Have a question to the devs: HOW? How can someone possibly conceive an idea so bad that I can't even wrap my mind about it?? Not only someone think of something so redardedly tedious and counterintuitive but also actually made it happen. The mission description says that that the goal is to get yourself to the stone circle across the map. This concept is further reinforced by the green arrow pointing at at the circle and the fact that it's being guarded by a biggish army with a hero unit. Imagine my surprise when after finally defeating them NOTHING HAPPENS. "Hmm"- I thought. "Perhaps I should capture the last victory point that I missed." Nope, the evil genius of Neocore will not let it be so easy. "Perhaps than I should kill the remaining enemies, that are scattered here and there?" - as you see I am grasping at straws here, since nowhere at all was it even hinted or implied that this was the goal. Apparently that's not it either, guess again!. So here I am, sitting on this god damned empty map with no idea what am I supposed to be doing AND I CAN'T EVEN SAVE THE GAME after wasting 3 hours on this POS. Thank you, Neocore.