No va ralentizar nada, no van a añadir ni tan siquiera 100 provincias creo. Eso es miseria xD. Los mods que cambian el mapa y añaden 600-700 casi ni se notan.
Pues, yo personalmente, te sugiero que leas algun que otro AAR en el subforo de al lado, siempre viene bien ver que ha hecho otro. Por otra parte, la forma más facil de que te queden algunas mecanicas mas confusas claro (comercio o guerra por ejemplo) te aconsejaría entrar en la wiki del EU4 (en inglés):
Ya te digo, mirar sobre todo guerra y comercio, que al principio es donde estan las dudas mas gordas; que yo tarde mas de 100 horas in-game para saber bien como iba la economia.Además, en esa misma wiki viene consejos para los logros, si te gustan los desafios. Si te quedas con dudas pregunta por aquí, seguro que alguno te podemos sacar del atolladero.
Y de refilon se ve Bohemia y Alemania con nuevas provincias. Supongo que el numero de provincias debía aumentar con el nuevo sistema de fortalezas, pero miedo me da que relentice el juego.
Muchas graciascuando acabe mis exámenes de segundo de bachiller (que ya solo me quedan 2 semanas y seré libre
) me mirare algunos post del subforo y la wiki y me comprare el juego. Si tengo dudas abriré un post ahí o preguntare por aqui
Hello all.
Sadly we can't yet talk about the big feature of Common Sense, Subject Interaction.. As we are completely redoing the interface for it, so it has to wait until next week.
Instead, we'll talk about a major change to the Holy Roman Empire, and give you the new achievements for 1.12.
Imperial Authority and Reforms
Imperial Authority has had a significant rework in 1.12. The old system tended to advance or retreat authority in big lurches and was very open to exploits. It also did not take into account how well the Empire was doing overall, and there was little benefit for the Emperor to maintain a large number of member states.
This has been changed in 1.12, as many of the events that gave Imperial Authority have been replaced with ticking values. The monthly change to Imperial Authority is now displayed in the interface, and will depend on factors such as:
- Whether there is peace in the Empire
- Total number of member states
- The amount of HRE territory held by outside powers
- The amount of HRE territory held by heretics & heathens
- The number of electors and free cities
An Emperor who is doing a good job will see their Imperial Authority naturally grow without having to resort to methods such as annexing states when authority is at 0 only to release them again later, while an Emperor that allows outside powers and heretics to dominate the Empire will find themselves unable to pass reforms entirely.
As part of this change, we've also revised the old 'Imperial Integrity' modifier for having more than 25 princes. We felt this modifier was both too strong and too arbitrary, so it has been removed. Instead, the HRE reforms were buffed to provide more of an incentive for members to vote for reform.
Baltic Crusader - As Teutonic Order or Livonian Order conquer all of the Russia Region and make it Catholic.
Neither Holy, Nor German - Get 7 free cities in the HRE that are not of German Culture, as Emperor
Colonial Management - Have 3 colonial governors directly appointed by you at the same time.
Voting Streak - Get through 11 Issues in a row in Parliament
An Industrial Revolution - As GBR, all in english region, with 25 development.
City of Cities - Create a City with 60 development.
One Family to Rule them All - Have your dynasty on 8 thrones at the same time.
This is My Faith - Become Protestant and get maximum amount of traits.
Bleed them dry - Have 10 different War Reparations being paid to you at the same time.
Subsidize my Love - Subsidize 3 different allies at least 50% of their monthly income without running a deficit.
Take that Habsburgs! - As Hungary, Conquer all of Austria.
The White Elephant - As Ayutthaya conquers all provinces in Indochina region
The Buddhists strike back - As Ceylon conquer all of India and convert it to Theravada.
Better than Napoleon - As France, conquer Vienna, Berlin & Moscow.
Big Blue Blob - As France, hold 100 european core provinces before 1500.
A Full House - Have 3 Vassals & 2 Marches at the Same time.
Black Jack - Maintain 21 different overseas Subjects with more than 5 provinces each, without anyone having more than 50% Liberty Desire - Trade Companies does not count.
A Decent Reserve - Gain at least 1M Manpower.
The Six Nations - Form a federation of at least 6 nations as the Iroqious.
The Bohemians - Conquer and core Dublin as Bohemia.
Komenoi Empire - Make Trebizond into an Empire.
Lucky Lucca - As Lucca, own Lucknow!
A Fine Goosestep - Form Prussia and get 125% Discipline.
Meissner Porcelain - As Saxony own all chinaware provinces.
All Your Trade are Belong to Us! - Have highest tradepower in Genoa, Venice, & English Channel, while gaining 300 income per month.
¿En serio; Sentido común? JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA
Los que hacen los nombres se fueron de vacaciones. A este ritmo de DLC's nunca podre tenerlos todos. Con todo, si es baratito estará a la espera, junto a Art of War.