 but at the moment this doesn't seem to be represented in the game. Yes, they got wrecked in no time but for me all this game is about is "What have could been?" and here Burgundy offers a lot.

requirement : Constantinople owned by Ottomans, Year is before 1470.

- The Feast of the Pheasant :

Philip the Good organised a feast in the most traditional Burgundian way in Lille in 1454. Being a pious man, at the end of the feast, the Duke proceeded to promote the organisation of a Crusade against the Turks who recently took the Byzantines' Capital.

* Get my armies ready : +1 papal influence a year + 5% moral for 20 years against a certain amount of manpower and money.
* It's not our business : -5 prestige.

requirement : Louis XI rules France, before 1480.

- The League of the Public Weal

Even though king Louis XI of France spent a long time being under the protection of the "Grand Duke of the West", he was quite rude with his former host. His attempts of centralizing the kingdom of France didn't please the feudal lords and a coalition against Louis XI's tyrannical rule eventually formed.

* We should lead the League ! : +50 relation with Provence, Britanny, Palatinate and Cleves, - 50 relation with France
* Let's negociate with the king : +25 relation with France, +0.2 year of income.

Requirement : Year is at least 1470, need high prestige.

- A Crown for a King :

Both Philip the Good and Charles the Bold were desperate to elevate their duchy into a kingdom. A crown would bring coherence to the disorganized possession of Burgundy. In order to get the title of King, we have to deal with the Emperor.

*Accept the terms of the Emperor : In exchange of gold (a lot) and a wedding with Austria, get the Kingdom rank, prestige and claims over Savoy.
Austria is garanted to get the Low-Countries in case of inheritance.

*We will not deal with the Habsburg : -15 prestige.

requirement : Flanders does not exist, Burgundy owns flanders.

- Taxes in the Low-Countries

While our possessions in ducal Burgundy are used to taxes, the cities of the low-countries have long been privileged. Perhaps, now that these lands are firmly into our hands, the flemish merchants could contribute more to the finances of Burgundy.

*Their money is my money : Burgers - 15 loyalty, gain + 15% taxes and + 2 unrest until the end of the campaign on Vlaanderen and Gent
*Let's confirm these privileges : Burgers + 15 loyalty, + 10 provincial trade power and - 2 revolt risk until the end of the campaign on Vlaanderen and Gent.

First of all: A big Yes for this events (altough I think there could be some changes) an another big Yes for a formable Lotharingia.

1) I would change the Kingdom event that there is a limitation to Austria being the Emperor and there are at least two Options for Austria which "kind" of Kingdom to offer because Philip the Good (shout-out to this guy for getting his name written different in literally every language I saw it :rolleyes::D) insisted on becoming King of Lotharingia while Frederick III only offered him to become King of Brabant.
So there could be
*Give him the Crone of Lothair, which would trigger the event as described by Liquidstuff and
*Offer him a minor Kingdom which would end in Burgundy resting an Duchy (until they form Lotharingia) and trigger something like the "Diplomatic Insult"-Event for the Player.

The probability could depend one the relations:
- 50:50 if Austria is neutral,
- 75:25 if Austria is allied or friendly
- 10:90 if Austria is rival, outraged or hostile
This would balance it a bit because getting free claims all over Savoy in every game would be a bit to much I my opinion. Or give it a similar MTTH like the Inheritance and the relations modify the MTTH.

2) "The Feast of the Pheasant" is a great start but I think one could add some more (maybe more generic) Feasts to reflect the fact that the Burgundian liked to party and to spend lots and lots of money therefor.
So it could be something like "spend two months of income" to get 25 Prestige, "Don't spend anything" to lose 25 Prestige, "Do something reasonable with the money" to get a little modifier like decreased WE or some Manpower.
(This is also something that I would love to see in adjusted form for the italian region, because they together with Burgundy were famous for their "events", like the carnival or the "trionfos" in Italy and the excessive "Feasts" in Burgundy)

It would be quite nice to see an event or decision for Burgundy to interact with Guelders and then be able to purchase the inheritance since that's how Charles the Bold made it part of the Burgundian Netherlands.
Burgundy should also start as Vermandois as they acquired all the Picard counties in 1435 in the Treaty of Arras.
Province-wise I think Franche-Comté is quite big and could easily be split into three - Amont, Aval and Besancon. Besancon being a (French!) Free Imperial City.

I know it's incredibly unlikely, but I would love it if Burgundy started with Holland, Brabant and Flanders integrated again but with events as suggested about the cities. Having them integrated would make Burgundy start off a great power, which IMO it absolutely deserves to start off as since it was so incredibly wealthy with such an influential court and elaborate courtlife. The dukes used Brussels (and Lille, which is currently not represented on the map but is in Flanders) as capitals. Brabant and Flanders were the true heart of their power, yet with them being PUs they are lost too easily.

3) +1 for Guelders but I think it should come with some opinion modifiers to the HRE-members because you are basically diploannexing a Prince. Or maybe make it a Vassal or add it to one of the PUs to keep the "Burgundian Netherlands are a patchwork"-Style of the game.
Vermandois in my opinion is a difficult decision because you would weaken France (not necessarily an bad thing ;)) and as far as I know Burgundy owned only parts of Vermandois after the Treaty of Arras (but I'm open to be corrected).
+1 for Splitting Franche-Comté. Making Besancon a Free Imperial City sounds interesting (and reflects the history) and you could Burgundy either give a claim or a mission to conquer / subjugate them to reflect the burgundian efforts to get influence.

4) About the PUs: In 1.21 I would absolutely share your opinion on integrating the PUs, just for the possibility of getting some real Alliances (starting with a -70 to get an RM or an Alliance, -90 if you dare to think of a second one isn't that great to start with, not o mention, that most of the interesting options regularly are either rivals or neutral), but since the AI seems not to care about my Diplo-points anymore (at least this is how I understood the patchnotes, still hadn't the chance to play 1.22 because I have to finish an old run first) I am ok with them being in a PU to make forming the Netherlands as a Minor possible.
Nonetheless you are right about those parts being the heart of the power of Burgundy (especially in regard of the economy and the art - something I will mention later again), so here an idea how to implement this in the game, without having to change the way PUs work (or make a special kind of PU just for Burgundy):
Being historically considered as one of the richest realms in Europe at this time, barley being able to go to FL (an enormous 19) or hire an advisor seems a bit inaccurate. Since this is mostly due to having the wealthiest parts of the realm being in an no-money-paying PU what about this:

An Event, which triggers every five years (like those from the idea groups) with the following options:

* Tax those "insert any dismissive word for Merchants" (I'm german and those aren't the words they teach you in school :D): raises LD + 10%, decaying 2/year, Burgundy gets Modifier "Taxed Netherlands": 25% Tax-Income (and maybe some manpower) for 5 Years from your three dutch PUs.
* Let them live in liberty: Dutch Minors lose 5% LD, Burgundy gets modifier "Happy Subjects": +1 DipRep
(this surely needs some adjustments like probably every of my ideas; first thought of getting unrest for Taxes, but then realized that this would be to similar to Liquidstuffs After Integration-event and the unrest probably wouldn't hurt you, because its just a subject)

5) Now the aforementioned arts: As far as I know (checked the Wiki, but still possible I overlooked something), there are no events regarding the Northern Renaissance (except Erasmus, who has nothing to do with art), despite the burgundian dukes being well-known patrons.
Maybe an event like this:
trigger conditions: Renaissance spawned, Burgundy: has not embraced Renaissance, Dijon: has not Institution Renaissance, MTTH: 5 Years (Maybe a bit less, but not automatically after the spawn of Renaissance, so that the italian states still have a little advance)

- "The Successors of Jan van Eyck":
In our realm there are a lot of talented painters, sculptors and other artist, desperately searching for a generous ruler who is willing to afford their work.

*They need our Patronage: lose 0,5 years of income and 100 Diplo Points, add institution Renaissance to Dijon (or maybe just an Percentage, like 50% or something)
* We can not afford this: lose 5 Prestige

There could be little follow up-events, if you decide to support the artists, like finding a really talented guy or somebody producing a Masterpiece (which could grant a little increase to yearly prestige for lets say 5 years)

6) It would be cool, if the Order of the Golden Fleece would become a "real" thing instead of just the name of an NI because it is one of the few things from Burgundy which survived till today. One possibility could be to have an event with a short MMTH, where you can decide to either form the Order for a lot of Money (or maybe not that much because then the Order would have a too profound impact to be just "flavor") or just let the possibility slip an lose some prestige.
Afterwards you have to name four christian rulers (since there were four officers) to become members of the Order. You get better relations with those new members (+10 or 20 maybe) and they get some Prestige.
Being Member of the Order could give a bit of Missionary strength and Army Tradition (like +0,5%), and / or double the Prestige for fighting against Heathens, since it was a knight order (hence the army tradition) and wanted to shield Christianity. Membership ends, when a Ruler dies or a Member is fighting in a war against the Duke or Burgundy.
The Order will be disbanded, when their is no ruler from the dynasty of Bourgogne (so either keeping the Order OR disinheriting heirs to get PUs but not both - and yes I know: for optimizers this is not even a decision, but there are also people who like to roleplay a bit)

7) Burgundy needs some real missions - and no, conquer the lands of your subject is not a real mission ;)
- "Weaken France": ("Once we ruled this city inofficially, now it will trulely be ours") Conquer Paris; Reward: +1 yearly Prestige, + 10% Manpower recovery speed for 10 Years
- (if there would be the split-up of Franche-Comté) "Vassalize Besancon"; Reward: +1 Diplomatic Reputation for 10 Years
- "Vassalize Liege" (instead of "Conquer" it because in my Opinion this is more what the burgundian Dukes tried); Reward: +1 Diplomatic Reputation for 10 Years
- "Claim Lothair II's Capital": Conquer Aachen; should give another reward then a normal "conquer xyz" mission, maybe -5% AE and +1 Legitimacy for 10 years (like the byzantine "recover xyz"-missions)
- "Show those Mountain Farmers, what culture means"; Conquer Switzerland; Reward: -0.05 monthly autonomy change for 10 years; increase chance to be triggered if the relations are bad.

8) Just an idea I had while brainstorming for missions (maybe to OP): If England DOW France via the "Surrender of Maine"-event and is losing the war (as they are usually), there could be an event called "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes" where England can ask Burgundy to form an Alliance and join the war (possibly for some provinces).
There could be a chain of one to three events (depending on decisions):
First an english event "Our french holdings are occupied" (Trigger Condition: Every Province owned by England in region France and Iberia occupied by: France; England and Burgundy are not Rivals; MTTH decreased if warscore < -50, if France is an Rival of Burgundy and at some stages of increasing WE (like 5, 10, 15 or something) with the following options:
* Maybe we can convince our former ally to help us? : Burgundy gets event "England requests our help"
* We must strengthen our efforts! : England lose 5 WE and gets -10% recruiting cost until the war ends.

- "England requests our help":
* We will help them, but we want to be paid before! : triggers "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes_Calais"
* We will help them, but it will be costly... : triggers "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes_"
* Once we were friends, fighting for the same cause. This friendship shall be renewed! : triggers "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes_Friendship"
* This is not our war and they can not offer anything we need. : Burgundy does not join the war, Burgundy loses 25 Prestige, England gets opinion modifier "They refused to join our war" to Burgundy: - 50 decaying with 5 / year

- "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes_Calais" has following effects:
* Calais is now owned by Burgundy
* Burgundy and England form an Alliance
* Burgundy joins the war on the side of England as if they were called in with favors (because England had to give up Calais, Burgundy can not expect to get further provinces in the peace deal)
* England loses 5 trust towards Burgundy (because of the lose of Calais)

- "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes_Claims" has following effects:
* Burgundy and England form an Alliance
* Burgundy joins the war on the side of England as if they were called in on the promise of Land

- "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes_Friendship"
* Burgundy and England form an Alliance
* Burgundy joins the war on the side of England as if they were called in with favors
* England gets 5 trust towards Burgundy (because Burgundy did not demand anything to join the war)
* England and Burgundy get the opinion modifier "historic friends" towards each other (? could be to much...)

Some thoughts about this:
I think it should be a bit like the Inheritance (maybe a bit rarer): When it happens it can have a profound influence on the campaign, but it should not happen every game.
But there are also some problems (balancing aspects left aside)
- England's "E-ur-ope problems are not my problems" attitude: From my experience England declares the war and then proceeds to just wait till France seized down all of their provinces. After that they send one stack, get wiped, send another stack, get wiped and then continue waiting until France can claim all their cores because of ticking WS. If England would continue like this after Burgundy joins the war, all the event would do is sending Burgundy in an (in the best case) 1vs1 fight against France, while England is enjoying himself on his island. Only real option then would be to take the Calais-Event, trying to "unsiege" the english provinces and hoping for a white peace (if its not feasible to beat the French alone).
- Its an offensive war: Because France is able to call in allies, the chances that the event could be useful get reduced a lot. I mean it is surely doable to get the war to a "good" end when fighting against France alone and I think it is still possible when they are allied to Savoy, but France + Savoy + Aragon (=> + Naples) - which for me seems to happen quite regularly - in a war, that is not my own war and with half of "my" army not totally under my own control because they belong to 4 subjects isn't something I would describe as my preferred game-start (Maybe players better than me would be happy to get a little challenge :D) ...
- What if you win the war? Congratulations: You just made your new ally the overlord about your strongest neighbor, which has claims on your provinces. And to make things even better: You two are interested in exact the same trade node. Thinking this through it may be better to siege some french provinces, go for the separate peace and then let England get wrecked by France.

9) I know, the history of the Duchy of Burgundy after 1444 is rather short, but something I would really appreciate would be getting some (like one or two) characters in the game.
One good option would be "Le grand Bâtard", Charles the Bold's half-brother Anthony. This could be one of those events, where you can choose, what the role of the Person should be and could be triggered, when / if Charles ascend the throne:
* a General with 40 Army Tradition, as he regularly and successfully acted as a troop leader for Charles.
* an Level 2 Advisor with half costs, maybe a Diplomat, because this was one of his roles
maybe a third choice: * legitimize him and make him your heir. The Problem is: He is 12 years older than Charles, so it would be a bit risky to say the least :D

10) Maybe the ideas could use a little refreshing too. I'm not complaining, they are quite good, but for example two mercenary ideas seems a bit like an overkill to me, since the prices rose slightly in 1.20 and don't seem affordable for a realm with historical only semi-inaccurate financial problems (instead of making a lot of money and spending even more, Burgundy just starts with not making that much money you would maybe expect). So why not get rid of one of them (removing both wouldn't reflect the regular use of mercenaries in the burgundian army) or maybe half the limit modifier (25% instead of 50%) and make one out of the two (could be to much for an normal idea).
But the new free spot (gained the one way or the other) could be used to reflect, that Burgundy wasn't just a military and economic force but also a cultural center of Europe. I am not thinking of a tech cost reduction because this seems to me more like the "science" part of lets call it "major monarch points expanses" but rather an idea cost reduction, because I personally think of them as the pieces from which you can build the identity, the "culture" of your country. But as this is a rather powerful NI it could be better to make it the ambition and turn the trade steering into an NI.
Another interesting option, more for gameplay reasons than history, would be a DipRep +1/+2 because it seems rather off to have the country with probably the worst own land / subject land-ratio at game start, just going through the whole game without getting any bonus on annexing these subjects.

11) As it was already mentioned in the "The Feast of the Pheasant"-event from Liquidstuff Crusades were (at least ideational) a main theme of the burgundian Dukes, so this could make for a funny achievement or maybe a decision.
Like "Fulfillment of the Oath": every province in Europe (continent, so including Anatolia) is in religion group christian, every country in Europe (continent) is in religious group christian; playing as Burgundy, own and have core on Jerusalem (Yes, it is not that creative or challenging once you beat the Ottomans, but before you have to get a way there).

12) This is the most important point and if I had to decide for one change I'm sure this would it be:
Please beloved Paradox-Devs: Make Lotharingia (or something comparable) a formable country for Burgundy and Lorraine. Yes, it would be the third nation you could form as Burgundy but it would hopefully be the first nation worth the effort, since I don not really see a good reason to form either France or the Netherlands as Burgundy.
In my opinion its easier and faster to from the Netherlands as one of the dutch Minors as you can get at least one good Ally (either France or Austria, if the have rivaled Burgundy) straight from the beginning of the game, join the HRE, conquer the needed provinces and probably would be able to form the Netherlands even before Burgundy could start integrating his PUs, if there wasn't the requirement of Admin tech 10.
And for France you would have to fight one of the strongest nations head on, take a lot of AE and then be finally able to form this nation yourself, as if there wasn't an easier way to get a France with all of Burgundy integrated ;) It almost feels like some kind of T-800 / I'll be back-stuff :D

To finally come to an end a few annotations:
- Yes this is a lot of stuff, but basically they are just some crazy ideas I had the last few days, which I hope may get discussed in this thread. I think none of them is even close to became anything Paradox could implement, its more like "Throw 95% away and replace it with other stuff, adjust and balance 4% of it and keep those maybe 1% which are actually good"
- This may seem like some "Please Paradox, make my favorite nation the best in the game"-Post (btw Burgundy is not even my favorite Nation in Europe, just on second or third rang ;)) but it is intended to be more something like "Please Paradox, this is a great Nation and could be so much fun, but it just lacks some flavor and other things to make it feel more like it probably would have been in reality" It is a fine line between genius and madness and I think there is probably no other nation in EU4 one which this should apply more than Burgundy: Their whole history consists of (most of the time well prepared) high risk gambling: Either lose everything or double your stake, and being absolutely fabulous while doing so. I don't want burgundian Space Marines or anything like that. I want my 6/5/6 Ruler to develop a genius plan how to defeat France, then deciding that he absolutely needs a new hat for just my whole treasury and 3 loans and then being of the opinion, that becoming 40yo is a good point to die to make place for his 0/0/2 4yo heir in a regency (ok, fair enough I don't want exactly this to happen -and it surely doesn't need to focus just on the Ruler, because else I might just play CK2-, but this could be the level of craziness and instability "needed" to give the feeling of true "burgundianess").
- As I mentioned somewhere before I am german, this is the longest text in English I wrote in 2 years, I worked like 9,5h on this text, it is 4.30 in the morning and this is my first post in this forum. So if there are any typos, weird formulations and bad / non-english punctuation or if I violated any rules (which I hope I didn't): Please forgive me it wasn't meant to be like that ;)
Also I'm sorry for this rather longish post and for not being able to make my event suggestions more "in game"-style; I'm sure I will improve in this the more posts / replies I write.

Last but not least: Greetings to everybody who reads this and have an nice weekend :)

PS: Me: I really need to learn for the test next week.
Also Me: Comes home from buying food, proceeds to "just post a few ideas about: How to make Burgundy great again" - finishes it only 10 hours later :rolleyes:
8) Just an idea I had while brainstorming for missions (maybe to OP): If England DOW France via the "Surrender of Maine"-event and is losing the war (as they are usually), there could be an event called "Renewal of the Treaty of Troyes" where England can ask Burgundy to form an Alliance and join the war (possibly for some provinces).

It's only for the pleasure to have an event here :D, I think a little dogpiling on France would be better than offering a french PU for England.

Otherwise I think it's really good, I'll add regarding to your 1), another event for Burgundy to choose between France and the HRE, which leed to get the "Historical Friend" with Austria (if HRE is choose) or with France, and this country would loose Burgundy as a rival (they generally both make Burgundy a rival in 1444).
These suggestions are awesome, Burgundy should really have a big influence on the dynamics between the HRE, France and England.

This should go hand-in-hand with a redrawal of France and its surroundings as well as the return of its vassals, for the War of the Public Wheal.

Here's something on a French region update:
Multiple maps are posted in this thread, some nice middleground can be achieved through this.
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It's only for the pleasure to have an event here :D
Yeah, you' re probably right :D The more I think about it, the more I see how useless this event would be.

I'll add regarding to your 1), another event for Burgundy to choose between France and the HRE, which leed to get the "Historical Friend" with Austria (if HRE is choose) or with France, and this country would loose Burgundy as a rival (they generally both make Burgundy a rival in 1444).
This sounds interesting as it would give the player more freedom.

But there is a problem regarding the kingdom / Lotharingia-Part I didn't consider yesterday:
After rechecking the map, Austria granting Burgundy the Crone of Lothair II should rather result in claims on the missing core-provinces of Lotharinigia instead of the former Kingdom of Burgundy / Savoy. But this would mean direct conflict between Burgundy and Austria, as this would include almost every HRE-Province westwards of the Rhine (except Mainz, Frankfurt and maybe Palatinate), resulting in multiple wars between Austria and Burgundy (and lots of AE for latter) so the "Historical Friend" modifier would be lost almost immediately.
In this setting going with France would always be the better option because they could be a powerful ally against Austria. But then some questions emerge regarding the creating of a new kingdom: That an emperor is able to create a kingdom and give it (with sanction through the Pope) to a duke seems logical to me, because he is of a higher rank than a king. But what about a king forming a new kingdom just to give it away? I'm not sure about this. Maybe somebody has some sources if there was a similar case in history?
Another possibility could be, that Burgundy joins the HRE if Austria grants the kingdom to them but this would probably mean making the HRE absolute instable because Burgundy would not have to care about Austria claiming unlawful territory due to its own power and having claims on a big chunk of the HRE.

The claims on Savoy could come through a mission like "Conquer the land of our ancestors" : In former times, this was the place were the Burgundians settled. Here are the roots of our realm. Now that our nation is growing and getting stronger, its time to reclaim what rightfully belongs to us!"

This should go hand-in-hand with a redrawal of France and its surroundings as well as the return of its vassals, for the War of the Public Wheal.

Its an interesting idea, although it could cause some difficulties. As I started playing after the vassals were removed I have no experience with this, but what i read and saw seemed like France could become a bit OP through this. I saw a picture of France+Vassals fielding 66k troops in the Hundred Years War- that's more than Austria can field, even if the AI would take the chance and PU Bohemia asap and almost twice the FL of the Ottomans. Plus France would now be able to call allies for the last fight of the Hundred Years War, if England decides not to cede Maine.
What is your opinion / experience: How strong would France be, when they get their vassals back?
Does anybody know / have an expectation of how high the LD of the vassals would be? If the LD would be above 50% then this could be really an option without giving France to many troops at the start of the game.

As England already seems to struggle fighting France alone and the League of the Public Weal formed 1465 what about an event to "trigger" the vassals and the league:

trigger conditions: year is later than 1450; year is not later than 1480 (just more or less random numbers, 1450 because the "Surrender of Maine" event can not fire then if it not already happened); can not trigger if Burgundy and France are allied; maybe with a MTTH which triggers the event approximately in 1/2 of the games or something like that?

- "The League of the Public Weal" (French Event): "There is an uprising of some feudal lords which are discontent with our politics. "
* We must accept their claims...: France releases three french minors (chosen by RGN), France gets a Reconquer CB against those three nations
* They shall pay for this effrontery! : France creates three french minor vassals, every vassal gets 100% LD, Minor 1 declares War for Independence, Minors 2 and 3 join as co-belligerents. Trigger "The League of the Public Weal" (Supporter Event) for every nation from the french culture group (which is not allied to France). # Should France be allowed to invite his allies? Or should their be an event for a few "randomly" chosen HRE princes to join France's side (to be more historical and don't have an french feudal uprising getting quelled by a few 10 thousand ottomans...)

-"The League of the Public Weal" (Supporter Event): A League of french counts and dukes formed in the attempt to follow our foot steps and win liberty from the tyrannic king!
* For the Public Weal! : Nation joins war on the side of the vassals.
* Only the strong survive! : Nation don't joins the war, Nation loses 10 Prestige, -25 opinion modifier to every Nation who joins the league
With the relations towards France (and maybe the number of nations which already joined or the relative strength of the opponents) modifying the probability for the AI to chose a certain option
If this event is limited to french culture group, the allowed Nations would be: Burgundy, Brittany, Provence, Lorraine (if they break free), Nevers (if they break free), and Liege (not listed are releasable nations like Bar or Avignon)

There should be a capped peace term for the vassals to break free all together, and for France to annex them directly (for the case, that the warscore cost would be above 100%).
If France wins the war, their could be a positive Event, giving them +1 Stab and increased autonomy reduction and an negative Event with the opposite effect, if they lose.
As the real War of the Puplic Weal ended rather in a draw and as a big loss at this point of the game could be a crucial blow to the ambitions of every country, I think that no side should have a to big advantage. So if France is allowed to call in allies (typical candidates from my games are Aragon, Savoy and Genoa - maybe Provence if they did not claim the throne) maybe more nations should join the league, if they are not allowed there could either be a limit for nations joining the league or an event for some nations (probably HRE Princes with good relations to France) to join the war on their side.
Would Independence be the right CB? or is anything else more appropriate?

If the vassals return there could be a similar event, where the vassals get a lot of LD and form the League. Or the League could form if any Vassal has an LD above 50% (maybe then there should be some events before, where France has to either pay in some way (money, monarch points, manpower...) or raise the LD)

To finish for this time, I had another idea for a historic burgundian person which could appear:
Nicolas Rolin, who was Chancellor for Philip the good for 40 years (from 1422 to 1462).
I think a event similar to the one for Richelieu could be suitable, but as he is not as well-known as the "Red Eminence" and maybe also played a smaller role (I am not the one to decide this) I would be ok with half of the monarch points (= 50 from each category) and a level 2 advisor (also a statesman like Richelieu?)
But what about a king forming a new kingdom just to give it away? I'm not sure about this. Maybe somebody has some sources if there was a similar case in history?

I don't think you'll find any exemple on this, but I think if the king of France is supported by his cousin, he'll help this cousin expand and pray for him getting an illness and inherit all of his work. Louis XI inherit Provence/Anjou/Maine/Claim on Naples by the death of Charles V de Valois-Anjou, after backing him. Having someone to inherit for wealthy land eastward would certainly be an interesting setup for a king of France. On the other hand we need to give the name "Valois" for the house of Valois-Bourgogne, that way the king of Lotharingia could also PU/inherit France/Provence.
Why should Lotharingia get claims if it would result in mayhem with Austria (looking the gifthorse in its mouth, really)? A nice idea-set is good, too.

And France should get its vassals back for the War of the Public Weal because:
- Burgundy will be more powerful with all these events and more land.
- The suggestion that England should get some kind of event to recover its alliance with Burgundy.
- The whole region should get a province- and development update.
- France has less diplo-slots for GP-allies.

This might result in a nice balance between the powers, as long as the Iberian peninsula doesn't form a blockade of an alliance with England/Burgundy/Austria.
- France has less diplo-slots for GP-allies.

And the Final Death of Day One Frankomans, thank the comets. I can support this for sure.
On the other hand we need to give the name "Valois" for the house of Valois-Bourgogne, that way the king of Lotharingia could also PU/inherit France/Provence.
Sounds tempting, but wouldn't it make things to complicated if "sub-braches" of houses would be implemented?

Why should Lotharingia get claims if it would result in mayhem with Austria (looking the gifthorse in its mouth, really)?
To reflect the borders of the historic Lotharingia (as they seemd to be after the Treaty of Prüm 855; would upload a picture but the rules seem really strict) - I think if the burgundian Dukes would have get the title of a King of Lotharingia they would have tried to restore the former borders of the kingdom or at least to have a decisive influence on whatever happens in this region (As they already tried for example in Liege). And as an example forming Italy also gives claims over the whole region so getting claims over the provinces you should own according to your "Title" appears to be a normal thing in EU4.

You are right that this is a bit off as it would provoke problems with Austria but the same would be true for getting claims over Savoy (if the italian princes did not leave the HRE yet) as Liquidstuff proposed:
*Accept the terms of the Emperor : In exchange of gold (a lot) and a wedding with Austria, get the Kingdom rank, prestige and claims over Savoy.
Austria is garanted to get the Low-Countries in case of inheritance.

I think we should also discus what the event really effects: Does Burgundy become Lothariniga immediately or do they get the Kingdom rank, (maybe) some claims and can form Lotharinigia as soon as they meet the requirements (with the usual admin tech 10)

A nice idea-set is good, too.
That's right - if they are good enough I might consider giving up the claims ;) Any suggestions what could be an idea-set for Lotharingia?

And France should get its vassals back for the War of the Public Weal because:
- Burgundy will be more powerful with all these events and more land.
- The suggestion that England should get some kind of event to recover its alliance with Burgundy.
- The whole region should get a province- and development update.
- France has less diplo-slots for GP-allies.

You have some good points here. France with fewer (GP-)allies would also make the recover of the english-burgundian alliance a more useful option, as the risk of getting stuck in a war you can not win would be reduced.
However the biggest problem regarding this event remains: Burgundy supporting England on their trials to claim the french throne is (at least partially) historical correct. But I can't imagine any player (except role players) really doing this as it would result in exchanging a big threat against an even stronger ally in your direct neighborhood - and I think we all know how much the AI loves to rival an ally, if you did not manage to get the 80 trust fast enough.
The usual way would probably be something like joining the war, get a lot of WS as fast as possible (don't give sieges to England) and then peace out for some provinces.
So any ideas how players could be encouraged to keep fighting till the end of the war?
If the event to make Burgundy a kingdom is added it certainly wouldn't make sense without adding Burgundy to the HRE. That was the cost Burgundy was supposed to pay, not money.
Thought I read something about this somewhere but couldn't find it at the moment. However you're probably right (although money also would have been involved for sure).
Though this would presumably cause some major problems inside the HRE as Burgundy would be the strongest HRE prince behind Austria (maybe almost on par) and wouldn't have to care too much about unlawful territory.
Also it could often prevent the "Duke of Burgundy dies" event as France would have to fight Burgundy and their allies + Austria (or the Emperor) and their allies. Personally I would not have to much a problem with this, but I don't know if Paradox not to speak of the majority of the players would favor an unhistorical event over a historical event (not to mention that it is a common "strategy" for european nations to RM Burgundy and hope for the Inheritance - there would still be the "Fate of Burgundy" event but this can not be forced).

About the "english-burgundian Alliance" event:
First I thought of it as being a bit unhistorical but now I remembered from where I got the inspiration and its rather just "to early" than unhistorical as there was not only a treaty (Treaty of London 1474) but also already a quite advanced plan for the invasion of France in July 1475, which mostly failed due to Charles eastern "adventures"
If there should be an event to reflect this in-game, I think it would be better to go for the "incorrect" version and let it happen during the "Surrender of Maine"-War as the other option would probably must result in a third scripted war for England (Hundred Years, Roses, and this Invasion), and despite being an "instability" (not in game terms) overkill for England (a third event hampering expansion and draining lots of manpower) and an unnecessary limitation of freedom for an England player, this war is just not important enough to be implemented in the game.
To conclude: Either an unhistorical alliance-event during "Maine" or no alliance-event at all.
Thank you Skullface for your help and your suggestions.

If the event to make Burgundy a kingdom is added it certainly wouldn't make sense without adding Burgundy to the HRE. That was the cost Burgundy was supposed to pay, not money.

Why do you think that Maximilian married Mary ? It was because Burgundy was filthy rich. The Duke of Burgundy could retain at least 1400 "Livres" from Flanders only, and that's 40 years before the start of the game ! In the game, you barely receive a ducats.

When I made the event "A crown for a King" I didn't necessarily thought about Burgundy changing tag, getting Kingdom rank is good enough.

sources : https://books.google.fr/books?id=8qNFAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA127&lpg=PA127&dq=revenu+court+de+bourgogne&source=bl&ots=QyqXzBkigS&sig=nz_vrqw925qQcg-goaF0dCac4_g&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvh8K70cnUAhWqAMAKHZKxDokQ6AEIQDAF#v=onepage&q=revenu court de bourgogne&f=false
Since subject modding is now a thing I've decided I will make Burgundy an autonomous/de jure vassal of France so that Burgundy can't upgrade to a kingdom without becoming properly independent.
Thank you Skullface for your help and your suggestions.
You're welcome! I really hope that Paradox adds some flavor for Burgundy.

When I made the event "A crown for a King" I didn't necessarily thought about Burgundy changing tag, getting Kingdom rank is good enough.
This was my intention too but it seems it was a bit ambiguous when I called the option "Give him the Crone of Lothair II".
Also I reread some parts of a source today (German translation of a french book about the four dukes: Joseph Calmette, Les grands ducs de Bourgogne, 1949) and it seems that it really depended on the duke which kingdom they wanted to form. While Philip the Good clearly preferred a restoration of the Kingdom of Lotharingia over a Kingdom Brabant or Frisia, Chrales the Bold negotiated with Frederick III about becoming King of Frisia or a new formed Kingdom of Burgundy.
So if there would be an event, where Burgundy becomes a Kingdom and gets claims both Savoy and the former lotharingian provinces would make sense depending on the point of view.

Since subject modding is now a thing I've decided I will make Burgundy an autonomous/de jure vassal of France so that Burgundy can't upgrade to a kingdom without becoming properly independent.
Interesting idea but you should consider that since the Treaty of Arras (1435) the french part of Burgundy was de facto independent and only the HRE-part had a fealty - towards the Emperor - and as both Philip and Charles negotiated with Frederick III, Burgundy becoming a Kingdom would have depended more on the HRE than France.
The third national idea in the Burgundian set could have a rework in my opinion. The flavor texts is about making the various smaller parts of Burgundy feel more united by creating the Estates General, but why would this give +50% available mercenaries?
I think that the following modifiers would be excellent replacements:
-10% liberty desire in subjects
-1 global unrest
+25% income from vassals
+1 accepted culture
-0.05 monthly autonomy

The second one with -25% mercenary maintenance should get the current +50% available mercenaries bonus since its a very minor boost (as far as I know).

In general I think Burgundian ideas are quite weak for a country of its size. It only receives minor economical boosts and the military ones are split between mercenaries and regulars making them a bit less potent.

I think Burgundian ideas could look more like this:

+1 diplomatic relations
+10% morale

-10 liberty desire
-25% merc maintenance, +50% available mercs (perhaps a new modifier called ''condottieri maintenance'' to make renting out your armies more worthwhile)
-0.05 monthly autonomy
+5% discipline
+10% trade efficiency, +10% trade steering
+2 tolerance of heretics
+25% manpower modifier

+1 yearly prestige