Actually, tech is not that hard. Just have a set level (maybe 50ish) in EU2 at which a nation would be able to get the basic civilized techs, then more for the higher levels. And for other, non-military techs, convert them from the manufactories.
Chaingun said:I'm still here, I've just been away for most of this week. Probably I'll sit down next or next next week (I have a few important tests coming up), and write an overview about all suggestions made in this thread.
Chaingun said:Yepp. Well, sometimes one might just have to study a little bit less in order to do all "important stuff"
FooFight2000 said:how about "Victoria Universalis"?
or "Eu2VIC"
or "thingymabob that will change your eu2 save game into a victoria game majiggy".
Im bad with naming things, i named my cat "Cat". pretty creative huh?
EU2 Victoria
ID Prov. name City name id Prov. name State name
231 Connaught Galway 245 Sligo Connaught
246 Galway Connaught
232 Ulster Belfast 240 Belfast Ulster
241 Londonderry Ulster
242 Armagh Ulster
233 Meath Dublin 243 Dublin Leinster
234 Leinster Wexford 244 Kildare Leinster
250 Wexford Leinster
235 Munster Cork 247 Limerick Munster
248 Waterford Munster
249 Cork Munster
236 The Highlands Inverness 210 Inverness North Scotland
237 The Grampians Aberdeen 211 Aberdeen North Scotland
212 Dundee South Scotland
213 Perth South Scotland
238 Lothian Edinburgh 215 Edinburgh South Scotland
239 Stratchhylde Glasgow 214 Glasgow South Scotland
240 Northumberland Newcastle 216 Newcastle North England
217 Carlisle North England
241 Yorkshire York 220 Leeds North England
221 Hull North England
242 Lancashire Lancaster 218 Liverpool North England
219 Manchester North England
224 Chester West England
243 Wales Cardiff 225 Bangor Wales
226 Montgomery Wales
227 Cardigan Wales
228 Cardiff Wales
244 Midlands Coventry 223 Nottingham Midlands
229 Shrewsbury West England
230 Birmingham Midlands
245 Lincoln Lincoln 222 Lincoln Eastern Counties
231 Leicester Midlands
246 Bristol Bristol 236 Oxford Midlands
237 Bristol West England
251 Taunton South West England
247 Anglia London 232 Cambridge Eastern Counties
233 Norwich Eastern Counties
234 Ipswich Eastern Counties
235 Bedford Greater London
248 Kent Canterbury 255 London Greater London
256 Canterbury South East England
257 Brighton South East England
249 Wessex Portsmouth 252 Salisbury South West England
253 Southhampton South East England
254 Reading Greater London
250 Cornwall Plymouth 238 Plymouth South West England
Chaingun said:EU2Vic sounds just fine I think (with a special stress put on the '2').
I'd like to add we really need to have some kind of public workspace where the current progress is listed. Either this could be a special thread in this forum, maintained only for this purpose, or some special feature of some other web site that allows people to communicate and exchange work.
FooFight2000 said:I have AIM but i think mIRC may be the best choice since we all wont agree on a certain instant messaging software. The problem is chatting, i think us project leaders span across serveral times zones, picking a good time to meet up would be hard.
I should almost put up a message board on my webserver that would just have a dedicated forum for us and maybe a general forum that everyone could post in (they woudlnt need to register). What do you guys think?