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No date, just deathdate...
#Spain Tires of England's Interference#
event = {

	id = 21053
	trigger = {
		event = 21040
		event = 21042
		event = 21044
		OR = {
			event = 21046
			event = 21049
		NOT = {
			relation = {
				country = ENG value = 0
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME21053"
	desc = "EVENTHIST21053"
	style = 2

	offset = 100
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1603 }
Originally posted by Phillip V
No date, just deathdate...
#Spain Tires of England's Interference#
event = {

	id = 21053
	trigger = {
		event = 21040
		event = 21042
		event = 21044
		OR = {
			event = 21046
			event = 21049
		NOT = {
			relation = {
				country = ENG value = 0
	random = no
	country = SPA
	name = "EVENTNAME21053"
	desc = "EVENTHIST21053"
	style = 2

	offset = 100
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1603 }

IIRC the event does work as it is supposed to (i.e. it happened in games I was playing when it was supposed to happen). Has anyone seen problems with this event not occuring when it should (which should be in the late 1580s)?
I just noticed, when compiling all my Timurid work, that on the Khorasan shield set, it appears that the final shield (out of the four on the template) the grey shield, didn't have the flag applied, so its just a plain grey shield.
I have noticed that in the 1520 scenario start, the Spanish colonies in the Caribbean aren't Spanish cultured or religioned, which makes it a problem when additional colonists are sent to those places. Not sure is this was WAD or a bug. Here is a fix for that problem.

# Spanish Colonies
province = { id = 29 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 39 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 137 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 138 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 139 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 140 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 142 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 143 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 144 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }
province = { id = 151 religion = catholic culture = "iberian" }

This covers all of the colonies that Spain has at the beginning of the 1520 scenario.
Okay thanks. As you may know, the 1520 scenario is still trying to get up on its feet, so for areas I didn't change much, help is needed. If the 1520 makes it through the merger, which it better :D , I'll make sure to have those lines included.
The decision there was that since the Ottomans never conquered Ragusa in real life they shouldn't get a shield on it.

Make the case for giving them the shield on Ragusa if you like (I personally lean towards it a bit), but this isn't a bug it's working as designed.
I noticed 2 possible bugs:

- the major_kle.txt file is missing in the \db\events folder, although events.txt is pointing to it. Thus Brandenburg cannot inherit Kleves. Bug or feature?

- the Kleves inheritance (BRA3855) gives Brandenburg a CB shield on province 338, that is Geldre but it should be 334 (Munster) IMO.
Originally posted by Xpider
I noticed 2 possible bugs:

- the major_kle.txt file is missing in the \db\events folder, although events.txt is pointing to it. Thus Brandenburg cannot inherit Kleves. Bug or feature?

- the Kleves inheritance (BRA3855) gives Brandenburg a CB shield on province 338, that is Geldre but it should be 334 (Munster) IMO.

Hi Xpider, welcome to the forum!
If there is no major_kle in EEP db-folder it will read the original one. The EEP events are in the eep_kle file. If nothing is changed in the original one it is not duplicated in the EEP db-folder. Feature.
I think it is correct with Geldre, since Kleves inherits it. This is Twoflowers construction so you could ask him about it in the EEP Germany thread.
Fix rather than bug for early Portugese exploration:

POR 18003, 18100 & 18101 (Henry’s Captains) adds a plethora of Portugese explorers.

These appear to have been added by Crook's fiat: the discussion in the Por thread amounted to Crook asking if anyone minded if he added more explorers and Issac Brook saying he didn't mind.

However, I suspect that no one really considered the effect of these extras, and IB may not have realised exactly what Crook intended. In any case, the real testing seems to have been done on Barton's original proposal, which was a very abbreviated list of exploreres, with the "big names" meant to represent the lesser guys also. The conclusion of that part of the discussion was general agreement, and having just played Port. myself with both lists and observed both in a hands-off, I feel Barton's list is much more realistic, while Crook's addition create the familiar problem - Port. goes nuts on colonization far too early.

Barton's list was:

Diego de Silves 1427-30
Gil Eanes 1433-36
Nuno Tristao 1441-44
Fernao Po 1469-72
Diogo Cao 1481-83.
Bartolomeu Diaz and onward as designed.

Crook added eight explorers prior to 1480, extended the deathdates on some of Barton's, and collectively added thirty-seven years worth of exploration to Port's assets prior to 1480.

The results are predictable, particularly when played by the AI.

I'd suggest reverting to Barton's list, which was tested widely at the time.
Another Portugese fix:

The Portugese events Submission of Goa (18038 & 18062) and Submission of Zanj (18031) are lacking “discovered = x” triggers. In consequence, a Portugese player/AI who has not yet discovered either Mombassa/Zanzibar or Goa will get these events anyway. Moreover, as coded both events fire simultaneously, even though Goa should come a few years later than Zanj.

"discovered = x" applies to all Europeans, so it is technically possible Portugal will get the events anyway if another European explorer gets there first, but this is very unlikely considering the dates, and possibly justifiable anyway.
Originally posted by Oleg Werner
OE never attacks MAM. Instead, is almost always in alliance with them. Cem Sultan event can be made trigger to break this alliance and worse relations.

Last I knew, there was no breakalliance command - and none is listed in Havard's event bible. Is this a beta feature? It would certainly be welcome, if so.

Burgundy is often attacked by anyone (all german minors mostly) and disappears w/o trace before Carlos inheritance. BB?

I've observed this also. Clearly needs to be fixed - it's the old problem of Burgundy disintegrating, but now it just comes about later. I haven't taken a close look at the event files though, so I can't recommend a cure.
Originally posted by Count Six
Another Portugese fix:

The Portugese events Submission of Goa (18038 & 18062) and Submission of Zanj (18031) are lacking “discovered = x” triggers. In consequence, a Portugese player/AI who has not yet discovered either Mombassa/Zanzibar or Goa will get these events anyway. Moreover, as coded both events fire simultaneously, even though Goa should come a few years later than Zanj.

"discovered = x" applies to all Europeans, so it is technically possible Portugal will get the events anyway if another European explorer gets there first, but this is very unlikely considering the dates, and possibly justifiable anyway.

Actually I think its this way, because my new East Africa setup conflicts with the old events. I still haven't gotten around to fixing all that, so this temporary exists. Of course, we can implement that for the time being.
Another explorer issue, and one I once fiddled with:

In several games now, handsoff and playing other countries, England has colonized too early.

In the latest test, Eng had half a dozen or so colonies/TPs in N. America by 1560. In the previous test, three or four in N. America and a colony in Jamaica by Mary's reign.

Again, I'd suggest trimming the explorer list. There really shouldn't be Eng colonies in the New World before the 1570s at the earliest.
Originally posted by Count Six
Another explorer issue, and one I once fiddled with:

In several games now, handsoff and playing other countries, England has colonized too early.

In the latest test, Eng had half a dozen or so colonies/TPs in N. America by 1560. In the previous test, three or four in N. America and a colony in Jamaica by Mary's reign.

Again, I'd suggest trimming the explorer list. There really shouldn't be Eng colonies in the New World before the 1570s at the earliest.

It is odd that the English AI is able to have so many colonies by 1560. They should only be getting a single explorer before 1560 - John Cabot, & only for a year or so. I imagine the AI is able to explore more in that year, as they don't have to be concerned with attrition (i.e. can send him on a one-way voyage). Also, did the English ever receive any random explorers? That might affect things.

BTW, good to see you around, Count Six! :)
Originally posted by Count Six

"discovered = x" applies to all Europeans, so it is technically possible Portugal will get the events anyway if another European explorer gets there first, but this is very unlikely considering the dates, and possibly justifiable anyway.

Actually discovered=x applies to the country recieving the event, unless it's been fixed since 1.05. That's not what the documentation says, but that is how it works (worked).

I think it's much better to leave all the Portuguese explorers in and shorten all their lifespans. Portugal produced a ridiculous number of explorers, and what Barton's tests strongly suggest is that shortening lifespans will inhibit bizarre AI exploration. Certainly at the time I had (perhaps erroneously) assumed that Crook was adding short lifespan explorers.
A terribly minor and inconsequential fix:

Event 3779 in the Major_Fra file is the French Revolution event for a 'Republican Monarchy', which is a phrase meaning nothing, as far as I can gather. More appropriate terminology might be 'Popular Monarchy', which would give a better idea to AAR writers exactly what kind of outcome the Revolution has had.
Originally posted by Garbon
So here they are! :D

798;Gambia;coastal;exotic;senegambian;0;0;6;0;0;0;1;2;1;0;0;Slav;0;-3;6;10;2;1;6;4;8516;4362;8519;4269;8468;4374;8535;4385;1128;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Senegal;West Africa;Africa;Gambia;0;0;0;#N/A;8535;4333;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
796;Guinea;coastal;exotic;dyola;0;0;6;0;0;0;2;4;1;0;0;Slav;0;0;7;50;2;1;7;4;8810;4617;8834;4561;8780;4647;8898;4531;1129;8897;4558;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Gold;West Africa;Africa;Guinea;0;0;0;#N/A;8826;4567;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
802;Nouakchott;inland;sunni;tuareg;0;0;1;0;0;0;1;1;3;0;0;Slav;0;-3;9;30;2;1.1;5;8;8368;3755;8358;3705;0;0;8427;3779;0;8530;3725;3;8552;3718;2;8510;3759;1;8425;3735;0;Mauritania;West Africa;Africa;Nouakchott;0;0;0;#N/A;8404;3728;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
797;Casamance;coastal;exotic;dyola;0;0;6;0;0;0;1;1;4;0;0;Ivor;0;-3;7;10;1;1;6;3;8622;4495;8729;4520;8602;4544;8603;4424;1129;8696;4536;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Senegal;West Africa;Africa;Casamance;0;0;0;#N/A;8645;4471;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
789;Kribi;coastal;exotic;kongolese;0;0;6;0;0;0;1;2;1;0;0;Slav;0;-3;8;70;2;1;6;4;9742;4952;9834;4943;9705;4979;9813;4926;1132;9839;5026;2;9854;5034;1;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Cameroon;West Africa;Africa;Kribi;0;0;0;#N/A;9803;4963;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
790;Douala;coastal;exotic;kongolese;0;0;6;0;0;0;1;2;1;0;0;Slav;0;-3;7;100;2;1;6;4;9808;4832;9857;4752;9772;4781;9859;4780;1132;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Cameroon;West Africa;Africa;Douala;0;0;0;#N/A;9848;4752;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
799;Dakar;coastal;exotic;senegambian;0;0;3;0;0;0;1;2;0;0;0;Slav;0;0;4;10;1;1;6;3;8408;4229;8343;4174;8366;4233;8490;4222;1128;8498;4166;3;8527;4171;5;8393;4131;2;8526;4113;4;Senegal;West Africa;Africa;Dakar;0;0;0;#N/A;8423;4181;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
803;Nouadibuh;coastal;sunni;tuareg;0;0;1;0;0;0;1;1;3;0;0;fish;0;-3;9;30;2;1.1;7;5;8352;3597;8548;3644;8305;3602;8428;3492;1056;8483;3507;2;8499;3524;3;8514;3530;3;-100;-100;0;Mauritania;West Africa;Africa;Nouadibuh;0;0;0;#N/A;8425;3543;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
800;Senegal;coastal;sunni;senegambian;0;0;3;0;0;0;1;3;0;0;0;Ivor;0;0;4;10;1;1;6;3;8327;4077;8369;4021;8286;4079;8333;4011;1127;8443;3997;1;8479;4005;4;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Senegal;West Africa;Africa;Senegal;1412;0;0;#N/A;8349;4028;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
771;Zambezia;coastal;exotic;shona;0;0;6;0;0;0;2;3;0;0;0;Slav;0;-3;4;10;1;1;9;3;11176;6147;11119;6270;11210;6155;11159;6313;1253;11109;6137;2;11109;6170;3;11050;6235;5;11117;6316;4;Mozambicque;East Africa;Africa;Beira;0;0;0;1;11153;6229;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
772;Inhambane;coastal;exotic;shona;0;0;6;0;0;0;2;3;0;0;0;Slav;0;-3;4;50;1;1;6;4;11056;6399;11034;6473;11083;6423;10965;6424;1253;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Mozambicque;East Africa;Africa;Inhambane;1405;0;0;#N/A;11012;6416;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1
782;Curango;coastal;exotic;kongolese;0;0;6;0;0;0;1;4;0;0;0;Slav;0;-3;4;50;1;1;7;3;10034;6324;10115;6274;9999;6313;10167;6273;1250;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;-100;-100;0;Angola;West Africa;Africa;Cubango;0;0;0;#N/A;10065;6310;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1

for those who are either to lazy to do this themselves (like myself usually), or don't understand what it is :)
I got the file for mailing.. just PM me (with your mail adress :) ) if you want it
got another bug :)

even if "independent Wales" is NOT selected, you can select wales as your nation to play.. this ofcourse CtDs your gaem :)