There are still some things that need to be fixed or at least a rework.
1.Razing takes too much because you have to click on every province uncored, clicking the raze button, clicking on the province and the raze button again, maybe it could be something that could also be implemented statewide and a shortcut would make it easier to play as a horde without spending alot in just picking the provinces you can raze, it also makes playing as a horde less difficult and less tedious than what they are right now.
2.The heretic rebels description seems helpful, at least for the Catholics where they increase reform desire, but for nations that aren't Catholic is going to be weird since the old Tengri and the goatskull heretic rebels have nothing to do with the papacy and the description should be changed, right now it makes it less immersive and awkward to have the description of heretics in the Catholic world when getting heretic rebels as a non-Catholic country.
3.The military dictatorship shouldn't make you a presidential dictatorship when on low republican tradition, the military dictatorship is already a dictatorship where the Captain-General is chosen between the strongest generals which already hold near-absolute power and it would be weird that it would suddenly become a different type of dictatorship because of low republican tradition, maybe it could be like pirate Republic but there could be a modifier that gives a council whose purpose is to restore republican tradition and stabilize the nation, i also had to give up many champaigns for the Roman Empire because I lost the government type despite having 53-55 RT and managing to keep the Republican values, I hope it would be fixed because it's one of the most interesting options for a custom nation.
4.When I've got the Pazzi conspiracy event as Florence it gave me the possibility to re-elect the ruler without RT penalty at the expense of stability and crownland, after the next election term I picked another De'Medici which was great but I later lost it after one election from ruling family, it doesn't make sense that the De'Medici would lose their consolidation of power after a failed coup and lose the modifier, I asked from the Discord server of Zlewikk about this issue but the moderators couldn't give an answer because they had no knowledge about it which was unfortunate since I've wanted to restore the Roman Empire with the De'Medici in power because they were one of the most influencial dynasties that managed to stay in power for a very long time and I can't replicate this in-game because I lost the modifier for no apparent reason.
5.Make separate peace in coalitions possible, it doesn't make sense that a coalition members who's country is getting on the verge of bankruptcy can't get out unless I have to separately peace out the leader, at least give a -100 opinion towards the one who gets peaced out because the ruler decided to abandon the coalition while being at war with the target, it could be decay or last until the ruler changes, you could also give more reasons for the AI to stay at war if what I proposed seems unbalanced.