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When you use the flagname command to change the shield and flag of a country, what is required if you want to change it back in another event?

The answer to that question might be helpful to include. Especially because I don't know. :)
Reveilled said:
When you use the flagname command to change the shield and flag of a country, what is required if you want to change it back in another event?

The answer to that question might be helpful to include. Especially because I don't know. :)
Never thought of that... Very good question.
command = { type = flagname which = "" } will change a flag back to default
I asked a question about days in dates (applies to deathdates also) here.

Clarification about days:
day range is 0-29. 0 is first day of month. Each month is 30 days long (no 31th in EUII).
If day > 29, event fires last day of month.

In february, day range is also 0-29 despite month lasts 28 days for players.
1st and 15th of the month consists of two days in EUII scripting engine:
0=1st, 1=1st, 2=2nd, 3=3th, 4=4th, 5=5th, 6=6th, 7=7th, 8=8th, 9=9th, 10=10th, 11=11th, 12=12th, 13=13th, 14=14th, 15=15th, 16=15th, 17=16th, 18=17th, 19=18th, 20=19th, 21=20th, 22=21th, 23=22th, 24=23th, 25=24th, 26=25th, 27=26th, 28=27th, 29=28th

Be carefull in scripting events, monarchs and leaders.
To Norrefeldt:
In point 2: The command breakvassalage doesn't work if in the overlord's event, unless the game has been reloaded. Breakvassalage command doesn't work if liege and/or vassal is at war too. Not sure for liege, never experienced myself, but sure for vassal when triggered by liege. Bug 317.

In blue => to be removed (wars have no effect on breakvassal command). You just forgot it... ;)
A small note on troubleshooting (if this is generally known, I apologize): If you use a wrong tag for a country in an event, the event will fire for the players country.
Not sure where this belongs but I thought it might interest some people here.
I am currently working on a corsican serie of events. This is how I came upon some new strangely working command. Sorry if this is already known.

I have Corsica starting as a vassal of Aragon in 1419. In 1434 an event fires for COR with action_a breaking the vassalage with Aragon and triggering two events: one for Aragon to inform them of the defeat of their partisans in Corsica, and one for Genoa with an option to vassalize Corsica:
_ corsican event:
*breakvassal with ARG
*trigger aragonese event
*trigger genoese event
_ aragonese event:
*too bad ! (no effect)
_ genoese event:
*vassal COR

When I wrote it this way, the vassal command would not work. Then I tried to trigger the genoese event through the aragonese one:
_ corsican event:
*breakvassal with ARG
*trigger aragonese event
_ aragonese event:
*trigger genoese event
_ genoese event:
*vassal COR
and it worked fine.
I thought maybe some AGCEEP events use this kind of chain and this could be useful.
Yes, I've seen this. You cannot have a new vassalisation event triggered from the event that breaks the current vassalisation. It seems to be a problem with when it checks the conditions for the commands...
Norrefeldt said:
It's news to me. I'll add it. Thanks.
I think it's the same with anexations/releases. If you release a vassal in an event, I don't think you can break the vassalage with an event triggered by that same event.
I have a question about the trigger and sleepevent command.
I ask it because I'd like to see the answer into the Bible :

What's happened when you have an event A that sleep an event C, and after you have an event B that trigger the event C ?
Does the event C definitively slept, or it trigger ?
Fixed the typo, added information on how dates are handled.
Havard said:
I think it's the same with anexations/releases. If you release a vassal in an event, I don't think you can break the vassalage with an event triggered by that same event.
Sounds reasonable, but we need to test it.
Aegnor said:
I have a question about the trigger and sleepevent command.
I ask it because I'd like to see the answer into the Bible :

What's happened when you have an event A that sleep an event C, and after you have an event B that trigger the event C ?
Does the event C definitively slept, or it trigger ?
Checked. C is definitively slept.
i just noticed this:
At the time an event fires in-game, if all commands in an action are "ignored", the button is not displayed. If all commands in all actions are "ignored", the event won't appear at all.
An ignored command is a command that can't happen, FE, because the involved country doesn't exist => vassalizing Castile (CAS) can't happen when Castile formed Spain (SPA).
Havard said:
Yes, I've seen this. You cannot have a new vassalisation event triggered from the event that breaks the current vassalisation. It seems to be a problem with when it checks the conditions for the commands...
Checked. You're right. Same result as Third Angel for my test.
Havard said:
I think it's the same with anexations/releases. If you release a vassal in an event, I don't think you can break the vassalage with an event triggered by that same event.
I made this test with one of my AGCEEP games (Order of St John (KNI) can release Milan (MLO) as vassal):
 event = {
 	id = 150050
	random = no
 	country = KNI
 	name = "Release"
 	desc = " "
 	style = 2
 	date = { day = 20 month = may year = 1567 }

 	action_a ={ #OK#
 		name = "OK"
		command = { type = independence  which = MLO }
 		command = { type = trigger which = 150051 }

 event = {
 	id = 150051
	random = no
 	country = MLO
 	name = "Break"
 	desc = " "
 	style = 2

 	action_a ={ #OK#
 		name = "OK"
		command = { type = breakvassal  which = KNI }
Event 150051 works:
        name = "May 21, 1567 : Release happened to us." 
        name = "May 21, 1567 : The people of Milan declared independence from Order of St John." 
        name = "May 21, 1567 : Milan are now our vassals." 
        name = "May 21, 1567 : Milan had Break." 
        name = "May 21, 1567 : Milan cancelled the Vassalization she had with Order of St John."
Event 150051 is for MLO because the same event for KNI with "command = { type = breakvassal which = MLO }" will fail because of the breakvassal bug (no save/reload possible between the two events in this case). :wacko:
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clarification on this please\:

3.10 Offset

This is a random offset in days, always used in conjunction with the date statement. It means that the event may happen on any of these days from the time specified in date. If the event has triggers it will start searching for triggers on this date.

Note: After the first trigger check after a random number of days the triggers are checked again at intervalls defined by the offset. This means that for an 'offset = 360' the event will first check the triggers on a random day the first year after the set date, and then once every year!


offset = 30

In this case the event will start checking for triggers on a random date within 30 days from the date specified. If no valid triggers are found on that date it will check again each month (30 days) until triggers are met, or until event deathdate is reached.

If a game is saved/reloaded in the middle of an offset, the event is checked at reload (which explains why you so often get certain events on reload).

If I read this correctly, then if an event has an offset of 1095, and it has a start date of year 1500 and deathdate was 1520, then it would work like this,

check trigger at anytime between year 1500 and 1503, when checked and not able to fire, check every 980 days from that checkpoint to check for firing. It would then only check a total of 6 times.

Is this correct????????