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Well, since this is likely to be the final version of EEP - after that, work is going into the AGCEEP merger -, and the merger can be expected to be in beta status for quite a while, it is our intention to make EEP 1.42 as good, tested and bug-free as possible. Therefore, although many people might be waiting, it will be released when it is ready, no earlier.
Originally posted by Duc de Guise

but i still hope about that... don't hesitate asking me some help if you need ;)

i especially prefer working on events, not creating (i had ideas but not really interesting) but correcting some or testing

Then I'll ask you for some help. :) I am almost done with the Kingdom of Italy events, they are parsed and tested and the sequences trigger as they should. But it would be useful to have someone just play it through as well, to see if something doesn't go as intended, and to get a feel for balance. Interested?
Concerning this event:

[color=white]# Zigmunt makes concessions
event = {
	trigger = {
		monarch = 06231 # The Hussite Regency
	id = 3802
	random = no
	country = BOH
	name = "EVENTNAME3802"
	desc = "EVENTHIST3802"
	style = 1
	date = { day = 23 month = august year = 1436 }
	offset = 0
	deathdate = { day = 24 month = august year = 1436 }

	action_a = { # Yes, his concessions are acceptable
		name = "ACTIONNAME3802A"
		command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 06231 }
		command = { type = wakemonarch which = 06259 }
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = relation which = HUN value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = LIT value = -50 }
		command = { type = religion which = catholic } 
	action_b ={ # No compromise with the betrayer of Jan Hus!
		name = "ACTIONNAME3802B"
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
		command = { type = relation which = HUN value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = LIT value = 50 }

J. Berenger, History of the Habsburg Empire, says about the election of Sigismund "the question of the king was decided in 1436...the king of the Romans made his entry into Prague in August 1436".

So shouldn't the date of this event be August 1436, not 1437?
Originally posted by Count Six
Concerning this event:
J. Berenger, History of the Habsburg Empire, says about the election of Sigismund "the question of the king was decided in 1436...the king of the Romans made his entry into Prague in August 1436".

So shouldn't the date of this event be August 1436, not 1437?
Bohemian 15th century events have been reworked in EEP 1.42.
When will the EEP 1.4.2 be released? please say tomorrow :)
i'd like to know as well.
Originally posted by Duc de Guise
thanks for the info
well is the EEP 1.4.2 will be released tomorrow? (didn't you say that all will be ready for sunday)

please! please!
Originally posted by Garbon
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to give you a no. :( Some bits have started acting up on my end (database mismatch! :eek: ) and a few things still need to be added in.
so if it's not last weekend maybe this weekend?
Don't know if this a good idea, but I'll give a status report:
Garbon has sent me the EEP with his Central Asian changes implemented on Monday. I am right now putting in some final changes on my part and will give my version to mnorrefeldt tonight. He will put in the events by Malodini and Havard plus the Italian unification, that I think he has got basically ready and only need to be merged with the current version. This should take a few more days. Afaik some more testing will be done to make sure certain things work, and then Crook might need one or two days for the installer. A release shouldn't be too far away, but don't necessarily expect it for the end of this week. It is in everybody's interest to have the final EEP version as perfect and bug-free as possible after, so try to be a little patient :)
The problem is with the sleepmonarch right? So the only issue is that every time there is an alternate dynasty ALL monarch must be dormant=yes and none should be slept in events. This applies to several nations right now, and probably more later.
Why is Johan Rantzau listed twice in leaders.dan file?:confused:
The problem reported in #68 above has to do with event 3031 (Glorious Revolution - PUR won Civil War). The following lines need to be added to choice B:

command = { type = wakemonarch which = 00003 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 00004 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 00005 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 04049 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 04050 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 04051 }

This wakes the latter alternate Stuart monarchs & sleeps the Hanoverians. This should solve that problem.

As for #70, event 20431 (The Golden Act of 1592) should have a trigger that event 20429 has occurred, & the trigger referring to 20431 should obviously be removed.

Finally, for #74, the following needs to be added to choice A of event 3082 (The Glorious Revolution):

command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 04836 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 04837 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 04838 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 04839 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 04833 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 04834 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 04835 }

This sleeps the remaining Stuarts, & wakes the three Georges.

Hope all that helps.

EDIT: Fixed two errors in the last two "wakemonarch" commands.
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Originally posted by Phillip V
Why is Johan Rantzau listed twice in leaders.dan file?:confused:
No idea, is not conected to any event, so the added one is removed now. :confused:

And thank you johnny Canuck for clearing out the monarchs and the trigger! :D
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Originally posted by mnorrefeldt
And thank you johnny Canuck for clearing out the monarchs and the trigger! :D

No problem - BTW, there was an error in the last batch of monarch commands, but it is fixed now (just in case you had already cut & pasted it).
Siege Problem

I just recently downloaded EEP and and have had a few problems involving sieges. On more than a few occasions I have been sieging and will suddenly stop on a certain number for the siege, usually -4. It will not go any further, and I have stayed in the siege for years waiting for it to do something. I have never had this problem before, only in EEP, sorry if someone already said this, I didn't read the entire thread.
Not an EEP problem. Are you perhaps beseiging an unblockaded port? If so a blockade will solve your problem.
I just downloaded EEP today ana when i tried the GC there was a huge bug. The provinces of England and Byzantium Empire were shown as neutral provinces with no cities, no army etc. and when i tried to click on some minor nations (like Bosnia) game crashed. Tried this several times.

Is there a 1.4.2 version already or does anyone know how to fix this problem?