this is a bit off-topic, but do you perhaps understand how event command air_percentage = works?
Documentation says its #true if we have at least value times the air forces of country TAG, but i don't understand it.
There is an event in EoD "The Luftwaffe Hits Soviet Airfields" where it's
success for Germany if: NOT = { air_percentage = { country = GER value = 0.9 } }
partial success if
air_percentage = { country = GER value = 0.9 }
NOT = { air_percentage = { country = GER value = 1.1 } }
and failure if: air_percentage = { country = GER value = 1.1 }
So I would assume to success, my force would be 1.0 times my air force. But when I hit, event at the very beginning when my forces are intact, it gives me failure and all my air units are at 100 strength. Do you maybe familiar how does it work?