@Sheien greetings
This picture is the second game of the "Northern War." I got very lucky and twice now, China backed up the warlords and allied Japan. The first time around was a very bloody attritional war lasting until 1945-1947 or whenever I began a new game. The Japanese in that scenario pushed the Soviets to Lake Baikal, with Communists and Nationalists in China doing about 50/50.
Each game I began as Japan and later saved and quit and began as another country, Haiti in the first and Germany in the second. Interestingly, Germany didn't begin Barbarossa in the first game, conquered Europe sans Britain, and the French State - including African colonies - eventually joined the Axis in that game.
Clearly the difference is huge in outcomes. I'm not sure what I did differently the second time, but it is likely screw-ups on AI side maneuvering that Japan lost its armies the second game. I'm certain the Vladivostok pocket was much larger, better contained, than the second time. A Sakhalin crossing almost ensures a huge encirclement.
The timescale of the war is very far apart in each game. Japan-China incurred millions of casualties and handed them out to USSR-CCP in the first. Keep in mind the event for a Japanese-Chinese alliance and the entry of World War occurs in early 1933.
White Peace events would have been desired by about 1944, give or take a year. Germany's economy was "Trump" at that point and the Japanese had a square line, although the Communist Chinese could not be well adjusted for amnesty as much land was traded.