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major_fra.txt ...capital moves to paris line

I can't follow the logic in the explanation for the line:

# command = { type = capital which = 385 }

at least by running a search for similar lines within the file, I found no other command lines such as that one...

I discovered the -ve aspect of this line when the 3104 event fired for me during my very first EEP game. Unless my search screwed up, having no other 'capital moving events' and therefore leaving the capital in Berri is a dangerous result! During France's Religous Civil War, Berri was ripped away from me by the formation of the French Catholics. After France was re-unified, I was left with no capital. :rolleyes:

I don't see any other solution other than to take the # sign out of that line. If this was what was already agreed, on, I apologize for wasting a post, but looking through this thread I didn't see any post that confirmed this as being the sole solution.
Re: major_fra.txt ...capital moves to paris line

Originally posted by ribbon22
I can't follow the logic in the explanation for the line:

# command = { type = capital which = 385 }

at least by running a search for similar lines within the file, I found no other command lines such as that one...

I discovered the -ve aspect of this line when the 3104 event fired for me during my very first EEP game. Unless my search screwed up, having no other 'capital moving events' and therefore leaving the capital in Berri is a dangerous result! During France's Religous Civil War, Berri was ripped away from me by the formation of the French Catholics. After France was re-unified, I was left with no capital. :rolleyes:

I don't see any other solution other than to take the # sign out of that line. If this was what was already agreed, on, I apologize for wasting a post, but looking through this thread I didn't see any post that confirmed this as being the sole solution.

IIRC correctly (earlier in this thread i think)
the problem is that Ile de France/Paris should be the capital from the start
Re: major_fra.txt ...capital moves to paris line

Originally posted by ribbon22
I can't follow the logic in the explanation for the line:

# command = { type = capital which = 385 }

at least by running a search for similar lines within the file, I found no other command lines such as that one...

I discovered the -ve aspect of this line when the 3104 event fired for me during my very first EEP game. Unless my search screwed up, having no other 'capital moving events' and therefore leaving the capital in Berri is a dangerous result! During France's Religous Civil War, Berri was ripped away from me by the formation of the French Catholics. After France was re-unified, I was left with no capital. :rolleyes:

I don't see any other solution other than to take the # sign out of that line. If this was what was already agreed, on, I apologize for wasting a post, but looking through this thread I didn't see any post that confirmed this as being the sole solution.

This is a very old bug that was reported by me also in the previous "EEP 1.4 bugs and fixes thread" :( .

Probably the line:

# command = { type = capital which = 385 }

got screwed up trying to fix that bug.

IMHO the only solution to all those problems is move back the capital to Paris: but I distinctly recall to have already said that in the already mentioned "EEP 1.4 bugs and fixes thread" ;) :) .
There are several bugs in the "Sigismund grows old" events for Tyrol:
The secede command is messed up twice, both in event 322009 and in 322011. Instead of
command = { type = secedeprovince which = 374 value = HAB }
it has to be
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HAB value = 374 }
in action_a for both events.

The trigger in event 322009 is wrong, too. It checks for ownership and control of Baden (373) when it should be Alsace (374). Hence:
owned = { province = 373 data = U19 }
control = { province = 373 data = U19 }
owned = { province = 374 data =	U19 }
control = { province = 374 data = U19 }
Philips le bon of Burgundy won't die! The message pops up, but no replacement, some years later Charles le Temaire comes to power and is present as a general with the crown, but stil Philips and his attributes in the summary nation screen,
Scotish monarchs

The scotish monarchs get messed up after the Glorious Revolution if you choose the Oranien dynasty. You get Wilhelm, then James VII/VIII (don't remember which one) for a couple months, and then Anne, who gets to be Queen Eternal.
Originally posted by Spruce
Philips le bon of Burgundy won't die! The message pops up, but no replacement, some years later Charles le Temaire comes to power and is present as a general with the crown, but stil Philips and his attributes in the summary nation screen,
I assume that the leader Philippe III le Bon died, as he should 1463, not the monarch? That is as it should be, he wasn't fully by his senses during his last years and didn't command any armies. But he stayed on as monarch until 1467. It might come out a little strange that the leader but not the monarch 'dies', but it happens both by design and because the leaders are randomly killed in battle. It would have been better if they could be 'retired' from active duty somehow, but as it is they are always 'killed'.
Originally posted by mnorrefeldt
I assume that the leader Philippe III le Bon died, as he should 1463, not the monarch? That is as it should be, he wasn't fully by his senses during his last years and didn't command any armies. But he stayed on as monarch until 1467. It might come out a little strange that the leader but not the monarch 'dies', but it happens both by design and because the leaders are randomly killed in battle. It would have been better if they could be 'retired' from active duty somehow, but as it is they are always 'killed'.
We can change the text.csv, though.
Originally posted by Twoflower
We can change the text.csv, though.

Perhaps a good idea, to something like 'A leader is lost!' (better ideas?) and some more lesser format text explaining that he might have been killed, wounded so badly he cannot continue to serve, retired or just finished his contract...
leader message

"A leader (has) left your/our service!"? Still sounds a bit wacky if a monarch is involved, but oh well :)
Re: Scotish monarchs

Originally posted by Greebo
The scotish monarchs get messed up after the Glorious Revolution if you choose the Oranien dynasty. You get Wilhelm, then James VII/VIII (don't remember which one) for a couple months, and then Anne, who gets to be Queen Eternal.

I'll try to take a look at the Scottish monarchs as soon as I can (which might not be right away, but it will get looked at).
The Portuguese events for the conquest of Goa and Malacca should have a "discovered" trigger. Right now they very often happen when the provinces haven't been discovered by Portugal yet, which is evidently illogical and causes the conquistadors Portugal receives there to be placed in Terra Incognita.
Of course the discovered = x trigger only checks whether the respective province has been discovered by any European state, but, as long as there is no player involved, Portugal is almost certain to be that state.
Therefore add
discovered = 549
to the trigger of event 18038 (in major_por.txt)
discovered = 677
to the trigger of event 18012 (as well in major_por.txt).

As already mentioned by Garbon several times, the events for the submission of Zanj that are supposed to gain Portugal Mombasa don't work within the new East African setup. The "problem" is that the conglomerate state of Zanj has been broken up into Kilwa, Mombasa and Malindi and the events can therefore not be done in such a simplicistic way.
Originally posted by Twoflower
As already mentioned by Garbon several times, the events for the submission of Zanj that are supposed to gain Portugal Mombasa don't work within the new East African setup. The "problem" is that the conglomerate state of Zanj has been broken up into Kilwa, Mombasa and Malindi and the events can therefore not be done in such a simplicistic way.

Which is actually why I broke up the Zanj, but then I realized what an undertaking it is. I mean there is so much that needs to be accounted for and done. Of course I could always slap together a few hour temp solution.
Originally posted by Twoflower

Of course the discovered = x trigger only checks whether the respective province has been discovered by any European state, but, as long as there is no player involved, Portugal is almost certain to be that state.

This is how it is supposed to work, but unless it's been changed the 'discovered' trigger checks if the country that gets the event has discovered it. Certainly this is how it worked in 1.05.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
This is how it is supposed to work, but unless it's been changed the 'discovered' trigger checks if the country that gets the event has discovered it. Certainly this is how it worked in 1.05.

In this case this would be a very good thing, though, since we want the events to trigger only when Portugal has discovered the provinces and not e.g. a highly aggressive Ottoman Empire or some smart colonial player.
I'm Burgundy and very big, I have all the netherlands and I turned Reformed (I had no Dutch revolts when I was catholic, but I prefered to be reformed).

Now there's an event about the Dutch people asking me to stop the inquisition??? Me myself am Reformed and I'm converting my provinces to reformed!
Originally posted by Spruce
I'm Burgundy and very big, I have all the netherlands and I turned Reformed (I had no Dutch revolts when I was catholic, but I prefered to be reformed).

Now there's an event about the Dutch people asking me to stop the inquisition??? Me myself am Reformed and I'm converting my provinces to reformed!
Thankfully, that whole dutch revolt sequence is redone for 1.4.2, with Isaac Brock's Dutch Revolts Mod.

I got a reproducable CTD. The tech info:
1.07NA EU2 + 1.4.1EEP, no other modifictaions.

What I get is this:
Playing as Eire in the Grand campaign. Unaligned to anyone. I get jumped by the English @1451. I attaempt to get assistance and alliance from France (ask to join alliance), and the game CTDs. I hadn't gotten this before with vanilla EU2, so I figured to post and ask here.