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I'm not seeing the several decades too early thing for the reformation, it's usually kicking off in the 1500s for me, as was intended. Unless you're saying it shouldn't happen before 1517.
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- Council of Trent concludes with the majority vote.

this is not working

I would like to propose better flags for several countries.
Countries on the island of Borneo:
The country of Berau could use the flag of the country of Bulungan.

And the country of Sambas could use this flag:

The principality of Masovia could also have a better flag
Source of information in Polish

A newer version of the coat of arms of the principality
Solon could use the coat of arms of the Gantimurov family

Source of information in Russian.
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Dear paradox, I really love the balance changes and update for 1.33 but the disabling of taking land in independence wars really cripples the early game. I've noticed this with my nevers run. I can imagine it for subjugation/pu wars, but not for independence. Please reconsider this
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- Trade range extended only by PUs and client vassals/client marches, and trading cities give a 20% boost to trading range from them. Time to create those trading cities!.
You might want to rethink that and add colonies to the list. At the moment if we form a colony (like the Caribbean, canada or Mexico) we are unable to ever get enough trade range to put merchants in the colonies.
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Ok, here are some more fresh bugs.
I went for Zia game. Zia is little tribe NA west.
1. I had build Campfire -50% advisor maintance. Got event "Sacred cave" which gave me one more Campfire. -100% advisor maintance achieved. Profit!
2. "Push back colonisers" CB works vs Mesoamericans, they are no way colonisers.
3. Castile took 6 my provinces, after colonial nation formed I instantly declared Reconquest CB war. After I annexed it, all provinces were ceded to me as Tribal land.
4. AI still dont care to protect its colonies. Castile lost 200k manpower to take this chunk of land of me and yet fails to enforce peace which allow to instantly take all back.
5. Tribal land can propagate institutions.
6. Totemist ancestors work with event spawning new war/peace chief. If you spam many wars you can have anough ansestors in like 50 years.

Overall playing tribal felt like good old 2010, rough balance, weird AI behaviour etc.
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Played around with the Empire of China mechanics in 1.33 beta:
The Unify China CB feels really good, and makes warring for China function much more like it 'feels' it should. Add this to it (presumably) making it more deterministic for an AI tag to reunify China if it collapses, and that seems like a great change.

I saw Shun revolt, and it had a big army size & quality advantage over Ming, but chose not to take the Mandate of Heaven. Not sure if this is because it was actually hitting financial limits, or because the AI just doesn't weight seizing the mandate that highly? Maybe Shun should have an enthusiasm modifier in their scripted revolt.

The AI clicks the empire of China reforms way too aggressively I think. I realize its intentional for the AI to do it aggressively enough that Ming's disaster is likely to fire, but while Ming is in the disaster, it should stop clicking the reforms. With -30% goods produced from the disaster, going down to 10 Mandate (-40% goods produced) when they click the button is just crippling for their income. They even clicked the button while in their disaster, with huge rebel stacks wandering around, and my player Yarkand attacking them. I felt like it was a somewhat risky war (Ming outnumbered us 2:1, but we had +1 morale and +2 military techs), but then Ming clicked down to 10 mandate, and turned their soldiers into complete paper.

The elevate Tributary relations reform seems to be bugged, Ming clicked it, but when I took over as Emperor of China, I had the option to vassalize tributaries even though I had not clicked it. Also, the Emperor of China can convert other tag's tributaries to the vassal of the Emperor of China by spending Mandate, which doesn't seem like it is intended.
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Trying out Korea and have noted two issues with the new Sinicisation mechanic. They're pretty small things without a meaningful gameplay impact, and maybe they are indeed WAD, but I still wanted to note them:

1. once you take the decision, your culture, "Korean (Chinese)," is no longer recognized as "Korean" for the purposes of missions that require a certain number of provinces to have "Korean" culture (nor, I'm guessing, for the mission requiring a certain total development in Korean-culture provinces, though I'd already completed that before claiming the Mandate so I'm not sure).

2. once you take the decision, all province names are re-localized into Chinese, including in the Korea region. I know it's purely aesthetic but still, I really dislike this. This is my first time playing as Korea, but far from my first time as the celestial emperor, and I was looking forward to the subtle but immersive effect of getting to see the Korean names of everything. For me personally, as someone who enjoys learning a bit about lots of new languages while playing this game, it's extra frustrating: I took Mandarin in college so I don't need any more practice with pronouncing province names and learning geography in Chinese, and I was looking forward to using this campaign as an excuse to start learning some Korean and use the Korean province names for pronunciation practice. Plus, as far as storytellinng and roleplay goes, it's definitely my head-canon that if the Joseon had done the real-life equivalent of taking the Mandate, they would've expanded the Hangul system for Chinese dialects as part of a huge educational campaign across China to improve literacy. Kinda hard to imagine that being the subtext behind meritocracy events for a Korean Celestial Empire now.

For the first issue, I don't know what y'all would prefer, but it seems you could either just have "Korean (Chinese)" satisfy the missions the same way "Korean" does, OR if you think the sinicisation decision should change things, you could make an alternative way to fulfill the missions. Maybe even something like requiring a certain percentage of all Chinese culture group provinces/development be "Korean (Chinese)?" Or, if the point is that these missions should be completed before taking the Mandate and/or should only be available to a Korea that isn't interested in the Mandate, some text warning that sinicising will prevent the mission would be helpful.

For the second issue.... I know the people who care about this could possibly be counted on one hand, but.... maybe if it's quick enough to do, you could script an event to be triggered by the decision that would give the player the option to retain Korean names? Maybe three options: all Chinese names, all Korean names, or Chinese names in China but Korean names in Korea. Would be an interesting opportunity to build in some flavor around the decision, too; like, is this decision representing Joseon emperor declaring Korean to be a first among equals and that the cultures should cooperate and learn from one another, or is it Koreans assimilating and losing something of themselves in order to form a larger order, or is this like forcing Korean culture onto the Chinese, albeit in a sort of condescendingly benevolent patriarchal way?

Anyway, lastly: haven't tried Dai Viet yet but presumably there would be similar issues to smooth out?
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Trying out Korea and have noted two issues with the new Sinicisation mechanic. They're pretty small things without a meaningful gameplay impact, and maybe they are indeed WAD, but I still wanted to note them:

1. once you take the decision, your culture, "Korean (Chinese)," is no longer recognized as "Korean" for the purposes of missions that require a certain number of provinces to have "Korean" culture (nor, I'm guessing, for the mission requiring a certain total development in Korean-culture provinces, though I'd already completed that before claiming the Mandate so I'm not sure).

2. once you take the decision, all province names are re-localized into Chinese, including in the Korea region. I know it's purely aesthetic but still, I really dislike this. This is my first time playing as Korea, but far from my first time as the celestial emperor, and I was looking forward to the subtle but immersive effect of getting to see the Korean names of everything. For me personally, as someone who enjoys learning a bit about lots of new languages while playing this game, it's extra frustrating: I took Mandarin in college so I don't need any more practice with pronouncing province names and learning geography in Chinese, and I was looking forward to using this campaign as an excuse to start learning some Korean and use the Korean province names for pronunciation practice. Plus, as far as storytellinng and roleplay goes, it's definitely my head-canon that if the Joseon had done the real-life equivalent of taking the Mandate, they would've expanded the Hangul system for Chinese dialects as part of a huge educational campaign across China to improve literacy. Kinda hard to imagine that being the subtext behind meritocracy events for a Korean Celestial Empire now.

For the first issue, I don't know what y'all would prefer, but it seems you could either just have "Korean (Chinese)" satisfy the missions the same way "Korean" does, OR if you think the sinicisation decision should change things, you could make an alternative way to fulfill the missions. Maybe even something like requiring a certain percentage of all Chinese culture group provinces/development be "Korean (Chinese)?" Or, if the point is that these missions should be completed before taking the Mandate and/or should only be available to a Korea that isn't interested in the Mandate, some text warning that sinicising will prevent the mission would be helpful.

For the second issue.... I know the people who care about this could possibly be counted on one hand, but.... maybe if it's quick enough to do, you could script an event to be triggered by the decision that would give the player the option to retain Korean names? Maybe three options: all Chinese names, all Korean names, or Chinese names in China but Korean names in Korea. Would be an interesting opportunity to build in some flavor around the decision, too; like, is this decision representing Joseon emperor declaring Korean to be a first among equals and that the cultures should cooperate and learn from one another, or is it Koreans assimilating and losing something of themselves in order to form a larger order, or is this like forcing Korean culture onto the Chinese, albeit in a sort of condescendingly benevolent patriarchal way?

Anyway, lastly: haven't tried Dai Viet yet but presumably there would be similar issues to smooth out?

Actually, I posted too soon, I hadn't noticed something regarding renaming:

After the sinicisation decision, only the provinces in the Korea region have changed province names to Chinese, while retaining Korean city names; whereas, in China, it's the inverse - the Chinese city names are retained while the province names are still Korean. And then provinces in the Manchurian and Japanese regions likewise maintain Korean province names, whether or not I'd already culture-converted them, with what looks like a mix of Korean and local culture names for cities. So, it looks like maybe the name stuff was just an unintentional side effect within the Korea region?
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I dont know if it is a bug, but I am playing as Spain, and once I formed colonial nation, I can't send merchant to trade node for example to Caribbean, because it is outside my colonial range and natives declare war on my colonial nation with push back colonizers CB me as overlord is not called in to war I have to use enforce peace interaction to help them in war.
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After spending few hours to mess around China in the 1.33 Beta patch, I have a suggestion for the devs about Manchu:

I think that might help.
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I dont know if it is a bug, but I am playing as Spain, and once I formed colonial nation, I can't send merchant to trade node for example to Caribbean, because it is outside my colonial range and natives declare war on my colonial nation with push back colonizers CB me as overlord is not called in to war I have to use enforce peace interaction to help them in war.
The first thing is correct, in 1.33 colonial nations no longer give their trade range to the overlord and you are unable to ever put a merchant in the colonies due to it.
The second thing, it has been always like this, once a native attacks a colony you never get called in and if you wanna intervene you need to enforce peace. From what I gathered over the years that is intencional.
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AI fort building is absolutely out of control. It's like we've gone back to the pre-fort rework days where every province had a fort but now we have ZoC on top of it too.

The ridiculous restrictions to CBs are also bad. As has been stated multiple times already, doing something besides the intended wargoal in the peace deal is already covered by unjustified demands costs. And the "free" humiliate and trade war CBs already prevented dodging the no-CB penalties by disallowing conquest.

Content for Ming and Korea, two long-neglected tags is cool though.
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Forts are too much, make the game slower than slow, the battles are weird and take even longer, morale seems to be OP now even more so than now. The cb change is not that necessary, and with freeing one it is just painfull. Plus the ottomans snowball too much over a thousand dev after 30 Years is a little bit much for balance. The ai does not work as allies, even with twice the numbers their efficency is low, and one can loose wars because of this, but when going against players it turns super smart, feels of. Right now one cannot play the beta and say it is fun, the current game is better, but there are some good fixes.
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The new beta is supposed to allow Confucian religion countries to build monuments of harmonized religions, but it’s not working quite as expected.

First, it seems only the Buddhist monuments allow Confucians to build them, not other monuments.

But the real problem is that they require that the province be Confucian but that you’ve harmonized Theravada, Mahayana, or Vajrayana. If you’ve harmonized one of those three, then you can’t religiously convert the province to Confucian, so you’re locked out of building the monument.

It should also allow you to build the monument if the province religion is one of those three, and you’ve harmonized the matching religion. That’s how Tengri works too, don’t see why I’d need to convert provinces before harmonizing in order to build the monuments.

Also, for the monuments that could be either Buddhist or Hindu (like Ankor Wat), Hindu with harmonized Hindu should be an allowed option as well, since the province starts out Hindu.
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I love the changes to the East Asian region. I feel like this region fell a bit behind after all the changes and new complex systems and in the Emperor and Leviathan DLCs. So its really cool that you came back after Leviathan and addressed the northern east asia as well.

But there is one thing that I feel like still needs to be adressed. And thats the "Japan" tag. I think it currently feels very unrewarding to form Japan as one of the daimyos. Not only do you lose your unique government reform, but in most cases the national ideas of your daimyo are better than those of the Japan tag.

I feel like a "united shogunate" type government reform for Japan, that is less vassal and more tall focussed, and buffed national ideas would do the trick and would probably still be historically acurate (But I am no expert here).

Otherwise I really look forward to the new patch and hope japan gets his update in the future.
but in most cases the national ideas of your daimyo are better than those of the Japan tag.
You can already choose whether or not you want to do this.

That said the fully unified Japan tag as is represented in the game doesn't really represent Japan as it existed at the time and the start dates themselves exemplify this if you go to later start dates. Essentially there were no big wars and power was consolidated under the Tokugawa, but many of the Daimyo families (who weren't enemies of the Tokugawa that is) still existed and ruled their little fiefdoms. Could be represented by a special estate I guess.